Adding a Project to a Solution in Visual Studio

Adding a Project to a Solution in Visual Studio

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@HaloWolf102 - 24.06.2023 07:35

I want to personally thank you for showing me how to do this. Stack Overflow is completely unhelpful and incorrect most of the time. All posts of the site say that opening 2 projects in one instance of VS Code is not possible. With LOTS of upvotes agreeing with them.

I knew all of them were wrong because only having one solution up at a time goes against the very state of programming. How can you possibly get anything done with opening and closing projects all the time? And using Alt-Tab is a very unintuitive way. At least in comparison to what you've demonstrated.

Thanks again Sandra. <3

@johnmorrison519 - 16.03.2023 11:16

Maam I have a problem As of now I have 3 projects in the solution node but upon creating a nrw porject being web api it was successful but it does not show in the solution node making it only 3 projects not 4, are there any solutions for this
