OVERPOWER Your Enemies With These Wanderer TEAMS [Best Wanderer Teams] Genshin Impact Wanderer Teams

OVERPOWER Your Enemies With These Wanderer TEAMS [Best Wanderer Teams] Genshin Impact Wanderer Teams


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stȺr - 06.11.2023 08:06

He's so fun to play, he might not be the best DPS at C0, but his kit and playstyle doesn't bore me. I've been using him for almost 3 months and hes still fun to play. Got Neuvi and Wrio but nothing can stop me playing that darn brat!! Still dont have C6 Faruzan, i only have C1, but hes damage is still good with Bennett, Yelan and Layla(dont have Zhongli cause i pulled for Yelan, and dont want that broken resistance). I might pull for Zhongli next time tho since his Elemental Resistance Shred is nice for many characters.

Holgrehenn - 04.10.2023 14:28

i love that he actually shared the combos too. not everyone does that. really appreciate it. keep it up!

Sergio Ugalde
Sergio Ugalde - 09.09.2023 22:51

I went from uninterested to maining him lol

Shine - 26.08.2023 10:50

I want use him with noelle someone suggest me a team

Deva - 18.08.2023 09:45

I use wanderer, raiden , diona and Benny or rain swords 😂 idk how to spell xingcho

ursineSomnolence - 15.08.2023 06:04

Is there a difference between casting burst in the air vs on the ground?

mikigirl18 - 14.08.2023 01:29

For the melt team, I don't have Rosaria leveled up. Do you have a suggestion for alternate? I would use Hypercarry, but I don't know if C1 Faruzan would work.

Neimy Kanani
Neimy Kanani - 13.08.2023 03:10

My favorite team is Wanderer, Faruzan (emblem), Kokomi (tenacity with ttds), and Layla (noblesse+fav sword) especially for exploration, I don't have to worry about my health and energy 😆

Gelo - 10.08.2023 06:07

I just got wanderer a few days ago and still in the process of building him. Currently just at 60/60 of him with all lv4 talents with temporary 2pc vv 2pc shimenawa. And I'm having so much fun using him during commissions and world explorations

Zephyr - 10.08.2023 02:02

I play wanderer layla xingqiu but im choosing between c1 faruzan or my c6 jean. Jean feels more comfy and gives 40% shred, atk speed, and deals dmg since i crowned her after c6 while faruzan is a bit clunky but has bigger buffs. Which should i choose?

Phantom_Raimundo - 09.08.2023 22:44

i like the sound of the last team cause i dot have albedo c1 (who is currently lvl 70) and Blue Hair bookworm (lvl 60) , though my fschl isnt build at all so i wanted to ask if there can be any other electro character there like kuki for emergency healing or something since in the abyss (for exsample) you cant use healing items or is there a specific reason why fschl was shown in that team comb ?

Ixirion - 08.08.2023 22:04

haha. On one showcase while explaining how good the team was you were already on 2 min abyss run. Chamber 1. Thats not a good sign XDDD

As I've got C6 Faru he kicks ass as one of the best but before - yeah just spare yourself and your sanity and go play hyperbloom kuki or someting.

security999 - 06.08.2023 03:31

Great video. Some new teams to try. Mostly been doing variances of wanderer hyper. Going to try the burgeon team and tazer variant.
I found layla, faruzan, xq freeze comp fun and kept wanderer as main dps.

DeepAwoken - 06.08.2023 01:29

Hi bro pls reply I wanna ask for advice

Haywood Jablome
Haywood Jablome - 05.08.2023 08:06

I'd pull for him if i had a single Farazan, but I can't seem to ever get one.

Marwolaeth - 05.08.2023 04:04

My team's build is pretty unusual here coz im using Noblesse to Xingqiu with 220 ER, Tenacity Layla and VV C3 Faruzan. I also tried using 4pc Blizzard Strayer on Wanderer. Decent dmg but I prefer DPC more.

I also tried an aggravate team for fun:
- Miko
- Baizhu
- Faruzan
- Wanderer

You can use Fischl, Dori, Kuki or Beidou instead of Miko (I don't have Fischl that's why I use Miko). And you can also replace Baizhu with Yaoyao or Kirara. Just a weird team to challenge yourself in the abyss :))

Emily J
Emily J - 04.08.2023 19:53

I was fortunate enough to get his c6 on the first banner and r5 on the second banner. It’s really unusual for me to whale to that extent. But now I use him in every spiral abyss, usually with faruzan, jean, and zhongli or layla. I love playing him, no regrets.

King Will
King Will - 04.08.2023 17:34

Another note Thoma and Layla are better for the wanderer than zhongli. The better your artifacts the more cracked the wanderer becomes. And your pulling for cons either you go c2/c3 or you go c6 as wanderer c6 is a 75% damage increase from his c0

AnimXPlay - 04.08.2023 15:49

Can i use 2ps atk and 2ps anemo dmg artifacts?

HiHelloHiNo - 04.08.2023 13:55

It can be good to cast burst before E so you get all the buffs to frontload the damage on enemies that'll die before you'd burst otherwise

Leng W
Leng W - 04.08.2023 12:49

is it okay to use 4pcs viridescent venerer on faruzan??

Zuber - 04.08.2023 12:43

Bro i need help with characters

Coffea - 04.08.2023 12:32

I was originally going to skip this banner, but so glad I didn’t. I wanted to save for Zhongli and already had enough teams for spiral, so I didn’t need another dps. Then I remembered he can fly and here we are.
No regrets. Excellent for traversing the world and mine was actually really easy to build. I am still not to the point of farming his artifacts yet. I just used some random spare artifacts with crit stats and he’s still pretty good. I just used him on a team of Kuki, Xiangu, and Nahida. Those myself I feel the damage is unrelated to Wanderers, so I want to focus on boosting him more. So I am making a team with Farizan, Bennett, and Thoma. Double pyro for the damage boost + style points cuz I just love Thomas design. Finally I have an excuse to use him now.

Idk what the point of this was, it’s just 2:30am and I feel like sharing 🙃

soo ah
soo ah - 04.08.2023 10:56

Is there a option or setting to make his mouth shut ? He kind of annoying when he talking .

king doom
king doom - 04.08.2023 10:09

The freeze team you mentioned is so bad and it shows cause its needs more than 100 sec to clear in footage , people overestimate yelan and xingqiu way to much , outside of single target they are meh , best freeze wanderer team is by far wanderer faruzan layla and mona

DragonEnvy 026
DragonEnvy 026 - 04.08.2023 09:59

“Deal as much damage as possible” puts dehya on the screen

Leon Du Toit
Leon Du Toit - 04.08.2023 08:42

Another note. Wanderer feels weak at low investment(bad artifacts), he get significantly better as you get better artifacts for him. With a decent build wanderer is super fun and strong

max5452o - 04.08.2023 07:06

I'm really struggling!! He looks so fun!! And those teams are nice and different and I can literally try all of them of I had wanderer
If I don't get him now I just hope he comes back soon and allow me to add him to my team
Thank you for the great video, buddy
