Fantastic work! Please do a video about connecting cosmosdb to a XF app :)
ОтветитьThanks James.
Where did you register the route for RegistrationPage ?
Hello James its always feel good to see your video, I am beginner on Xamrin programing so requesting you to add login button code to check username and password from REST API and store logged in user details in cache or SQLlite, I like to see what is correct way to do in. Thanks again for move us forward on Xamrin
ОтветитьThanks for this video. Please what if i want my splash screen to come before the login page. How do i go about it?
ОтветитьExcellent video, Thanks !!!
ОтветитьHow can i save items in a listviewmodel so when i close the app and open it again, it shows the same items that the user put? btw great tutorials
ОтветитьCould you add some bit about error handling? It would complete the video.
ОтветитьHi James I’m a new .Net developer what your suggested roadmap preparation for MAUI should I learn Xamarin forms now ??
ОтветитьI have started an app, however I don't have a need for flyout or tabs. So instead of Shell, I navigate programatically like - if (loggedIn) { Application.current.main = new MainPage; }. Then on logout I reassign the main page again to a new LoginPage.
Is there any benefits to switch to Shell in this case?
ОтветитьHi James! Thanks for the great content! I haven't found the login code on Github. When trying to reproduce, the hamburger menu is appearing, I would like to compare it with my code
ОтветитьHey James, thanks for the video! I am having a couple issue however with the login/logout flow. Each time I navigate with "//" the backstack clears, but seems to save its state. For example, if I start at //LoginPage then log in it brings me to //HomePage, which is correct. Then I navigate to //HomePage/SettingsPage to click a logout button. Then that brings me back to //LoginPage. However, its not a new loginpage, but the same one I used to log in the first time (the username and password still appear in the entries, etc.) Also, once I log back in, instead of bringing me to //HomePage as I would like, it brings me back to //HomePage/Settings. Perhaps this is how it is designed, but if so what is the recommended workaround?
ОтветитьExcellent tutorial
ОтветитьHello James . I have a requirement that have flyout and as well as tabbar. Tabbar and flyout should not have common page. Is it possible to do in the 101 video? because in most of the application it have bottom tab and flyout too.
ОтветитьThe more I watch your videos, the more I appreciate them. Your pace is perfect.
ОтветитьSir. When I hit the register button I got this error "(System.ArgumentException: 'unable to figure out route for: RegistrationPage Parameter name: uri' . So how can avoide this error. I did everything as you said. But i have this error.
ОтветитьWhat's the difference between Xamarin.Forms and Xamarin.Forms Shell?
ОтветитьWhat if we want to create a session for few minutes?
ОтветитьBut what if I want to login into Microsoft? Or to Google? How can I do this?
ОтветитьI would like to get and save user data & settings to the cloud. Can I use Firebase database for this or would Firestore be better? Can you make a video about it?
ОтветитьHi James, thanks for the video. Is it possible to use parameters with flyoutItem? because I have tried several times to use them but the app crashes. Thanks
Ответитьhey james... im also following your series and workin on a project of my own..... im using firebase as my backend but unable to communicate with the db, all rules are in order but for some reason its not working.
could you be kind enough to explain how would you accomplish this. thanks in advance and i really appreciate the time and effort you put into what you do for people like me.
How can I navigate in a shell different page per user type based on the login? I hope you can help me :)
navigate to Page 1
navigate to page 2
Hey James, the video is working great so far. However, I am having an error when I use // inside of a route. It gives the error that I can not have an absolute route be the only one on a page, or it just won't find the page in general. Is there a way to solve this?
Ответитьanother amazing video james, i have a question. i created an app with credential saved on a global variable class. and display the credentials it on the aboutpage.xaml which is my main page. How do i Logout and refresh the aboutpage.xaml? actually reload everything... or something like that. thanks in advance
ОтветитьThank million
This lecture is brief but so necessary to each App.
