What Comes After The Final Shape? | Destiny 2

What Comes After The Final Shape? | Destiny 2


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@PhoenixAU - 17.01.2024 14:48

Aztecross riding that bungie D as always.

@TheDeliciousMystery - 17.01.2024 12:26

I think Episodes are just noncommital seasons intended to pad time and generate revenue until Marathon launches, or at least that was the idea before the reshuffles. It gives me the impression Destiny is effectively done and if Marathon takes off, has less overhead and makes more money Destiny is just maintenance mode growing more buggy and cheater riddled over time. Real question is what happens if Marathon straight flops?

@ShadeAnris - 17.01.2024 02:00

Hey just saying as a long-standing destiny and warframe vet warframe has been doing nothing but good lately including finally getting cross save 👀

@gloriousdeaddx9999 - 16.01.2024 19:31

Looked at the timer on the season pass, actually depressing seeing it say 140 days when it should say 42 days. We SHOULD be 6 weeks away and now we just gotta wait just over an extra 3 months 😭

@r1pperuk - 16.01.2024 19:05

I want to go back to big expansion every 12 months. im not into the seasonal content but love Destiny. They need to keep content around and give us reasons to grind it. Put unique armour behind hard campaign completions...that sort of stuff. Simplification is key not more more more.

@kobeyturralde8163 - 16.01.2024 09:06

It’s sad man this has been my favorite game for a long while now, I just don’t think destiny will be able to keep everyone going after final shape. Unless they announce a new saga and storyline. Maybe destiny 3 will come and extend the timer of the game ultimately dying out.

@billy_cross5580 - 16.01.2024 07:24

Really Sony hasn’t taken over bungee yet. I thought it was at that stage weeks ago so here’s the thing Sony bought bungee to get access to their live service expertise but now Sony is watching bungee self-destruct and wondering do they really have live service expertise or they just spent lucky.

@billy_cross5580 - 16.01.2024 07:22

I think that nobody is going to be playing destiny 2 x 20 25 maybe halfway into 20 it’s gonna die off. People are gonna be looking for something new that doesn’t require them spending money on a tiny little bit of content every six weeks they’re going to milk it as long as they can get away with it but the population is going to dwindleup several weeks after the final shaped drops

@billy_cross5580 - 16.01.2024 07:22

They’re never going to sell you property inside of the game. How would that work? They’re only 116 player or 50 I don’t know 15 player instances what’s the point that’s like that new Wayfinder game has an apartment that’s completely pointless. It doesn’t do anything for you? There’s nothing in it but furniture you decorated and that’s it, nobody can see it except you it doesn’t improve your gameplay. You don’t have crafting benches or anything that you can put in there it serves no purpose unlike say elder scrolls, where if you buy a big enough property you can put all 433 crafting benches in your apartment or whatever your your house your property and you can fast travel right to the door almost go inside do all your bit while you still need a vendor maybe you can get those to I forget I played that game in a long time, I’m all Grant. It’s gonna cost you a goddamn fortune to buy all of those crafting benches and I may be a little little when I say 433 or whatever I said but still if you have housing in a game, the housing should have some bearing on the game. It should be useful should have a purpose in DC universe online. The original layer that tiny little original layer it literally has a spot for each crafting bench And then each like the bank, the vendor the post to everything as it has a specialized spot to put each of those in. I got the layer after I went back to play that game and for about 25 bucks I put in each of those that one apartment Serves every purpose in the game. I can access the marketplace my bank do all my crafting everything in that one layer and I can fast travel straight to it so instead of running all over the goddamn map to do stuff, I can do it all in my layer that’s what housing is for that’s the purpose. That’s the only reason to put it in a camp in fallout 76, 100% useful your house in Elder scrolls. I have one right next to. I don’t have any of the crafting benches but I do have some useful stuff in it and I’m right across the street from all the crafting benches and in one buildingand I can fast travel to that house

