Zoom vs Hangouts vs Skype vs Webex | The Best Zoom Alternative is ... Surprising

Zoom vs Hangouts vs Skype vs Webex | The Best Zoom Alternative is ... Surprising


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Reviews.org - 24.04.2020 23:54

A note on my pick for 'best Zoom alternative': In the video I chose Google Hangouts, mostly because EVERYONE has quick and easy access to it, and it's simple to use. The more I've used these services, though, the more I'm thinking that if you're looking for a true Zoom alternative, Webex is actually the best of this bunch. As I said, Webex surprised me, and I'm not sure I was ready during filming to say that it's the best of the bunch...but I think it's probably the best of the bunch.

dgSolidarity - 28.06.2021 00:04

I'm rather confused. There wasn't a moment of screen capture shared of any of the 4, correct?
I find it perplexing you went to all this trouble, and not showed any screen captures.

TALKCalgary - 24.03.2021 22:06

We have switched to Cisco. Then again most of the time we are simply using telephone conference calling. At the end of the day we decided 99% of the we don't need video!

wemcal - 18.03.2021 17:36

great video and information

Lady Virgo
Lady Virgo - 09.03.2021 04:31

Your Cisco part😂 Thanks

Anon - 06.02.2021 17:21

My experience with Skype these last few days has been great. Family has had a lot of inconsistency with call quality on Facebook Messenger, so we went to the OG. Don't know what you mean by drops.

Air Espenilla
Air Espenilla - 02.02.2021 01:25

Its annoying how your camera was out of focus the whole video

stephen Green
stephen Green - 01.02.2021 01:32

Not really a techno kid but have used Webex for Quiz Evenings during the first lockdown, it worked perfectly with groups from all over the UK and Dubai no drop outs at all and the quiz master was able to see the 35 teams at all times as were able to hear what was being said, it certainly would not have been as efficient with Zoom. Thank you for your video it has confirmed what we did.

Tan Ty
Tan Ty - 28.12.2020 03:52

The fact that ZOOM is now acquired by a China setup sends shivers down my spine. I do some meetings with colleagues in China and they all advised me to drop ZOOM. Now about WEBEX. I tried it and I think it is a worthy rival, if not a better one. But so many of us are so used to ZOOM that we tend to compare its functionality with ZOOM. I have to clear my mind before using WEBEX and I begin to love it.

Feyo Lopez
Feyo Lopez - 09.12.2020 08:22

Wasanga, a Latin American Digital entrepreneurs mostly use hangout app.

Robin Bremer
Robin Bremer - 06.12.2020 18:48

As a performer and wanting to see my audience and hear them (20 0r less) what is the best??

Аndrew B
Аndrew B - 13.11.2020 05:31

Did you leave your mouse cursor in the middle of the screen on purpose?

Maksim - 02.11.2020 16:13


BlindFury - 02.11.2020 09:30

Webex does seem really good. I hadn't heard of it before this video. The only thing that doesn't seem very good about it is that potato audio quality.
As far as the hanging with Friends video goes I really hope you include Discord. I honestly feel like nothing even comes close to it.

jignavsharma - 23.10.2020 17:25

Steve is usually the one which does martonne software

Seeja Devan
Seeja Devan - 18.09.2020 23:28

i'M yOuR 666Th LiKkEe

Alan Vallazza
Alan Vallazza - 08.09.2020 19:05

Never heard of Zoom till recently and by recently just last month on the news. I have always used Skype and Hangouts. So I see it is a similar software. Just got confused when people said Zoom as opposed to teleconferencing or video conferencing or what have you. Not sure when Zoom got popular but I never used.

Carolyn Wilson
Carolyn Wilson - 23.08.2020 21:35

I am a member of at 10 person group of friends that meet once a week. There could be more participants in the future. One thing I like about Zoom is that all the "windows" are of equal size and the speaker indicator is a subtle but visible yellow frame that goes from one speaker to the next. I have been on other video chat rooms that enlarge the speaker's window to very large and everyone else is small. When another person talks and gets the big window, the previous speaker goes back into the grid but not in the same place they were in before. It's confusing, and for a friends' group, unnecessary. The only reason I can think of is that the large speaker window is useful when that person dominates as a speaker/teacher/chairperson of the group. More fitting for business or educational purposes. Can you tell me which of the apps you discussed, maintain their window size and position no matter who is speaking? Thanks.

Delfina K S
Delfina K S - 14.08.2020 23:35

Zoom gives you recording for free because you are the product they are selling. If you care for security and privacy use Wire or Jitsi.

Adelar Kranz
Adelar Kranz - 08.08.2020 09:43

All above tools are good. Additionally, one can also use on premise R-HUB HD video conferencing servers for conducting online video conferences. It is easy to use and works well on all platforms plus provides 30 way HD video conferencing.

official - 06.08.2020 15:31

im a kid but hanging out with friends 100% zoom because school accounts dont work on hangouts

John Foley
John Foley - 04.08.2020 16:52

Skype I notice has better quality video on CNN interviews than people on Cisco Webex.

