The BRUTAL High MMR Experience

The BRUTAL High MMR Experience


2 года назад

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@UmbreonMessiah - 07.04.2022 23:43

Oh hey, look: a pro player who didn't know that Grade had nothing to do with MMR.

It just keeps happening.

@Created.Figure - 01.03.2022 21:42

Damn dude, you're really fucking good with nurse, hopefully she comes back

@crunk4124 - 16.02.2022 14:39

Satisfying to watch, especially with those OP no cooldown and limitless boon totems that we have nowadays

@austinwilson5341 - 15.12.2021 11:50

I play against iridescent all the time and I've only reached bronze as survivor and ash 4 as killer

@yadalieun - 17.11.2021 19:23

tbf you are playng the strongest killer in game........ try playing high mmr trapper vs high MMR SWf with coms. you'd want to cry

@shenelljohnson74 - 13.11.2021 23:04

That's ok I'll just keep dying instead of escaping from humble killers at least they don't use tunnel or camping tactics to ruin the game SMH

@isunbrxker8284 - 14.10.2021 13:55

U say she had sprint burst so u don’t need to worry? If u know someone using dead hard u can bait it it’s kinda useless only for distance which isn’t used much, sprint burst is used to make a pallet you wouldn’t have been able to make without sprint burst like the killer would be too close and overall in a game sprint burst is def better imo

@goldschmiedderechte1442 - 06.10.2021 02:46

i dont know what the message should be in this video i mean you got all 4k and they dident even reached the exit gate. The video title should better be "Nurse in high MMR is op!".

@dustyfox6511 - 30.09.2021 11:16

Playing at both the high end and low end of MMR there really doesn't seem to be a difference in perks.
Started seeing full meta perks starting around low silver.

@nursemain3174 - 29.09.2021 16:33

Tbh rank doesn’t mean much, I’m a silver killer rn after reset and going against red rank swf, who underestimate me and then all died. I feel rank is just how long u play for now

@Random-yg1fi - 26.09.2021 17:05

Gotta love the “Zarina knows what she’s doing” as they immediately drop a pallet versus nurse 🤦‍♂️

@devxved - 24.09.2021 22:26

I cant run many killers well, but I will run a nurse all game even if they're the best nurse out there as there was a time where the only killer being played was nurse and it was either get good or "play a different game for a change"

@M40A3_Alien - 24.09.2021 05:01

Are u a better nurse player than Hale?

@markgaming919 - 23.09.2021 09:13

Basiclly the new meta for 1 rank is anti gen rush perks

@silentshadow2957 - 22.09.2021 00:52

It doesn't seem hard enough for your nurse. You would need gamer pros to challenge you

@geezy12310 - 20.09.2021 20:24

Sooo only nurse is viable in high rank/tournament games?

@ayato4743 - 19.09.2021 17:58

And meanwhile I am getting all the super toxic and sweaty survivors on the lowest rank which are clearly people who played in the high ranks before the reset ... and the highest I ever got with killer was around rank 10 or so

@neganlanciani2941 - 18.09.2021 15:56

I would deal with all those survivor perks at rank 4 tbh, the way survivors use them tend to change as rank goes up though

@killthem7414 - 17.09.2021 21:14

I love to sweat

@messey4998 - 17.09.2021 21:07

4 adrenalines... yeesh

@SkaptorZ - 16.09.2021 12:28

Nurse and blight still do good, but try playing trapper or bubba against these guys

@spencerevans524 - 16.09.2021 02:12

You dont need perks on the nurse she is the most sweaty broken killer in the the game

@welshcrusade9837 - 15.09.2021 11:48

I will never be this good with nurse...

@itsmefoxi - 15.09.2021 06:33

Anyone got some tips how i can counter i am new and am really bad against nurse

@tomo_ka3040 - 15.09.2021 01:58

on midwich hide in the stall in the bathroom until the last gen pops

@flamesrcool4048 - 14.09.2021 17:28

Just play survivor and the gens will get done slower!

@wallyTM - 14.09.2021 11:16

You and your channel are so underrated it hurts. Love your content and i'm amazed by your skills. I would hate going against your nurse lmao

@erikstevenson37 - 14.09.2021 11:11

Hey Alf do you stream?

@tavemanic8977 - 14.09.2021 07:54

How the fuck does it work now? Can someone explain?

