Elastic Wave (Audio Retiming) Tool in DaVinci Resolve 17 | Quick Tip Tuesday!

Elastic Wave (Audio Retiming) Tool in DaVinci Resolve 17 | Quick Tip Tuesday!

Jason Yadlovski

2 года назад

25,244 Просмотров

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EinInternetUser - 07.10.2023 17:58

Not possible when the audio track is already speed changed.

Bardoom - 15.07.2023 00:39

Thanks. This was helpful

Hot Sauce
Hot Sauce - 10.07.2023 22:38

Thank you

jer - 25.06.2023 01:55

Jay, very helpful, and may be the solution to my audio drift caused by retiming a clip with audio from 23.976fps to 24fps. Several comments below seem to address this or a similar issue. I will also try the nudge/bump technique you suggested and compare. Thank you!

F.J. Seltmann
F.J. Seltmann - 22.06.2023 13:15

Is noone noticing that Davinci fucks all slowed down clips with doing automatic pitch correction. It mostly sounds horrible and is not even usable. What Jason did here also sounds bad. In elastic wave it is not possible to turn it the pitch correction off, like in Davincis Edit tab?

robert mac
robert mac - 21.06.2023 01:46

I record comedy performances (camera and a separate audio recorder), and the audio married to the video doesn't always match up with the audio recorded separately. This lets me make the fix—thanks!

-Don_Vito- | CS2 Sticker Artist
-Don_Vito- | CS2 Sticker Artist - 10.05.2023 05:47

nice exactly what i needed to (roughly) synchronize (out of frame) steps

My Random Stuff
My Random Stuff - 04.04.2023 04:25

This is a pretty great tool, thanks to you I used it to stretch the sound of a slap out and it went from sounding kinda dull to really full and exciting! Thank you!!

Cliff Melerine
Cliff Melerine - 25.02.2023 22:01

You need to first determine the song tempo and set the Grid in Fairlight to the time signature and tempo of the track... After that you set Elastic points on the grid lines and this feature is actually useful ;-)

THEY SAID THAT?? - 15.02.2023 19:39

fantastic..just what I needed...as I am doing vocie-overs to video...i loved it when you said do a couple more 'lines' outside the affected area and it changes only what you had previously selected...amazing..thanks again....

Go Polaris Studio
Go Polaris Studio - 14.02.2023 01:14

they made it so hard to do something so simple - how can I just rate stretch the entire audio item, like grba a handle and stretch exactly how you can with video on the Edit Page?

Kamera Na Dnie
Kamera Na Dnie - 11.11.2022 15:14

I have short few seconds sound clip and it don't work. I press Ctrl and no line...

AROAH Entertainment
AROAH Entertainment - 29.09.2022 00:01

I just wish this was as simple and straightforward as in Premiere or even Vegas. I assume it's because of Resolve being sort of a conglomeration of other applications combined into one, but the compartmentalization of each major aspect makes it difficult to know whether a specific function is impossible or merely in another workspace.

Glad I found your video, in any case.

Artem Sky
Artem Sky - 28.09.2022 17:40

thanks for video

Andrei Todea
Andrei Todea - 19.06.2022 23:34

Thank you so much for this! Great video, to the point, no bs.

Darkstar81 - 13.06.2022 15:47

This video helped solve an issue I was having with my video track somehow becoming longer than the audio track inside of Resolve. I stretched the entire thing and after a few attempts, I have it fully synced up again. So weird. Original video was just fine, I don't understand it and after re-encoding the og file many different times in different programs as well as trying to copy out audio which was still shorter than the video track inside of resolve. No matter, 3 hours later and I can continue. Thanks for your help.

Matthew Shingleton
Matthew Shingleton - 11.06.2022 20:59

this is all great advice, no doubt, and I will definitely be using it, but how do i stretch the entire clip? I just want to click on the end of the red frame and stretch a 30sec clip out to the desired length to match my video. Is that possible?

Jose Spena
Jose Spena - 14.05.2022 21:13

Hello Jason. Thanks for the awesome tut... On DR18 Elastic wave sound as it's doing nothing. No speed change is applied. Can you check on your system?

