STOP using Cloud Storage! Do this instead:

STOP using Cloud Storage! Do this instead:

Liron Segev

1 год назад

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Liron Segev
Liron Segev - 26.03.2023 16:51

"what if your house burns down or NAS is stolen" - Most of us connect an external drive to the NAS, back up the important data to it automatically, and then put it in a Fireproof & Waterproof safe along with our passports/ wills and other important stuff. Rotate it with last month's backup drive.
Don't have a safe? keep the external drive in your car/ parent's house.

"Cloud providers, they don't go down" - eh... nope. Just google "google services down" and see that 3 days ago (at the time of writing this) it was down.

"Can you backup the NAS offsite?" - 100% - you can do a NAS-to-NAS backup. So you take your nas and it gets backed up to your NAS located in your office or your parent's house. In fact, you can set up the NAS for your parents/ brothers/ sisters and you become each other's backup.

If you want to, use CloudSyc to back up your data from your NAS to the Cloud and visa versa. So when Google goes down, or if you are locked out of your Google account, you can still access your stuff.
You can use BackBlaze too.

I want MY data to remain under MY control. If you don't and trust Cloud providers, by all means - you do that. Just please back up your stuff - and NOT just your documents.

I have been in this industry for a long time and I 100% know that the same people who come up with all the excuses of why "on prem NAS is a bad idea", are the same people who will bitch and moan WHEN they lose their data and have to rebuild their entire system because they only backed up some data so they can make use of the "free storage".

But hey, you can use whatever you want - there is no one-solution-fits-all.

Mariam Mahmoud
Mariam Mahmoud - 11.10.2023 13:20

can i use it for my course videos to be streamed and not be downloadable on my website?

Christer Wiklund
Christer Wiklund - 07.10.2023 15:31

Do you pay me for secure storage somewhere where i can store my NAS ?

Follow The Focus
Follow The Focus - 06.10.2023 19:10

I have a laptop that is connected 50% of the tike to my asus proart monitor so struggling to cone up woth something that suits me for storage and redundancy. I was thinking of doing a NAS but soon we are glojg travelling in a van and the lack of decent internet at times and lack if space will make that NAS idea not doable. Whatever direction i twke, my personal, non work stuff is backed up on 4 extetnal drives (2x seperate 2 disc raids in mirror) so the chances of both going down at the same time is practically nil. Plus 1x set is in my parents loft, out of the way. Any ideas on a lightweight, slim storage method for either 2 drives i can raid or even better, 4 drives i can raid?

William Penn jr.
William Penn jr. - 06.10.2023 18:30

I have an old Iomega drive that's about 20 years old. I stop using it about 10 years ago. Now I cant access anything on it because my computer wont recognize any of the files.
All I get is a bunch of code at best.
There should be a law against storage devices become obsolete, and company's charging you to access files just because they're old.

FX - 05.10.2023 17:02

dude you can literally retrieve that data from the broken drive there are companies that will do that for 200 usd or even less

Ms Tery Stalker
Ms Tery Stalker - 04.10.2023 00:18

Has anyone lost or have been unable to locate VERY old files in Google drive or photos. I'm talking 2008-2013... Which is old for files. I used to email docs and videos to myself and then manually upload these onto drive when I started using it like 10 years ago or whenever it came out. But now it's like it's so hard to find anything from 2008-2013 backed up anywhere. It's almost like I barely saved anything from that timeframe. Granted, I've gotten better at actually filing stuff and creating better files names for search now, but it still sucks.

Just invested in Google One, but what I'd been doing is just creating more Google accounts for more free storage before. That works too, but after 7 accounts, it gets hard to find stuff too.

Stef Tech Surfer
Stef Tech Surfer - 03.10.2023 14:45

Been using a DS 2disk bay since 2018.

Rex - 30.09.2023 09:24

what if you get elctricity short circuit or water somehow on device... You are doomed...

Tanveer Naeem
Tanveer Naeem - 26.09.2023 20:04

But this set up still doesn't do away with the risk of HD crashing or some other catestrophic event that may damage the NAS drives, e.g. accidently dropping the entire NAS box on the hard floor.

Metani - 26.09.2023 16:53

Or most important.
Your pirated games !!

raincadeify - 25.09.2023 23:06

I went to the website and it wouldn't show me the price without first agreeing to cookies.. That's a turnoff. Is there a way to get anything done online any more AND avoid the data grabbers? I realize it's a contradiction that I use Am@zon all the time, but am I wrong to at least limit the number of sites that I agree to cookies on? I guess I really need to learn more about data capture and save the data storage options for later, lol.

theeduplessis - 24.09.2023 00:33

For me i trust cloud storage because my external storage devices i buy whether expensive or cheap, they always crash after a certain time...

Below Average Joe
Below Average Joe - 23.09.2023 17:21

I see that Sony MiniDisc Walkman in the background.

CT808 - 16.09.2023 18:47

Sorry if I missed it, but is there a wifi option? Physically, I wouldn't prefer to keep the NAS next to my router.

Leander Perera
Leander Perera - 14.09.2023 20:28

Curious if it provides client-side encryption or not. Would be great if I could setup my own encryption keys so Synology or anyone else does not have access to my data.