@billy_cross5580 - 16.01.2024 07:17

Oh what idiot said that oh life service games aren’t sustainable live service games have been going on continuously since the 90s the first major multiplayer massively multiplayer online game was all online I mean there were there were other smaller ones but Ulta online was the first and it was definitely a live service game. The problem is you idiots don’t know what the definition of a live service game is, so I’ll lay it out for you any IP any product whether single player co-op massive multiplayer shared co-op you shared space like destiny and Warren any game regardless of how it releases free or buy to play or buy play forever any of those games that has a continuing revenue stream after the initial purchase of that purchase is free. OK really it should be identified as after the initial download because free to play games also fit this so if I download install the game and there’s a cash app subscription model DLC to buy whatever if there is continuing revenue streams for the company it’s a live service game if there are no continuing revenue streams then it is not a alive service game if the company didn’t design the game With the intent to sell you things after the initial purchase or or download in the terms of a free to play game then it’s not really a service game they’re not making money they’re really not serving you other than they either sold you a game I mean, there aren’t really any free Without some kind of there aren’t really any free games that aren’t live service but there are in fact examples of games that get updates and expanded content but never charge you for it live service are the way the gaming industry has been running since the 90s, the most profitable games, the most beloved and longest running games are in fact all live service games Whether that continuing revenue stream is a subscription or destiny two annual expansions elder scrolls expansions their ESO plus subscription model their heavily monetized cash app. Well destiny also has a heavily monetized cash shop. These are all examples of live service elements and they do work and if they don’t get stupid like bungee did with Destiny do destiny ones model is just fine, I would keep playing destiny. One story forever if it kept going episodically or whatever because the monetization is not an consumer it hasn’t gotten out of hand developing that product before they went crazy.

@billy_cross5580 - 16.01.2024 07:07

You’re gonna get like a few hours of content every six weeks that’s what you’re gonna get and it’s gonna be bad content it’s not gonna be stellar they can’t be forced to make one good expansion each year. They can only get one good one out every few years and then shitty ones in between what do you think gonna happen when they hand the episodic shit off to junior developers, so that the senior developers can move onto other IP

@billy_cross5580 - 16.01.2024 07:06

Yes, but they’re getting you ready for it now it will be just like the last season where every every week rather it’ll be every six weeks you’ll get a few hours of content and then you’ll have nothing to do for the rest of the six weeks but don’t forget to go spend money in the cash shop

@billy_cross5580 - 16.01.2024 07:05

I feel like nobody’s going to care because without expansions there won’t be any new shit except for a little bit of story maybe a weapon or piece of gear or something there won’t be any new landmasses no no more planets in the in the director the game is going to be over

@billy_cross5580 - 16.01.2024 07:04

You’re wrong cross it’s not a decade it’s six years it was a decade almost 9 years plus I mean to be fair it’s almost going on 10 years of destiny but they fucked that up. They started out with destiny one right did three expansions and had a story that ended with destiny ones final expansion well, the second expansion. The third expansion really was kind of episodic. In fact, it’s a side thing, and then destiny two started where destiny one left off but bungee decided to fuck us in the ass on that take away all of those missions the ones that actually you know like book 34 and five of the story just said fuck y’all we’re gonna just throw these away Maybe we’ll file off the serial numbers and sell them back to you again like you know they did in fact and then when they did that they started over they turned two into not a sequel but a replacement for destiny one you start in the same parking spot. When your ghost wakes you up you pretend like the beginning of the story doesn’t exist and you jump right in the middle so no it’s not a decade. It’s six years going on seven really when the final shape actually drops not even really a long time in terms of games most of the really good games last at least that long planets side two for instance, war frame is in fact going on 10 years old, unlike destiny war frame started out and kept expanding upgraded video and and what not got better and better and better while keeping the same story. Lots of games are way older and I’ve been around way longer and are still releasing expansion content that episodes not little side missions not fluff to keep people spending money in the cash shop but actual expansions.

@billy_cross5580 - 16.01.2024 07:01

Other games have done their entire content drop over a decade really like DC universe online that’s all they did was episodes I mean certainly every so often they released a new map a new area but it’s all episodic content because you know it’s about comic book heroes it only made sense to make it pathetic The bottom line is when you complete the beginning the end, I mean the middle and the end of a story in the process you heavily over monetize the shit out of it when you get to that end of that story the play is gonna be done right now people just wanna know how it ends and then they’re probably gonna go try war frame or even the division two I’m back to play in the division too, right I might actually end up buying warlords if it goes on sale massive all my characters were taken up too much space and I logged in and only found the one noob character and started playing at some point so I’m currently leveling up a brand new character just for fun something to do because I will not give bungee anymore moneyI’ll wait till you guys play the final and then I’ll watch the video that shows you know all the clips glued together so I can see it like a movie

@billy_cross5580 - 16.01.2024 06:58

Yes, but the division two has never ever drawn the number of players that destiny Drew destiny two wouldn’t of lasted this long bungee would’ve shut down destiny two if it had the tiny population, the division two has

