Divi Theme Responsive Image With Text Overlay On Hover

Divi Theme Responsive Image With Text Overlay On Hover

2,213 Просмотров

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G L - 07.09.2022 11:54

The responsiveness will not work for all devices as devices got all different dimensions and Divi doesnt adapt for every device...

Hassan ali
Hassan ali - 17.02.2022 21:47

Hi Jamie,
your video is very helpfull, i need video how to make image with text and transparent overlay image in divi.

spoonmansix - 11.11.2020 23:23

Hi Jamie,
Thanks for this usefull video!
The first part was a litte fast for me: How to keep the image aspect ratio on all three devices? Is this possible only with full width image? I want this at my defined "website content width 1200". Also on images, displayed at more than one columns.