Rois Ibnu Mukhlas
Rois Ibnu Mukhlas - 14.09.2023 14:53

i still prefee cloud storage

Turf Surf
Turf Surf - 14.09.2023 14:34

Someone breaks into your house and steal the whole thing, even if they can’t access the data right away, your data is still gone. NAS is not a true cloud, it’s more like a localized cloud.

Darian - 10.09.2023 11:02

What if there’s a house fire or it falls and breaks the drives

John Doe
John Doe - 10.09.2023 03:36

Can an AmberX device be connected to this? It's a cloud device as well that focuses on security as well.

Tim - 09.09.2023 16:00

Sure, people who won't spend $5/mo for cloud storage will spend $600 (diskless) for this device?

DIYfusionHelp - 08.09.2023 00:57

come on just come to the point

1980sLegoFan - 04.09.2023 17:04

But Apple iCloud and others use E2EE? Isn't that safe for sensitive documents? Not sure I want another piece of hardware.

Henry Cruz
Henry Cruz - 04.09.2023 08:19

Bad Idea for obvious reasons

SensitiveMeatball - 01.09.2023 18:46

My question is;
how do i backup the files on each computer (5x) in a small network but make clients have no access or limited access to Synology in order to protect the backup.

Kenny - 01.09.2023 16:13

Lol why use this Nas ? Build your own or reuse old hardware for unraid or trueNAS or even raspberry pi4 , why pay this like $400-500 for this ?

Thomas - 31.08.2023 14:26

I would like to try this at the first opportunity.

Booming - 31.08.2023 13:58

it's perfect solution but very expensive comparing to external HDD, OR getting new PC equipped with needed HDD to store my data

Paul Poliri
Paul Poliri - 31.08.2023 12:08

Disappointing the hard sell time to unsubscribe

WizArt85 World!
WizArt85 World! - 31.08.2023 10:44

Do it in less than 15min .... Precedes to pull out a large device that you do not have access to 😅 yeah this was helpful

Rashid Haqani
Rashid Haqani - 30.08.2023 20:09

Its still a hard disk!

Crazy Serb
Crazy Serb - 29.08.2023 01:15

I had something similar. One day thieves broke and stole my whole history. Don't waste your money buy cloud storage.

Miguel Mayo
Miguel Mayo - 28.08.2023 01:35

I would rather pay for Dropbox, a REAL cloud storage service, than rely on physical hard drives that can be lost or damaged in a disaster.

AsunaKii - 27.08.2023 16:27

It's too expensive in my country 😭

About Da World
About Da World - 26.08.2023 17:54

Hey do you know if this is opensource?

jong medellin
jong medellin - 26.08.2023 10:53

any guide how we setup sync locations two locations this to make sure , back are made in difference locations

ROBN - 23.08.2023 11:15

My cloud Home just GOT RID of their desktop folder randomly WHAT A NIGHTMARE!

hybrid green
hybrid green - 23.08.2023 05:58

Sure just 15 mins and 800-8000$?! This is legitimate misleading video for 8000 you can run yourself another wedding...absolutely ridiculous

Eri - 22.08.2023 17:29

Thanks for this video, very interesting and well pesented! I myself use restic in combination with naeon to store my backup (chunks) in untrusted environments like the cloud. That way I avoid having to depend on the cloud hosting provider when it comes to proper encryption key management.

Nelson Morales
Nelson Morales - 22.08.2023 00:43

ok NO this is not safe' its just hard drives!!! if they move, they will FAIL!! only a matter of when!! there is nothing wrong with google drive or dropbox. those companies have the money and resources to backup everything in case THEY lose anything . you data is MUCH safer there. this guy is in the stone age. don't listen to him. Just buy lots of storage on cloud drives. you will be better off. I mean if you just have a power outage and you're not home and traveling, you cant access jack!! This guy is full of it. thumbs down.

Matthew Burns
Matthew Burns - 21.08.2023 11:55

With that level of convenience come major security risks. Remember anything you do that is convenient is inherently less secure

That lock you complain about or process you hate having to do over and over. Yes it’s inconvenient, yes it’s more secure.

Some thing that holds all your data likely with one authentication? You have to delegate that access so there’s only one point where anyone could break just a single wall to get everything you have instead of individually… Is extremely secure I am very

Charles Smith
Charles Smith - 20.08.2023 23:22

I lost 1.8 TB of data stuff due to theft and loss! ;( :(

Michael Meeks
Michael Meeks - 20.08.2023 17:53

NAS Servers, but too expensive when hardware fails. Happen 3 times for me… and it was Synology. Dropbox works 100% of the time for me and my 10TB Regular Drive, just drag and drop for Dropbox. I have a copy & Dropbox is my failsafe 💞

Romeo Mariano
Romeo Mariano - 20.08.2023 05:39

No safe will protect your data from fire. Fire burns everything to dust. You need offsite data storage or cloud storage

Andrey Mor
Andrey Mor - 19.08.2023 23:53

Over my life I’ve had several hard drives failed on me. It cost so much money to recover data. Now I’m keeping for each drive at lease two backed up drives 😅

maxtrac1 - 14.08.2023 22:16

What if my hard drive in my computer crashes can it put the whole operating system back on a new drive?

Navjeevan high school
Navjeevan high school - 14.08.2023 14:38

how to excess my mail id from cloud

G S - 14.08.2023 05:53

I have this and the drive failed on me so yes, it can fail and it did.
