Which Platform Could Replace X/Twitter in 2024?

Which Platform Could Replace X/Twitter in 2024?

TLDR Business

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@NatureXwars - 18.05.2024 14:38

With how many of our favourite influential ppl use Twitter as their main & only social media platform. I don't ever see it being replaced by anything else unless Elon rly fks it up & triggers a mass exodus.

@__Liza__ - 14.05.2024 21:41

Bluesky should change its name and logo. Threads and Mastodon UI are beautiful

@ashleyrose. - 28.04.2024 01:20

Mastodon isn’t a social media, it is social networking

@user-go5ih3ji6k - 26.04.2024 20:17


@radarmax1 - 17.04.2024 15:16

Mastodon joined yesterday, full of anti Trump post

@radarmax1 - 17.04.2024 15:12

Linda is undermining Musk, X is ban central under her

@ohwellplaythecardsthatimgi9494 - 07.04.2024 03:04

Twitter, or X, not being held hostage by Advertisers is a good thing. Twitter should have never have been profitable, making money off Twitter entails dystopian information harvesting and a nightmare world of endless personalized ads. Musk is just going to eat the cost himself and Twitter is going to be just as relevant as it ever was, even, I dare say, a little better.

@grrgrrgrr0202 - 21.03.2024 20:46

Twitter just should disappear without replacement.

@gasparucciox9706 - 05.03.2024 15:50

x sucks

@MMerlyn91 - 25.02.2024 22:10

None, but you and your woke audience can still dream about it lol.

@Ornitholestes1 - 22.02.2024 18:12

Let’s be real here. If people were smart, they would choose Mastodon. They’ve been complaining about the power of major social media platforms, such as Twitter, for decades now. So what better platform to trust than one that is not run at the whim of some billionaire, not run for profit, and actually not even one platform, but merely an interconnected system of independent platforms that share a common software base and are compatible with one another. It shouldn’t matter that it’s not "the same as Twitter", because why would you want the same as Twitter, including all those things that are terrible about it?

But people obviously are not smart.

@karenwang313 - 21.02.2024 00:09

Mastodon and the rest of the "fediverse" don't stand a chance in replacing twitter. If a seasoned tech enthusiast like me has trouble figuring out how the decentralized network works, there is no way a normie will ever give it a shot. It'll probably stick around as a niche internet community, but not as a mainstream competitor.

@brunoob1557 - 15.02.2024 15:54

Twitter in my POV

Great fast more populized feed for the specific variwty that i hang out usually with

Making conersations feels more relaxing i guess then on other platforms due to well the non strict rules

But that does bring the bad parts
I see Tons of annoying users here and there who just spread negativity

And also those NSFW accounts are not the most fun to watch on replies or notifications as the bots just keep on spamming unless some people dedicate themself to copy and paste stuff all over the place to promote their OF or other 18+accounts

Search bar function for conversating is great
And the users there seem to stay on touch for well how long they have been in the app guess

Like i have commented onto some random people that posted stuff Years ago from search bars and they answered in less then an hour which is More frequent then Any other social media place in my experience

Like Twitter Doesnt Block or Shadow ban or Filter Users Unless they have been reported for spam or other junk

Most of the time my feed is on Opinions on games, And leaks ( i play games and really want to keep in touch with recent things on games since i dont play all of them at once and dont got time to do so )

I enjoy twitter as a platform

But Also final thing and only thing that annoys me is the way some People use the platform

Some just post Sh💩t posts and want to gain attention and farm likes or followers
I see tons of giveaways everyday that are fake ( games with codes are more voulnerable )

And then there are Multi-Accounts like "No context x y" and they post the same thing as "No Context xyz"

So multi accounts are just... there unless i block or mute them

Otherwise i like the No anxiety from twitter

Basically my opinions can stay there without any problems
Ofcourse if depends on what subject but most of the time i am gonna know that im fine

@stoffersen2963 - 13.02.2024 19:56

God I love it when British people are wrong

@sonofamortician - 29.01.2024 17:37

do you have to be a nazi to use X, or can anyone use it?

@honestfan442 - 18.01.2024 00:05

You’ve got to get off twitter for a month to realize how far the content that is pushed on that platform truly is from reality

@Arguewithyourmom - 16.01.2024 23:51

Elon managed to destroyed a company the moment he thought it smart to buy it. The platform sucks and is overrun by “verified” bots and ad infused in every possible way.

@SeanTube2099 - 06.01.2024 05:03

Good video, but it didn’t mention that Threads is working to make their service compatible with mastodon. So that’s a combined service (eventually).

@Newt1969 - 31.12.2023 19:05

Mastodon: Twitter for people who love Statism. Which is the very ironic.

@hifijohn - 30.12.2023 00:53

Twitter may go the way of the hyperloop.

@gideonsteward93 - 29.12.2023 17:19

threads sucks, i tried it.

@AriaLavinde - 26.12.2023 14:47

I think more than just naming one of the Fediverse platforms (Mastodon here), it would have been more accurate to talk about the many platforms that Mastodon can mutually communicate to, like Pleroma, Pixelfed, Misskey, etc. As they have the ability to built its feed wih users across these platforms (like how Pleroma users and Misskey users can show up on Mastodon and vice-versa), making the whole group, surely only merely more potent than what is presented on the graph, but still presenting what can be a good alternative to networks on a rivalry with each other.
That being said, the video still retains a good point: even if we took the conglomerated Fediverse in comparison, Twitter is still miles away in terms of userbase volume despite decaying a bunch by its poor decisions and management. More than new challengers in my opinion, it would take fatal mistakes on X's part for a better platform concurrency to be restored.