@billy_cross5580 - 16.01.2024 06:57

Oh, you guys need to get over it the final shape is the end of the destiny soccer it’s going to be put out the pasture they’re going to roll out some episodic content just to kind of keep you they’ll probably hand it off to some really really junior developers to make some episodes to keep you busy They’ll probably pick various lower things and expand on it like rise of iron only smaller much smaller the game is done. It’s six months you’ll be finished with the final shape and it will be time for you to start looking around. Try a new game do something different with your time because destiny too, especially for you conte providers it’s over

@liamjordan3068 - 16.01.2024 03:22

Marathon will not touch Destiny even if it’s a banger like Overwatch 1.

@crayzhayden - 15.01.2024 20:48

Dstiny 2 ends after final shape. Bungie is beyond done with it. They want to make a new game that just has battle passes and average content

@generalhay5747 - 15.01.2024 18:50

hot take, fight me: Gambit is actually a great game mode. but as the 6 months Cross is talking about have passed, it didn't get any useful updates. maps were removed, health gating which is universally a hated mechanic got added. even if health gating keeps it balanced, at least it do it in a creative way. the mechanic of opening the health gate is boring. game modes were removed. almost nothing got added that the community can agree was a good thing since 2018 and it pathetic. not to mention Season of the Drifter forced people to play Gambit even though it barely changed which made it more like homework than a game mode to have fun in. and that helps in putting players off of playing it for fun because it bring shitty memories. all Gambit needed is support in maps, more mechanics based on --> maps/enemy races/bosses, more incentives to play them other than a shader. it is a great game mode which has been forever buried out of lack of content and can never be revived again because enough damage has already been done. and repairing it only takes away development from other parts of the game people care more about. so leaving it or repairing it are both the same, a lose-lose situation.

@vipermark21 - 15.01.2024 15:17

What happens when a game that comes to the end of the 10 year cycle that was put out when the game started? Game over...find a new game....I love destiny, but at some point things end.

@alxiong - 15.01.2024 02:33


@Island_Dragoon - 14.01.2024 20:42

Remember each DLC you paid for got vaulted? Wild.

Destiny 2: $60
Curse of Osiris: $20
Warmind: $20
Forsaken: $40
Shadowkeep: $35
Beyond Light: $40
Witch Queen: $40
Lightfall: $40
Final Shape: $50

Not including season passes/dungeon passes, technically $140 worth of content is unplayable (Base Red war campaign, Osiris, Warmind, Forsaken), 4 planets gone (Io, Titan, Mars, Mercury) (you can't patrol the planets and some strikes, crucible maps, and other content were lost.

All I'm saying is D1 Taken King set the bar for what D2 should've STARTED as, as well as what DLC CAN/SHOULD be like. D2 has come a long way yes, but you cannot ignore the countless mistakes and misteps its done/is still doing.

@matt91n9 - 14.01.2024 14:13

destiny = shit unorganised story. destiny vets and long time players don't care about story instead about the activities but everybody else unfortunately does which is why this year will be forever known as terrible

@booshninja431 - 14.01.2024 10:42

Remember the old raids in D2 that are no longer in the game, wild

@revenants.6992 - 14.01.2024 08:34

Either way, Im done investing money into the game after the final shape.

@joshdickson572 - 14.01.2024 02:54

Here's some perspective on Destiny 2. It took them 10 years to add a functional fireteam finder and we are still doing the same daily/weekly grind week in week out. That includes completing seasonal activities weekly (which are truthfully re-skinned activities each season), a strike a week, 3 PVP crucible matches weekly, and a raid weekly. Simply put, if Bungie continues to give its loyal fan base the same weekly grind, people will eventually get bored and want to play something new after investing so much time in the game. Asking us to pay more money for less content isn't looking after its fan base, it's actively killing the game. Not to mention we are not attracting any new players to the game because the IP isn't attractive anymore, but just wants our money. Rest In Peace Destiny, it's been nice knowing you. Looking forward to the Final Shape being the Endgame scale content that finally allows Destiny 2 to reach its peak whilst also finally putting the nail in the coffin to finally kill the game.