@knightmare234 - 13.09.2021 19:36

You make playing the nurse seem easy AF

@carpeta220 - 13.09.2021 18:42

Hey man! Can I ask what are your settings??? Like your game looks soooo neat

@torbenw5430 - 13.09.2021 12:36

Why u don't use plaything? It's a really strong perk couse u force the survs to do totems with that... But OK ur nurce ur blinks are a bit loud xd

@lajon6372 - 13.09.2021 10:58

How do u have such good FOV? U dont have shadowborn but it still looks like u do

@wakiwaki6375 - 13.09.2021 03:52

“Survivors are smarter and better with this new mmr system” meanwhile slaughtering the whole team😭

@acemaison2834 - 13.09.2021 01:36

Iv been mixing up my builds with slow down and end game lately because survivors are definitely getting gens done way faster then before . Plus their builds are 95% always meta or have some meta stuff in their . I’ll say this soleQ gonna hate the randoms , casual swf hate stronger killers , sweat swf will hate killers who don’t them bully and finally killers will hate the teams they get . SBMM yay -_-

@saintchristina - 12.09.2021 22:45

It’s nice to see a new perk used in red ranks, have you found that Deadlock is good enough to keep up with other gen regression perks? Also, Sprint Burst on a David should be considered a federal crime.

@tykukenielsen6210 - 12.09.2021 17:36


@wrecktsigma0482 - 12.09.2021 16:25

They had better come out with the Invisiable survivor perk

@wrecktsigma0482 - 12.09.2021 16:24

I Dont Care what survivor perks they run, against your sharpness, of your blinks, with considerable range add on they are DED, MMR, or whatever MM they make, against this Nurse now they just DIE

@retrosamurai9775 - 12.09.2021 15:36

I mean I feel like any well played nurse can manage with SBMM it’s the killers outside of the top tier that struggle and show how weak some killers are.

@Serpinstrix - 12.09.2021 14:51

I recently picked up spirit, and was running enduring, spirit fury, brutal strength, rancor because I thought it was funny to be this killer that's supposed to mindgame around pallets, but just walk straight through them without a care.
I ended up with games that had at least 3 Iron Wills, though 75% of the time it was 4, usually 3 dead hards, 2 DS, 2 unbreakable and a brand new part in every game (of the 10 games I played on her, 3 had a group with 4 brand new parts), so I'm now forced to run Ruin Haunted Tinkerer + 1 other perk (would love to run devour or BBQ here if I had either). I could run ruin undying, but I still need to level my blight and I think that'd just be boring, seeing as I'm bored of seeing the killers I fight run bbq, ruin, undying, tinkerer in pretty much every match.

Similarly, as survivor I would run Flashbang, Head On, Inner Strength, Decisive Strike. I loved this build because it was really fun to use, but also had the added benefit of very strong anti-tunnel, where I could hop into a locker for DS... or if they leave me long enough I can get Inner Strength and then Head On them.
Head On was also insanely good to use against killers like bubba, where the usual locker trick some people do while he's swinging his chainsaw gave me a good opportunity to escape
Now? I can't really enjoy Head On anymore because I'll use it once and get tunnelled, as if the killer is mad that I'm not running a sweat build or sees it as an opportunity to kill me fast due to the lack of a stronger exhaustion perk which just isn't fun. Instead, I have to run Flashbang with Sprint Burst so I can still have fun (and enable flashbang saves from a further distance) without the killer being an ass that wants to remove someone from the game as soon as possible. I get that it can be hard to manage the pressure of a 1v4, but against a casual player like me who either solo queues and struggles due to solo queue reasons... or does a SWF with other casual players that also just want to have fun... it just sucks. I don't expect to win, but I also don't expect to have a 5 minute game because the killer would prioritize killing me over anything else.

@lightclaws3912 - 12.09.2021 12:48

tbh survivors only run heavily sweated builds anymore is because a good portion of killers hardcore tunnel and camp for absolute no reason. survivors would like to actually play the game instead of being chased the whole game or killed in the first second.

@manzariat7523 - 12.09.2021 11:46

This game is so not fun for me anymore that I watch contents of it 100 times more than I actually play it. Good job BHVR.

@fidewolf3053 - 12.09.2021 10:50

Playing survivor I get like god tier try hard killers that tunnel the hell out of people and brain dead survivor teammates

@passthenirvana8823 - 12.09.2021 10:38

It's become a strange cycle of survivors losing badly to sweaty killers so they begin to sweat
Then killers lose to sweaty survivors so they start to sweat
Now everyone is sweating and if the game seems chill for even a second no one cares to acknowledge it and still go all out because they don't want to take the risk

@ocaalways - 12.09.2021 09:52

Iron will is the new DS

@rinreborn7364 - 12.09.2021 09:51

> strongest nurse player
> 1 gen left
Welp, we got no chance to win, time to quit
