The Problems With Blaire White - Misinformation And "Moderation" | TRO

The Problems With Blaire White - Misinformation And "Moderation" | TRO

The Right Opinion

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@nothisispatrick6332 - 30.11.2023 22:11

This is the dumbest and most emotionally hurt video I’ve ever seen

@leahtv7778 - 30.11.2023 13:17

Why don't you call him "he"? He's a gay man pretending to be a woman 😂

@sooystcy - 29.11.2023 05:27

yall so mad blaire speaks the truth💀💀💀

@criminalperpetrators - 23.11.2023 01:39

She also has no empathy for the many people who would love to get surgery, but for medical, psychological, or economic reasons, simply can not. She seems almost jealous or self-loathing. I'm not sure which.

@duckyxo666 - 21.11.2023 16:34

I dunno, it just sounds like you don't like her personally. I'm not on board with this video at all.

@stephaniekaye235 - 17.11.2023 05:15

Nah. The Wrong Opinion. My goodness could you be more narcissistic? Gaslighting people by just spewing radon info so fast you can't follow without getting a headache is pretty gross. If your going to call others a problem, you have to look at yourself first... but I'm sure you have 😅
Can't stand how fast you prattle on and on and on about God knows what. Sounds like word salad to me. Unsubbed!

@adriennesosa1441 - 13.11.2023 04:19

Those 2 black girls were extremely aggressive. Boohoo you can't talk when you want. There owed nothing . He was gonna let you speak after the speaker you interrupted finished. I see nothing wrong with that... so pathetic....

@darkrider4270 - 11.11.2023 22:56

Bit of a hot take: Blair has a point about trans trenders, she is wrong that everyone’s experiences being like hers; generally the fact of the matter being that the past number of years showing an uptick or targeted “proof” of trans people being sexual deviants arguably proves their point

@edwright480 - 10.11.2023 16:46

Having serious gender dysphoria must be very confusing, it reminds me of anorexia. I actually wanted to slap Blair - I am not a violent person. Blair thinks that looking like woman but acting like a man won't be noticed. Blair is a young person and could easily be embarrassed by all this when an older adult. Men thinking they have periods is an example of just how strong the dysphoria is. The mind is a powerful thing.

@BK-is5fj - 07.11.2023 23:53

Women aren’t privileged. We have to pay for tampons, something men don’t have to spend money on. Doesn’t sound very equal and fair to me. The fact women have to spend more money than men is anything but privileged.

@BK-is5fj - 07.11.2023 23:41

Eh, I still like her. Who really knows anyone’s intentions anyways. I think she does a lot of good and she’s at least realistic.

@CAPTINjacksparrow - 07.11.2023 14:25

Blair is a bully

@thenerd2844 - 07.11.2023 04:24

I wanna puke seeing a adoms apple on a "gal"

@mentalhealthawareness5326 - 07.11.2023 01:52

She is the only one speaking facts tho

@wolfgecko2091 - 07.11.2023 01:08

if she was just a little less of a prick and more empathetic she would probably be far more popular

@Haleywambam - 06.11.2023 21:37

Blaine rocks!

@DanielClancy - 05.11.2023 23:28

This is WAY too long to spend on Blaire White. Can someone give me the TLDR?

@UTubeAngelique - 05.11.2023 05:50

I wish you would get to the point more quickly. Bloody gazillions of ads before you even start the subject topic… like 10 or 15 minutes with a strange comic of yourself popping up… even writing this comment, you STILL haven’t gotten to the bloody point. Almost TEN minutes. Can’t subscribe. Hate waiting on your crap. At least she appreciates real women and doesn’t downgrade them. Glad she gets her message across quickly and succinctly.

@xtothey5516 - 03.11.2023 13:00


@adwok7169 - 03.11.2023 06:30

This aged poorly

@VixionMarie - 02.11.2023 07:30

This comment section is so mixed up. It makes it hard to tell what people were supposed to take from this video. Regardless of how anyone feels… I think we can all agree that this world is doomed. I have no clue where we are going far as health and well being. I’ve never seen a comment section be so fucked up on both sides😂😂.

@sarcasmical - 01.11.2023 16:14

She said she's lucky because she passed so well for female and hasn't had to endure a lot of the negativity that more masculine appearing trans women face... wonder what she'd be like if she actually had to face the same struggles.

@chilljelloton2089 - 30.10.2023 06:52

This most likely wont be seen but not all forms of estrogen are created equal. Prog(estrone) for example tends to leave people with healthy sex drives.

Estrogen also doesnt effect everyone equally. Its normal to not have normal side affects. Its normal to not have every common side affect. Thats tye main reason theres multiple brands/types of medications. Different types are easy to guess but different brands can can have slightly different formulas-i.e tyleon and advil.

@stev6963 - 29.10.2023 11:07

Blaire is the most influential trans influencer on social media. I don't agree with a lot of her beliefs and ideologies but when it comes to trans issues I agree with pretty much everything. We need more LGBT people calling out these far left and SJW ideologies.

@digitiger100 - 26.10.2023 03:54

you are WRONG OPINION, sh1th€ad

@dinogrl4102 - 25.10.2023 06:42

watching this video now is insane

@D_YellowMadness - 19.10.2023 00:26

She did the equivalent of wearing a Hitler shirt while crossing a dividing line set up to protect Jews & then she pretended to be surprised that it went badly.

@gypsylee333 - 18.10.2023 12:20

BW is a queen who has done WAAAAAY WAY more for trans people acceptance than any woke Dylan Mulvaney freak.

