What Happened Right Before Jewish Concentration Camps Were Liberated? | Auschwitz Untold: In Colour

What Happened Right Before Jewish Concentration Camps Were Liberated? | Auschwitz Untold: In Colour

Channel 4 Documentaries

4 года назад

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Sean Tamke
Sean Tamke - 06.10.2023 09:02

The Russians help to Liberate Jews in concentration Camps.

Binny Brieger
Binny Brieger - 24.09.2023 22:49

Wowwww fire

Tohfool - 23.09.2023 19:39

The "Holocaust"

Malakina1964 - 23.09.2023 10:31

What is a jew? Jews are white people with blue eyes and they are get always killed till today. Hebrews are mixed coloured people and satanists and in bloody-stuff. If they are killing worldwide the satanists-Hebrews it is very good for the entire human race. In Israel they build the third temple and want to make their bloody satanist culture day and night again. For a jew is the body the temple where god is inside living and blood is forbidden.
Thank you for sharing.
This is a very old problem. Who rules? The White House is owend by Vatican. Vatican is Cosa Nostra and 'Ndrangheta. They are since hundrets of years of slavery and gays and child-abusers and murderer. Who has the power over the Government and the force and power the Army? The Vatican.
Alone that it is allowed that organ-transpalantation and abortion and GMO-food, says it all. The evil people are on the top of the Government like the oily-spots in a soup. The first concentration-camps ever was before the war in the USA!!!! An poland man - not white!! an immigrant to the US, was a mass-murder. His system to collect woman and let them in his trap to get murdered is the blue-print of Ford production cars on demand. It is the blue-print for all concentration camps. The first concentration-camp in Europe was in Poland befor the war!!!
George Soros is an old Nazi and ask you why he is still alive and not in prison and have so much money and NGO´s. They want to kill the white race.

Danielle Schiazza
Danielle Schiazza - 13.09.2023 12:47

"40 days and 40 nights, and then we're liberated on easter sunday" 😳 wow!

Danielle Schiazza
Danielle Schiazza - 13.09.2023 12:42

This is the only part of the story that is not horrible. All of my love goes out to the millions who lost their lives and those who survived.

Ela Neradim
Ela Neradim - 09.09.2023 16:11


chockycake1 - 06.09.2023 21:56

My grandfather was a British soldier who liberated a camp. He never spoke of what he saw. 😢

Suzanne Forgione
Suzanne Forgione - 04.09.2023 16:10

I still can't comprehend that human beings are capable of doing this to each other. So sad. How can someone live a normal life after this?

CA Misba Elahi
CA Misba Elahi - 03.09.2023 15:48

Nazi 1944
Kim jong un 2023
God please help North Koreans to

Norkotah - 02.09.2023 02:46

We get it, it was bad. You didn't have to take over the entire world's mainstream media in retaliation though.

Rongosserand SneakerSteez
Rongosserand SneakerSteez - 28.08.2023 00:11

The Holocaust was terrible but so was slavery regarding blacks. Jewish people have been made whole and it wasn’t even the Americans that committed this onslaught! Black people were given a promise to be made whole, nothing happen and nobody cares.

Garvin Prospere
Garvin Prospere - 25.08.2023 19:19

I feel like they're not telling us everything there is to know

linda gurrera
linda gurrera - 18.08.2023 12:05

How do you kill little kids horror

MotionBrickVlogs - 16.08.2023 23:05

God Bless The World we need to Teach and Learn about our mistakes

Ramo Repus
Ramo Repus - 08.08.2023 19:15

Thank God for the Russian Army that brought this all to an end

Schlipperschlopper Schlipperschlopper
Schlipperschlopper Schlipperschlopper - 18.07.2023 00:34

Have you ever heard about the german nuclear test that was carried out near Auschwitz (maybe over Pustynia Błędowska) that killed 20.000 prisoners? According to our records it took place around end October 1944/beginning of November 1944

Lyss H
Lyss H - 13.07.2023 23:44

The woman who talked about being in the concentration camp for 40 days and 40 nights was very interesting Jesus was in the wilderness for forty days and forty nights and he survived as well my heart breaks for these people and what they went through

Saurabh Brahmbhatt
Saurabh Brahmbhatt - 12.07.2023 13:21

If only those Germans wouldn't have been brainwashed. The war could have been sung as the greatness of Germans and Hitler only if they weren't against Jews, humanity, and started as a mission to expand Germany.