@SSingh-nr8qz - 26.12.2023 01:50

Mastodon is NOT TWITTER and never should be. Twitter or X has always been everything wrong with social media. Mastodon has worked hard to prevent that and that is the reason its smaller but more respected when you actually want to have a thoughtful conversion vs being called a racist or anything under the sun for exploring important ideas.

@napoleonibonaparte7198 - 25.12.2023 18:30

Won't be too long until countries offer their own Twitters.

@BonJoviBeatlesLedZep - 25.12.2023 01:36

I've always said the only chance is for a billion-dollar company to back a replacement or for a startup to do it WITH VC funding. Only Threads fits one of those criteria. I'm absolutely rooting for it, but it needs community features like trending topics and DMs.

@GrantCelley - 21.12.2023 11:01

A hobby programmer here. It is easy to build a social media app(website) but its hard to get the users.

@gr33k - 21.12.2023 01:24

Did u even bother research ur article pretty sure that loss in daily users were bots

@CallMeTeci - 20.12.2023 20:18

tbh, ive tried many of those "alternatives", but most are simply crap, when it comes to UX for the average user. (and no dear Mastodon elitists... you are not "the average user")
The only platform that actually felt halfway decent was Tumblr. Not just that the site looks relatively familiar, but also posts dont have a char-limit and have much more options in their creation like having pictures between text. (Most basic features of any writing program are there for you to use) And i think that this might decrease misunderstandings and the incentivization of populistic buzzword-posts at least a little, leading to better culture overall. (Let me dream!!)
I know that Tumblr doesnt have the best reputation... buuut we are talking about a TWITTER alternative. So how high can our expectations be?

@ladouceur.gabriel - 20.12.2023 04:08

I think the closest platform to replace X is Threads. They already opened to the EU a few days ago, they do support hashtags, the EU agreement made it easier for non-Instagram users to enter the platform. The numbers are still growing and I’m sure they will work out the few missing features. I think to go there already and seeing the buzz going on is very cool. I suggest it to those who didn’t join yet! :)

@superchacho - 19.12.2023 21:17

X is the future even if it's doing poorly atm of course it is , it's completely under attack. Don't listen to echo chambers(goes for the creator of the video as well), remember winners win big when capitalizing on low stock, not when jumping on when the gravy train has sailed. Yes fomo cause most don't allow themselves to go deeper than that. Peace.

@RandomPerson-uw1oo - 19.12.2023 06:07

Mastodon is my favorite one, I like the idea that no one owns them. Ads may be important to support the creator of the App, but it's ok in Mastodon cause no one owns them unlike literary all other platform in this video, which also mean there's no distraction for users. And it having alot of community like Reddit and Amino, but having all community connected so not needing to join multiple means you won't leave out your friend for joining a community they are not into, and some can also join a community that has a rules they like more too. Lol XD

At the moment, Mastodon feel like the most community-driven and the more freedom, which is why Mastodon is my favorite. Lol XD

I don't think open-source automatically make the app good, even more so if it ended up being very complicated for casual people to use in order to become open-source, but if it's both that good and open-source and not all that complicated for casual people to even start using the app then AWESOME! That's why I like Mastodon so much. Don't get me wrong, it is abit more complicated than Twitter but mostly because it had things I never experienced in Twitter before such as a community system like Reddit but with all community connected, not because there's some coding involved like Linux. So it was easy to get used to it after I started using Mastodon. Lol XD

@agnishom - 19.12.2023 00:48

I am pretty happy with how Mastodon works. I know who I want to follow on Mastodon, and Mastodon is doing a good job of showing me their toots

@MSportsEngineering - 18.12.2023 21:46

Mastodon is just weird. It won't take off.

@TheAmericanPrometheus - 18.12.2023 17:14

Interesting that only now we're discussing Twitter alternatives. In reality, I don't think anything will replace Twitter. Even before Musk, apps like Parler, Gab and Gettr unsuccessfully tried to create a Twitter like space for right wingers. I doubt leftoids will find any more success in their attempts, either.

@mefisto05s.20 - 18.12.2023 14:00

None lol! Facebook already tried

@FlashdogFul28 - 18.12.2023 13:47

You sound gleefull about Xs problems. What Musk has done for free speech is incredibly important and it is more important than his tweet, however dubious.

@katieee4915 - 18.12.2023 12:57

quick correction, its not called reshare on bluesky, its called reskeet

@zain7270 - 17.12.2023 12:56

no body

@juliaschiero659 - 17.12.2023 12:38

How aboUt discord?

@jeffrey93849 - 17.12.2023 09:55

I’m unsubscribing it’s clear that this video is poorly researched and full of bias X mean daily active users have actually increased , advertisers are already returning Netflix just did today

@jeffrey93849 - 17.12.2023 09:52

Judging from the massive failure of threads it’s clear no platform will replace X, the advertisers are already returning and the domain is the fifth most popular in the world

@PeterPan-ev7dr - 16.12.2023 17:35

None - Twitter - X is just having an enormous comeback ..

@sidensvans67 - 16.12.2023 10:38

So it is true that these companies are blackmailing X Twitter . Hmm

@alwayslate5490 - 15.12.2023 19:03

Ironically threads came out to Italy Yesterday 😂😂😂 so the video is out of date already lol

@foodpls - 15.12.2023 17:06

Mastodon has a method of self verifying based on the user connecting their own website

@BodyByBenSLC - 15.12.2023 16:45

Hopefully none. We need less social media not more.

@thevikingbear2343 - 15.12.2023 15:59

Threads finally got Topics, so now Threads can really be the new Twitter. Until now it was kinda useless without the Hashtags, but now we can have Hashtags (just one epr thread though) and use it properly.
