Which Sublime theme/icon set is that?
I'm a begginer with Laravel 5 and I have a problem with finding login view. When I create new app I cannot find auth folder within view directory nor can I access localhost:8000/auth/login.
Can anybody help me? :(
This vid is only a few months old and already outdated ;(
Ответить5.1 laravel removed this auth
Ответить/auth/login not working, what is the fix for this?
Ответить/auth/login, the page doesn't exists. using laravel 5.1.2
Ответитьfirst of all nice video but i would like to know about resetting the password.
i mean when i try to reset my password it gives error as follows
Swift_TransportException in AbstractSmtpTransport.php line 162:
Cannot send message without a sender address
so can you pls describe the steps for password reset.
I've been looking for something like this, thanks a lot!
How secure is the Laravel authentication system? Would there be benefits of using a different authorisation system with Laravel such as Sentry?