Lee Riches
Lee Riches - 10.07.2023 21:42

Just before they ran away from the Soviets in fear, the Nazis put explosives under most of the barracks in my grandmothers camp. Luckily a few of the girls had seen them doing it so they were able to warn the Soviets before they raided the place. Even in their final moments, the Nazis were evil. Had those explosives detonated then I wouldn't be here.

Daniel Webster
Daniel Webster - 09.07.2023 21:05

In many camps the guards were killed by the Jews while the army turned away and did nothing. Thankfully many of the guards were not recognized as human because their faces were stomped to death.

god - 06.07.2023 11:49

What generation were the nazis?

david hepburn
david hepburn - 06.07.2023 05:41

One thing that did happen was Hitchcock the movie director went into the camps to brainwash everybody!.Who do you think runs America?

86DaF - 27.06.2023 03:13

Nazis is a very vague word, hardly legible. It was correct to say "Germans" or "Hitlerists"

Ethan Famorian FAmOri FAMoRIA.
Ethan Famorian FAmOri FAMoRIA. - 27.06.2023 02:23

What happened to the JEWS is what happens when you make a deal with moloch the devil demiurge. I dont feel bad for what happened to them they made their choice to have a deal contract with the demiurge moloch 😈 devil.

Gonzales Frederic
Gonzales Frederic - 22.06.2023 19:27

What : worse than ever.

JR this guy again
JR this guy again - 22.06.2023 07:27

God only knows what they truly went through

Irlania Alcântara
Irlania Alcântara - 18.06.2023 06:59

War is the hell at Earth 💔

Jesus is coming soon
Jesus is coming soon - 11.06.2023 22:10

Never forget how they dehumanized these people to justify horrible acts against humanity because they hated their beliefs

Tex Gale
Tex Gale - 09.06.2023 15:39

Why did the germans not burn the jewish shoes in the death camps, why did they leave them?

AA - 07.06.2023 22:21

Liberated the camp in 4 years reign of hitler and made the camp for Palestinian till today what a shame… 😊

Denise Lopez
Denise Lopez - 07.06.2023 01:26

If this happened now the war would go on for at least 20 years or more because the war machine makes billions with these so called wars

Aspinall Sandy
Aspinall Sandy - 02.06.2023 04:33

Forty days and forty nights and then liberated, Easter Sunday, she said, you cant make it up can you, Yes the Messiah came, my heart goes out to these people,

ScoobTube - 01.06.2023 05:27

They went for a swim in the lovely swimming pool, LOL?

Erik Findling
Erik Findling - 31.05.2023 05:07

I would likely be much more afraid being a Nazi than I would be a Jewish person in a concentration camp. The wrath that the God of Israel will reign down on those men will be far greater than what was endured by the Jewish people. The smoke of their torment will rise forever and ever, and there will be no rest day or night (Revelation 14). Yeah, it’s a fearful thing to be Hitler and fall into the hands of the living GOD

SeisoSenshiLP - 28.05.2023 18:23

I cant believe Mrs. Weiser saw the Holocaust. She looks good for her age

B - 23.05.2023 22:31

If you choose to become a monster, you have failed your entire life

Colivri - 23.05.2023 21:03

I didn't understand the last video. Did she say that the liberation of Aushwitz happened on Easter Sunday? Because according to Wikipedia it happened in early January

Q q
Q q - 22.05.2023 20:26

The worst thing is it is likely things like this still happen. There is only one animal you can call beasts. That are humans.

Mesrop Madzharyan
Mesrop Madzharyan - 22.05.2023 11:04

They should’ve finished them .

Bossman60 - 20.05.2023 20:31

God Bless America and it's Allies.