Rick E
Rick E - 04.05.2022 01:10

Awesome! Thank you for that!!

Rich B
Rich B - 22.03.2022 23:33

I remember back in the day when I used Vegas Movie Studio, there were several different processing options for stretched audio that you could choose from which would actually improve the quality and reduce that kinda crystallised glassy effect it gave the audio. I think this would be a great area for improvement for Resolve cause you're kind stuck with what you get when stretching audio. There's a great bit of software called Amazing Slow Downer (lol) which does a great job of holding it all together when slowing down audio. In my time with it, Ive found that you can slow it down up to at least 60% before it starts breaking apart. I'm sure the good people at Blackmagic could do something similar in this area.

Mischievousmuffin - 08.03.2022 21:40

How would i stretch say, the last 5 seconds of my audio to elongate my audio time line further out? I want to bridge blank space between two audio pieces without moving the entire clip

Mischievousmuffin - 08.03.2022 20:20

You've quickly become my "Go to guy" for learning this program. Your vids are by far my favorite. Keep up the good work man!

Muwex Pelaa
Muwex Pelaa - 07.03.2022 11:27

Wish they had in resolve way to "remix" audio like adobe program, so you can make like any song 10min long without it being weird.

Stephajn Szekely
Stephajn Szekely - 20.02.2022 01:47

Really neat tool to have under the belt. By any chance, could the keyframes for the elastic wave be edited in some kind of spline editor? I'm thinking that it would be really neat if this tool could be used to simulate a tape or record wind down for music.

JONA - 30.01.2022 17:39

really nice tutorial. Is there a way of deactivating pitch correction for elastic wave?

Salesman Pride
Salesman Pride - 27.12.2021 11:25

I use it to replace a number that I was citing incorrectly. Of course, when I said it again, I did it too slow and it wasn't fitting. It works wonderfully.

Jeff Bourke
Jeff Bourke - 14.12.2021 03:51

can you do this on individual tracks independantly? so you can use this tool to line up 2 tracks that are drifting?

Jeff Bourke
Jeff Bourke - 14.12.2021 03:39

This could be a useful tool to fix audio drift

Le Sport Autrement
Le Sport Autrement - 05.12.2021 21:00

Great tool !
One question : How to speed up or slow down gradually between the 2 audio speeds ??

ArkiVlogi - 04.12.2021 22:58

Another great tip and a thorough, yet efficient presentation. Thanks again 😊👍

Ikonic Lion Productions
Ikonic Lion Productions - 04.12.2021 13:44

Sweet tip. Thanks.

Word Nerd
Word Nerd - 04.12.2021 07:52

this seems a good place to ask 'has anyone experienced a 'beep' or 'peep' sound in Fairlight when you stop a track? For what ever reason when I did the upgrade any music I add 'peeps' when I stop it. Help!

Jonas - 02.12.2021 23:02

Your channel needs more attention! Your videos are really useful, thank you for making them even for a small audience. Greetings from Germany :)

Stephen Payne - W0KNI
Stephen Payne - W0KNI - 02.12.2021 18:49

Very useful tip Jason, thanks!

Suzu's Cosplay Adventure
Suzu's Cosplay Adventure - 02.12.2021 18:47

Dear Jason, I just found your channel and find it very helpful! I just started with video editing and was wondering if you could maybe give me some advice on recording voice-over with a Blue yeti microphone?
Because I live directly on a very big street with a tram rolling through every 10 minutes I try to put the gain on my microphone as low as possible but then I have to get really close to it so that my voice is loud enough. the problem that I have with this is that I can hear myself inhaling and exhaling really loud while I talk which I find kind of distracting. Is there like a special setting I could use to boost the quality of my recordings without having to invest in soundproofing materials? :)
I would be really happy about some feedback and thank you again for your cool videos!

edit : I just found you'r blue Yeti tutorial video. It was super hepefull and I will give the stuff you said a try :)

oriole - 01.12.2021 18:10

This feature will work in a pinch but it will always butcher sound quality, unfortunately. This isn't Resolve's fault - rather, there is no algorithm that I'm aware of which does a natural sounding job with changing audio speed while preserving pitch (which is what's happening here). I'm sure this will be greatly improved with a neural networking algorithm in the future, but we're not there yet. The artifacts produced by this effect are recognizable and unpleasant. As such, I strongly recommend avoiding this feature if audio fidelity is important for your content. Great overview of how it works, thanks Jason!