@legionse7en448 - 14.01.2024 02:11

Time for a VERY HARD PILL TO SWALLOW...Bungie made it clear that the Destiny franchise would be a 10 year franchise. Now they have Marathon. After the Final Shape that's it! Episodes?!?!? 😂😂😂😂 You mean overpriced quarterly DLC's 😂😂😂😂 Time to move on people.
Mark my words prior to the launch of D2 Bungie in D1Y3 NERFED EVERYTHING to include sunsetting weapons and abilities so the focus of their player base would devote their time into D2. Bungie will do the same thing with D2 prior to the launch of Marathon. Get over it people and just move on.

@shonheads8016 - 13.01.2024 23:27

Marathon looks like shit 😂😂😂d2 forever but d2 before sunset 🌇

@nathandias6771 - 13.01.2024 21:24

I can’t wait until they start tweeting ✨B U N G I E✨ again lmao

@EriccTheRedd - 13.01.2024 17:15

Final shape needs to launch as steam deck verified, reversing their stupid and hypocritical decisions regarding Linux would instantly grow their active playerbase, it’s the only way I’ll come back.

@ThisandThat___ - 13.01.2024 15:44

The game needs to end so addicted players can be set free. Stringing them along with the promise of a better future is no way to treat anyone.

Also, 'Coss always out here with the absolute worst takes. Sony could axe Destiny / Marathon. What a fking moron lol

@HeroicCloser - 13.01.2024 15:12

I remember Prometheus Lens only trials where the trace rifle killed in a quarter of a second.

@Ax-xN - 13.01.2024 10:33

12 weeks is less and there’s no any change in quality or quantity 😂 please don’t fall for bungie nonsense they fired the best people and they think can do better no one cares about marathon and destiny is done especially with the hike in prices

@z28yeti - 13.01.2024 05:02

They are killing their cash cow because other failures... failed?

Comparing Destiny to the division, avengers (might as well include anthem too right???) and literally ANY other game "in this genre" is absolutely obscene. They are basically declaring the game DEAD.

The reason none of those other games have sizable expansions is because they could never max the success of Destiny. I mean give me a break, avengers was a complete joke, and division launched so busted it never recovered. This is a horrible mistake unless they plan on launching destiny 3 soon.

They will destroy the only viable live service game that is an actual game (not just a BR/team shooter)

@ryanhickson6399 - 13.01.2024 04:50

I believe we are gonna get smaller expansions but they arent gonna come out on a schedule. Maybe we get 2 in 1 year sometimes we might 1 in 2 years

@donsoul355 - 13.01.2024 04:41

Wild indeed.

@anonvoila4883 - 13.01.2024 04:35

Remember when Destiny didn't vault content we paid for and dick us around and gaslight use

@jacoblynch8273 - 13.01.2024 02:52

Bungie has plenty of money to make new content.

@Braves2Dawgs - 13.01.2024 00:47

I hope it’s done after TFS. The game has far past run its course at this point.

@alostfraggle - 12.01.2024 23:28

I still think Commendations is stupid, what a terrible idea.

@bradw317 - 12.01.2024 23:06

Technically Linear Fusions have been around since House of Wolves, Queenbreaker's Bow was our first ever Linear Fusion way back in Destiny 1. Same with the now infamous side arms, our first two side arms Vestian Dynasty and Dreg's Promise, gave rise to some of the powerhouses of today's metahs.

@kingkarma7182 - 12.01.2024 20:49

If they don’t we need every piece of dlc back on the game and new events

@brainburn5635 - 12.01.2024 20:49

So glad I quit playing this game a year ago.

@kekinshtein4912 - 12.01.2024 20:30

I think that Destiny 2 should end within a year or two of TFS max. If they’re going to make a D3, I think Bungie should focus on making the game feel less centralized around a single large story and instead focus on player stories in the world, and how they interact with each other instead of the he vendor npcs.

@ErnieOporto - 12.01.2024 16:01

Considering that strand should have come out with Witch Queen, Bungie did not keep to their yearly schedule, and the problems with keeping to that were obviously happening after Shadowkeep.

@SpaceElvisInc - 12.01.2024 13:40

Annual expansions are only good for inventors, dam suits optomize the best way to trick other suits to buy in

@mattchadwick1337 - 12.01.2024 08:20

I'm too invested now lol but if it ends with TFS it best be worth it. Been very up and down over the years. More downs since Witch Queen

@barbaricbri - 12.01.2024 05:54

i love how the D2 community has NORMALIZED getting nickel and dimed for content, talk about COPIUM

@deku5803 - 12.01.2024 05:49

So much copium in the comments its crazy
