ABW Metronome & Low-pass Filter Kits: Two fun audio projects for

ABW Metronome & Low-pass Filter Kits: Two fun audio projects for


3 года назад

28 Просмотров

Back this project: https://www.crowdsupply.com/audio-builders-workshop/abw-metronome-and-low-pass-filter-kits

Just got your kit and not sure where to start? Please see the Getting Started Guide update for resources!If you’re interested in learning how to solder for the first time or you want a fun new project to keep your soldering-skills sharp, these kits are for you! The ABW Metronome Kit and Low Pass Filter Kit were designed specifically with education in mind. Basic audio gear is a great vessel for hands-on solder education because you can see and hear the results.
Learn to Solder by Building Audio GearAudio Builders Workshop (ABW) is a program that works to provide educational opportunities for anyone to learn more about audio. To encourage musicians and audio engineers to build their own gear, ABW started to run build sessions for everything from microphones to guitar effects pedals. We quickly realized that while people were interested in building their own audio gear, many were intimidated by the cost and/or complexity of the projects.
That’s when we developed these low-cost, simple kits based on audio - to allow people to gain confidence to tackle commercial DIY audio kits. The kits work well for individuals as well as in group build environments.

Metronome and Low Pass Filter mounted on plexiglass for a demo.

If you’ve never soldered before, these kits are a great place to startWhile a group build event with staff available to answer any questions you
have is nice, we find that most people who read over the Solder Comic can
start right in on building the kits without problems. There are also a large number of
videos and other learn-to-solder guides that can be found with a quick query on the ‘net,
search for soldering tutorial.
The Metronome Kit

This kit is the easier of the two and the one we suggest for group builds with people who have never soldered before. The final result produces a steady beat with a wide range of tempos.
The kit offers three output methods:

LED (flashes)
1/4" phone jack

The switch allows the speaker to be shut off, allowing use of the LED or line out for cases
where the speaker noise would be problematic. The circuit is powered by a 9 V battery.
The PCB is a single-sided board, which means that if you make an assembly error, unsoldering components
is easier than with the typical two-sided board.
An experienced person can build the kit in under 20 minutes. When we run group build sessions,
most people finish in 90 minutes, with a few going to two hours.
Kit Contents
PCB blank
All electrical components for the PCB
9 V battery clip
1/4" phone jack

A 9 V battery is not included.
Certain tools are required for this kit.
Instructions can be downloaded from the project site.
We suggest that the kit be placed in a case to make it easier to use #kickstarter​ #kickbooster​ #indiegogo​ #newinventions​ #gadgets​ newinventions2021technology​ #campaign​ #advertisement​ #kickstarterproducts​ #kickstarter2021 #kickstarterprojects
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