Zedd Gaming
Zedd Gaming - 01.12.2021 13:55

Hey, thank you for the great video.
I've noticed that changing the audio speed in Resolve gives a very strange pitch, tried with pitch correction both on and off. It is especially noticeable with dialogue.
My workaround is I usually take the section I wanna speed up to Audacity cause it does a far better job, but that takes time.
Is there a way to resolve this issue within resolve itself?

Linkin Emerson
Linkin Emerson - 01.12.2021 09:35

A huge leveling up when making music vids to movies, shows, is keeping bits of the audio of that film in the perfect spot where it seems to blend perfectly with the song chosen. This is way better than me having to test out a bunch of numbers & dealing with the speed ramp tool like a noob.

Small Business Photographer
Small Business Photographer - 01.12.2021 06:22

Yoooo I was just talking g about this with someone I know! This video came at the perfect time

RV Addict
RV Addict - 01.12.2021 04:30

Wow Jason, you keep killing it !
Great video. Thank you.

Twisted Trigger Enduro
Twisted Trigger Enduro - 01.12.2021 00:49

Pro tip!! Thanks for walking us through it. 🔥💪

Akkigraphy - 01.12.2021 00:31

Hey is there any short to offset video to its audio by few seconds or milliseconds? I do it by manually moving the audio or video clip using mouse drag but that isn't accurate...

Les Cross
Les Cross - 30.11.2021 23:00

Excellent, Jason, thank you. Really good for beginnings, endings and sustained notes for drama!

Smarter in 5 Mins
Smarter in 5 Mins - 30.11.2021 22:49

This can be useful for lip sync. Just assign shortcut to Elastic Wave. Then you can move the edge of the clip to change timing of the whole clip. And certainly you can use the lines as shown if needed.

Unbounded Art and Crafts
Unbounded Art and Crafts - 30.11.2021 21:31

Super interesting. Would love to see how it works with spoken words and how it works in combination with video

Fluffless Let's Plays
Fluffless Let's Plays - 30.11.2021 20:47

Super useful, thank you. Will try that in my project

Ririlan - 30.11.2021 20:32

Exactly what I was looking for. :))

Gary Cunningham #youareenough
Gary Cunningham #youareenough - 30.11.2021 20:16

Another bangin' Quick Tip Tuesday - Cheers as always man 🙏🏻🤟

haythem987 - 30.11.2021 19:16

Thank you a lot for this video
I use fairlight for a big project and it's a powerful software in davinci resolve 17

All respect for team blackmagic team

But please we need same update for Davinci resolve 18 I hope you send this points to devlopment team

*1- send clip to bus for effect not only track but clips also

*2- add folder 📁 for Multi tracks for orderly (foley) ( explosion) (gun) (wind) like that

*3- we need more easier for surround sound 5.1
For example we can choice in every track what we want ( L ) or (C) or ( R) or (LCR) or (Ls C Rs) or (L R Ls Rs) or other method we can choice 5.1 or 5.0 and open the pan and after that we can choice what we want turn on or turn off in our 6 chanel this metode more flexiblety because the 5.1 in davinci resolve 17 it's complicated

Sorry about my English and thank you

HoundDogMech - 30.11.2021 18:34

Another grate 'QTT' Bro. I needed this last week when I had some Audio Dropouts with a new set of remote mics I had never used. This technique would have eliminated those dropouts with out messing with the video. Although it was just 'TOY' R/C Turbine Jet noise anyway. Nothing where it would be that obvious as Dialogue. As always learn new stuff from QTT.
Great Job Bro.