plan je
plan je - 18.05.2023 13:58

- не желиш ти чути зашто
значи не можеш то мени говорити
официелна верзија рата
//кад би ми били будале је// рат за свадбу
//хиљаду пута речено од владајуће структуре у србији
- у рату ће бити жртава зар не
- чему се сад буниш што ниси градио мир
- немаш ти жртава ти си започео рат и једини си кривац томе
ја знам све о томе али моја верзија
- тако да, него шта сте мислили да има рат а да нико не погине
- ја имам своју верзију о томе и о удруженом нападу на Пољску
//контај мало сам зашто је стаљин направио жидовска област и исело вас тамо
али то ви нећете слушати зар не
ја знам и зашто пише ово
Arbeit macht frei
- дај жидови да вам објасним из овог времена зашто то пише
- гдје има вас да радите у фабрикама
- тога нема зар не
- ви хоћете да владате руковидите управљате //као сад у украини
- а што да украинци схвате што сте им урадили
у ухапсе вас све и одведу у који камп и веле вам "овдје слободно радите"
све ратове на свијету од 1900 гдје је америка умјешана воде ваши ротшилди за своје банке
- минус гдје који локални и минус за велику србију
рат у украини = поробити украину да раде за исте банке и сломити русију онда продавати оружије странама које су у рату против русије //ништа то није стало иде Пољска напасти
- промјенити власт у русију да буде не про америчка, него про ваша или про ротшилд да би ви њих могли успоставити као краља свијета или антикрист или предсједик свијета
то вам план
- али има Кина и незаустављиво расте али у контантима на које ви никако утицати не можете
- што вам то иде на живце као трн у оку
- а не можете без тога поставити вашег краља свијета предсједника свијета
и пошто 100% знате да то нико на свијету неће добровољно прихватити
- онда сте смислили забиљежити цивилизацију на послушне вама и непослушне вама
то је све што се дешава у свијету управо сад
дакле када буде жртава послије
- није ред да се жалиш када си једини кривац томе
ја овако вама јавно
- ви да знате што водити неби вам ваша држава личила на банана државу
- свако мало гласате и свако мало се буните том што сте гласали
него би то било земља меда и млијека у коју би свако хтјео ићи
али добро
- личи хоћете одустати од свега тога
- може
- но а што мислите
не ради тако како ви мислите
- само 1 2 3
ја немам функције осим да сам муж и тата
- мислите ли да ћу оженити вашу Бар
- је ли то што треба да преставља мене овуда
- та неће моћи ни за какве добре оргије гдје је и бар и скарлет и гадот итс
- неће када неће моћи џаба се надате
ја само имам посла са њима и ја њима завршна контрола
- они све раде
- не постојим ја за вас и ја не тражим ваше славе ни пара ни признања
- ма што да је
- то више не може да ради а ја нећу жену од вас
надамо се да је довољно јасно
- не могу ја сам себи писати пјесме
- значи ваша прича је завршена
бару да пишем пјесме или асоцирам људе на то
- нека јој пише тата њен каприо и ко хоће ја не мислим
да ти кажем када то урадим
- само када видим да цура жена хоће све учинити за нас
- ништа јој није мрско ни тешко
- и ако ми се то све допада
- онда на то још и завршни тест ово је или није
значи оно ми са тамо хаџинцом било добро и идемо финализирати у којем завршном тесту
- хајмо другарице моја још десет корака храбрости
- дај ми десет корака твоје храбрости поноса стида и свега другог
- није тако направила а било добро
и ваљда идемо по Олгу
Олга недај се
- не може ти ништа помоћи само љубав

Wolfgang Eikmeier
Wolfgang Eikmeier - 17.05.2023 14:32

Die Unmenschlichkeit die in den KZ vorherrschend war, ist unendschuldbar. Die Menschen haben nichts verbrochen, nichts unrechtes getan. Es macht mich immer noch jeden Tag traurig, wenn ich an dieses elend denke. Wie schoen waere es doch, wenn zumindestens noch die Kinder und Enkelkinder bei uns in Deutschland leben wuerden und zwar in ihren Wohnungen und eigenen haeusern, ja, wenn es unsere Nachbarn wären. Ich sehe jeden Tag die Steine vor den haeusern, in dem diese Menschen gelebt haben und sie sind alle nicht mehr da, verhaftet und in den Konzentrationslagern umgebracht. Schrecklich traurig.

tiedye hobo
tiedye hobo - 16.05.2023 00:16

It's hard to get the disgusting look off my face.

FoodLandia - 14.05.2023 09:59

It's sad to think that still today alot of Big companies and collaborators in the massacre still live among us. Governments can't be trusted because alot of theme participated and now they try to make you beleive that they are angels and savers. BIG LOL Funny how most people beleive anything and everything.

Armani Spice
Armani Spice - 12.05.2023 20:43

Very tragic, but their descendants completely forgot about this part of history by applying the same tactics to the Palestinians! Disgusting!

Tae Martens
Tae Martens - 11.05.2023 21:38

This is luckily illegal now.

Mark Daniels
Mark Daniels - 08.05.2023 09:35

Remember people this is just 78 years ago. Don't forget this horrible thing that ever happen in human kind.

clara cabras
clara cabras - 04.05.2023 13:09

Con quale coraggio c'è ancora qualcuno che lo nega