@KoraOSRS - 18.10.2023 08:34

Legitimate question: What do you, fellow viewers, think of the political bias in TRO videos?

Now the necessary over-clarification because, well, this is the internet... I'm not saying "this is outrageous, look how politically biased he is!!!!", I'm simply asking, with no default implications, what do people think- i.e. a perfectly valid subjective answer could be "I don't think there is any", because there is no default implication in my question. I have my opinion, but I want to know what other people think.
If you want my opinion, I think there is indeed significant left wing bias, though it doesn't bother me too much because it's up to my discretion to pick up on it and decide whether I think it's fair, whether I agree with it, or whether I do actually think "hold up, this isn't objective, this is biased because of a predisposition to lean X or Y ways socially/politically", this latter case incidently is relatively rare. But I do personally think there is a subtle lack of objectivity. Also disclaimer because this is the internet: I hope this would be obvious but I'm completely excluding jokes, and obvious humour. Anything which is deliberate for the sake of comedy or entertainment, is not what I'm interested in discussing. TRO is still obviously entertainment, not pure sociopolitical commentary for the sake of it.

@akirashiori6265 - 17.10.2023 19:17

Blaire walked so Just Pearly Things could run

@keylaterry6688 - 17.10.2023 13:45

People who grow up conservative...

They just think different.

It doesn't matter if they have some protected status.

You don't unlearn a way of thinking that denies your right to exist overnight. Or even, in my experience, over a decade.

But people were nice to me and patient with me. People let me say shitty stuff. And i learned.

Im not saying we have to be nice to every bigoted person

But i think if we care about the community, we might have to be nice to the bigoted members of it

@dougieh3039 - 16.10.2023 06:25

I love Blair!!! ❤

@briannaliley5479 - 15.10.2023 11:15

leave Blaire alone... feminism is cancer.

@_letstartariot - 14.10.2023 22:23

‘Female privilege is when man open door for woman’ oh the intellect

@shqip_sumejja - 13.10.2023 21:41

I am not leftist, I have not watched the video but isn't Blaire white one of the few trans women who speak with reason and make sense, I respect her

@JaynaeMiller - 13.10.2023 16:38

The problem with Wolk is that everyone on both sides is using that word incorrectly. The word woke (partially in its current form) began a long time ago in the 1930s when a musician Lead Belly, wanted Black people to "stay woke" or they might get wrongfully accused (or lynched) in reaction to the Scottsboro Boys. It was warning people to watch their backs, and to be made aware of the dangerous outcomes of racism. That is all it meant and all that should mean. You can Google it. This girl needs to Google it. Any Republican or Democrat using it needs to Google it and understand its historical meaning before they start randomly throwing it out and labeling people falsely with that word perpetually that is being taken out of context. It has nothing to do with SJWs (and SJWs are using the word wrong as well) or people who think liberalism is bad (or conservatism is all about anti-wokeism). It was just a word that was used a long time ago to protect a certain group of people that were getting killed for the color of their skin. The problem with labels is after a while, they get misused, and that causes a lot of problems in society, because people distance themselves from the actual historical purpose of using a certain word to begin with. That is the same thing with LGBTQiA+. There may be criminals who are in that community (there are criminals in every community--let's be fair), but you cannot label criminals with those labels to demonize an entire community. They are trying to use exceptions to the rule to demonize an entire group of people and that is not right and as a transgender person, she should know better. I have a trans. Gender family member. I have a gay family member. And I know, for a fact that, even though I am, sis, gender, I am not going to make a sweeping generalization for the actions of one or two people. They are trying to use exceptions to the rule to demonize an entire group of people and that is not right and as a transgender person she should know better. I have a trans. Gender family member. I have a gay family member. And I know, even as cisgender, I am not going to make a sweeping generalization of a group of people based the actions of a few.

@xwannabeetinkerbellx - 12.10.2023 19:48

pretty face, ugly heart 😢

@hannahriedel3794 - 12.10.2023 17:47

Why are we calling him “she”?

@somerking7040 - 12.10.2023 08:41

Shes always been very pretty.

@mitsuri9922 - 11.10.2023 23:00

This comment section is braindead

@marinadelrey3227 - 11.10.2023 01:19

Uhg, and here I am, clicking on a video, assuming it is a fair critic and not biased, like the point on talking about men taking their own lives comparing it to catcalling: 1)no one dies out of catcall; 2) till this day, we keep on talking about female issues and not male issues, it was pretty simple!!

@zaraandrews600 - 10.10.2023 18:18

You would need to be a really big book reader to read 900 pages in 12 hours. That is 75 pages a hour. I read a lot and I generally can read 60 pages a hour and can only read up to 600 pages in one run before I start to ache.

@vintagesonofab - 09.10.2023 08:54

in the videos she seems level headed and fine, but at core, she's a hypocrite, all of this naturalism talk when she literally implanted another face on herself due to her privillege allows her to feel like the bigger person, maybe it even allows her to consider herself better and more of a woman than other trans people.
That's oneissue, whatever, i can pass on that, but how low can you be and get to actually agree and feature on a tom mcdonald video, soery for being blujt but that dude would call for her to be m*rdered if it wasnt for her clout.

@INatalkaI - 08.10.2023 20:10

The fact that i watched this entire video is a testament to my angel-like patience. This limey droning on and on and defending child abuse and predatory behavior was like nails on a chalkboard. I was waiting to have my mind changed or at least a serious challenge to my beliefs, but alas. I haven't even seen a Blaire White video in years or subscribe to her, but this reminded me she's not a bad creator.

@SuperPukebucket - 08.10.2023 06:05

Uncle Ruckus ass.