Yalkın - 31.07.2020 19:56

Bruh you forgot the real king, Discord. Better audio quality and more control for users and admins. Oh and its completely free AND without time limit

Navid Davani
Navid Davani - 26.07.2020 09:41

in the recording, Does either Zoom or Skype have the option to record locally? I need it for remote podcasting. I am wondering if my guest's voice would be recorded after it's transmitted through the Internet (with reduced quality)?

Navid Davani
Navid Davani - 26.07.2020 09:34

how's the audio quality (bit rate) Zoom vs Skype? I am asking this for remote podcasting.

Daniel Cory
Daniel Cory - 25.07.2020 04:47

I think you sort of missed the mark big time on this one. As a professional IT tech who supports over 100 different small businesses ranging from Cities, police stations, Financial, medical, manufacturing, and much more, I can say that Microsoft Teams is a huge player. Most of these businesses are paying for some sort of Office 365 subscription, (the cheapest I believe is only around $6 per month) that includes Teams with it anyways. Skype may have been purchased by Microsoft, but it wasn't built by Microsoft, so it's sort of unfair to stain Microsoft's name with Skype lol. Teams, however, is a very solid tool great for small businesses and large enterprises alike.

Ralph Hershberger
Ralph Hershberger - 23.07.2020 21:57

Skype really!?! That's like informing people about records and A-track and comparing it to Spotify. Bruh how about talking about Microsoft Teams? Better video/sound, share projects and text, reliable and free!!

Carmine Strollo
Carmine Strollo - 16.07.2020 21:43

I'd like your opinion. I'm a drum instructor. needless to say, my lessons are loud. Because of volume issues and screen size, my zoom meetings and my Skype meeting have all bogged down from time to time. And I'm not even using wireless...I'm connected directly to the router via hardwire. For my lessons, I don't do group meetings, although if I have an ensemble sessions that might change. If I don't need all the bells and whistles, and want 1 to only a few in a meeting, which has the best throughput and reliability software. I'm gonna give webex a shot, but I can tell you now, I'm not fond of any of them because of the throughput with volume and screen size. My kids need to see me behind a kit and and hear me with no delay...opinions please...

meet me in the orchard
meet me in the orchard - 03.07.2020 02:42

They didn't even mention Discord

goldreserve - 25.06.2020 15:52

Google Meet is free for 100 participants, no time limit. It's good enough. Goodbye Zoom.
Zoom full of bugs - need to disable annotations at start of every meeting, cannot add a co-host because user is 'on premise', cannot remove waiting room. Also don't like the CCP censoring Tiananmen Square meetings / free speach.

ZelenoJabko - 24.06.2020 15:37

Google Meet is now free for everyone!

Bulls & Bears
Bulls & Bears - 20.06.2020 18:24

Is there any app which have annotate option like zoom ??

greg egg
greg egg - 08.06.2020 23:28

I've used WebEx for construction coordination and hands down the best 🤘🏼

Lawrence Shu
Lawrence Shu - 03.06.2020 09:30

My impression is that Webex has been around longer than Zoom (and I might be wrong). So why is Zoom the King and others being its "alternatives", and not the other way around, that others are Webex's "alternatives"?

Brett Noack
Brett Noack - 02.06.2020 15:27

Not a bad comparison review, although the reviewer does need to learn the true meaning of the word "robust"!

Sugar Bear
Sugar Bear - 28.05.2020 01:09

I don't understand why you didn't review Microsoft Teams, Skype is going away.

James Surber
James Surber - 23.05.2020 17:38

Webex is not "user friendly". For the first meeting that I was invited to, I could not join. Then I attempted to set up my own meeting, and had to make corrections to the time of day four times, and Webex still got it wrong. A very steep learning curve. To anyone who thinks I'm just a boob, I've been using Zoom for months, so I at least know how to run my computer.

Igor Schmidlapp
Igor Schmidlapp - 22.05.2020 18:15

Cheapest non-free Zoom is15 bucks per user/host PER MONTH...

Sachin - 21.05.2020 12:13

Google meet is awesome we are using that daily all time 😂

Cynthia Chicoine
Cynthia Chicoine - 20.05.2020 20:21

Thanks a lot for your evaluation! Much appreciated

Ken Thompson
Ken Thompson - 20.05.2020 15:10

Given your misgivings on Zoom's security, can you comment on security for WebEx? It seems that if WebEx is more secure than Zoom, that you would have a clear winner.

Janeen Guynn
Janeen Guynn - 18.05.2020 19:18

I'm doing research on these and was also very impressed with WebEx. I'd heard that Microsoft Teams is another alternative, but I think it's priced to only appeal to very large organizations.

Pete Jones
Pete Jones - 17.05.2020 22:31

...and now Google Meet open to everyone...Google catching up with Zoom.

Columbo - 17.05.2020 11:46

bro can you move the cursor off the middle of your face next time you make a video 😂 super distracting. other than that, very informative video