Thanks for the video! Regarding the if(authorized)goto inside the OnAppearing this might be ok on Android, but on iOS we would have the page appear to user and only after that the OnAppearing would trigger and redirect, creating a flicker to the user. Any other options?..
ОтветитьI really love your tutorials especially when you mvvm any of your codes, i just have one question regarding about query property, what if i want the user id to keep floating inside the application after logging in,is it wise keep passing it in each forms? But even that, the passed value disappeared whenever i go to different flyout forms , is there better way to keep the user info keeps floating inside after the login form?
ОтветитьI loved the video, new suscriber!
ОтветитьI'm still pretty confused on how you check the login credentials using viewmodel and then navigate to the standard homepage
ОтветитьBoom! Got it, perfect. Thank you. Really well explained.
ОтветитьAwsome video, would be great if you do the same video but for .NET MAUI
There's no info about it.
Hi James. Is it possible to have the TabBar with a ShellContent that execute the logout without have a ContentTemplate associated to it? You have the logout in the navbar, I would like to have it in the tabbar.... thanks
ОтветитьHello James! Could you tell me or show me some tutorial on how to proceed to a login page without blocking the user access? An optional login. The scenario is one Tab with public access/view and other Tab only displayed for logged users.
Then, when the user taps to this Tab, the app opens a login Page.
I have not seen this kinda scenrio at any tutorial...
I have tried IsVisible, ControlTemplate, OnAppearing... nothing seems to work fine...
An example: It would be like the your users could add some coffee equipment, but only if they are is logged in.
ListView: public - it's ok to user access
AddCoffee: restrited to logged users.
Great video as usual. I can always count on you for all things Xamarin! Will have to go through your MAUI stuff when I start my next app.
ОтветитьSir , I am learning Xamarin.Forms , currently I am facing an issue . I have added a splash screen and make that screen as ShellItem like this <!-- Loading/Start Page -->
<ShellItem Route="SplashScreen">
<ShellContent ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate views:SplashScreen}" />
<!-- Login and Registration Page -->
<ShellContent Route="Login"
ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate views:Login}">
but after that in my login page button click await Shell.Current.GoToAsync is throwing 'object reference not set to an instance of an object error . When I am using login page as ShellItem the code is working right , please help me sir . And thank you sir I have learned so many things after watching your video
Does anyone know how to use two different tab bars ? One for Admin one for users ?
ОтветитьHello, I would like to know how I can make the name of the user who registers appear in the floating menu.
ОтветитьVery useful tutorial. Thanks!
ОтветитьHi, I've been following this video to the latter but I ran into an issue when trying to go to RegistrationPage: System.NullReferenceException
Message=Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
And I have absolutely no idea how to fix it. As I've said, I followed through this video but for some reason I'm getting that mistake whenever I try to register. I would appreciate it if you guided me to the possible solution. And thank you for the amazing tutorials!
Great Video thanks James. Where the root is a shell TabBar is there a recommended way to navigate a chain of pages from the root Nav stack and not from within the Current tab page Nav stack? Of course could use Shell.TabBarIsVisible="False" or perhaps even Modal navigation to give the illusion of this, but it is still using the Current tabbed page Nav stack. Thanks
ОтветитьNavigation was kicking my ass recently, and I stumbled on this video. I recognized your name from your awesome Geolocator plugin. It helped me a ton to get off my feet in the app world during a semester project of mine that I've taken way farther.
Really appreciate the stuff you do man, thanks!
Thank you james🔥❤
ОтветитьHello, thank you very much for the content. I would like to login with facebook in net maui. Do you know information about it?
ОтветитьThis trick doesn't work with MAUI !
Ответить10/10 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 THNX!!
ОтветитьHi James, I was developing my Capstone project and it requires a mobile application I was wondering, is it possible for Xamarin to connect to database specially to mongo dB atlas database? also, how to make the application requires to be connected to internet. If it's not connected, then the app won't work. Please help me up I'm bit new to Xamarin, and I found your video very helpful.
ОтветитьGreat job!