Is Utrecht the better Amsterdam? Travel tips and great places to visit

Is Utrecht the better Amsterdam? Travel tips and great places to visit

Matthias Schwarzer

2 года назад

108,955 Просмотров

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Frans Wells YTP
Frans Wells YTP - 20.09.2023 18:13

Disgusting to spend so much money to spray a street in rainbow colors. Don't push it like that.

Kenneth Tseung
Kenneth Tseung - 16.09.2023 12:27

I just visited Utrecht yesterday, it was a beautiful city with good balance of energy and chaos …..modern and historic ….innovation and tradition
Unfortunately, the wall of the iconic bell tower is still under renovation and won’t be finished by end of 2024

Sibbz Teunissen
Sibbz Teunissen - 09.09.2023 10:58

Utrecht is wonderful, have lived there for 15 years. After 10 years abroad I can't wait to return

oileduab arto
oileduab arto - 06.09.2023 07:35

I just love Utrecht !!!

Paul C
Paul C - 03.09.2023 15:56

Channel or kanaal.. don't try to mix langues... if all fail just use Your native language, pretty much the same pronunciation... if everything fails, call it gracht...

Fernando Milicich
Fernando Milicich - 30.08.2023 01:03

Beauty ❤

Tugba Ozkan
Tugba Ozkan - 23.08.2023 09:41

totally agree, Utrecht is more beautiful than Amsterdam. I wish I can live in Utrecht one day

Range - 18.08.2023 00:53

Great video Matthias! I have visited Amsterdam, but now Utrecht is a must for my next! Also, I thought you were saying psychopath instead of cycle path. They are diverse if they have colorful psychopaths!

Steinstra 1961
Steinstra 1961 - 22.07.2023 05:24

The Woke sign of the pedophiles painted on a bicycle lane...welcome to evil Netherlands...!

Larosse Journey
Larosse Journey - 28.05.2023 16:47

I wanna be there much but I can not go there , generally, I wanna Amsterdam than other cities

Amersfoortpower - 20.05.2023 15:00

You can also visit a match of FC Utrecht

GirtonOramsay - 03.05.2023 06:38

Glad that I made Utrecht my home base for my vacation then! Medium sized cities in the USA has the same impression as being much more pleasant and enjoyable that the biggest nearby metros.

Maarten - 22.04.2023 12:50

" This is a town called Utrecht ".... Ouch. That's the city where I live in. How could you.

Trui Grünland
Trui Grünland - 17.04.2023 22:44

Habe dieses Video gerade erst entdeckt! Bin Niederländerin wohne aber schon ewig in Süd-West Deutschland. Utrecht ist meine Heimatstadt und habe mich riesig gefreut die Stadt zu sehen! Für mich die schönste Stadt überhaupt!

Tim Vleut
Tim Vleut - 31.03.2023 00:21

I born and live in Utrecht it’s my city i love it but i hate so much that ugly rainbow no one likes it i can tell you guys but Utrecht is my heart.

gulbaniz abbasova
gulbaniz abbasova - 26.03.2023 11:46

I applyed for phd at Utrecht University. Hope I will be accepted and move this magnificient city🥰

Robin Discovering
Robin Discovering - 10.03.2023 02:04

My hometown, ofcourse it's better then Amsterdam! Good video and spot on that Utrecht is not overrun by tourists like Amsterdam and therefore it has a more local feel.

John Nash
John Nash - 09.01.2023 23:36

Just be inclusive.. no need for Rainbows.. it looks horrible and visually not appealing.. The minimalist in me really doesn't like it..

kirtanmedia - 07.12.2022 05:47

Tourists, please stay in Amsterdam and leave Utrecht to us. And that goes for you too, Mr Schwarzer. You think it's a good idea for Utrecht to be overrun by tourists in turn?

pbilk - 06.12.2022 08:24

Utrecht is a great city! I loved it! When my family and I visited the Netherlands we stayed near Utrecht in Woerden where a friend lives.

The canal tour was a great but I think for a tourist Amsterdam's canal tours are still better. Besides that Utrecht's bike infrastructure and other activities are great!

Siggi van Utrecht
Siggi van Utrecht - 05.11.2022 01:08

De "Oudegracht" betekent "Alte Gracht" of "Alter Kanal" in het Duits - maar het Duitse woord "Kanal" wordt in het Nederlands als "Kanaal" geschreven. Hartelijk bedankt voor deze mooie video van mijn geboortestad. Dank U wel!!


Siggi van Utrecht

The watchmen
The watchmen - 03.11.2022 16:08

I enjoy videos like this of other countries and learning how to pronounce different things and cities. It makes me seem like I'm smart 😄😁😃. Thank you for the video 🇺🇲

haren ter berge
haren ter berge - 26.10.2022 00:58

Please stay away from Utrecht, don't turn it to a airbnb hellhole like Amsterdam.

randar1969 - 14.10.2022 17:22

Some things are indeed much better in Utecht and i say that as resident of Amsterdam. They have better bycicle infrastructure to give a example and the list would go on and on. Ok you won't find to give an example the Anne Frank house in Utrecht, but they got plenty of other things that are worth a visit.

Simon indra
Simon indra - 20.09.2022 21:52

Utrecht is nice but it is not Amsterdam. Living in Utrecht almost all my life I should know.but it is coming up.meaby in 20years from now. You can say so.

Mr Mann
Mr Mann - 23.08.2022 15:11

is there coffee shops?

Mavadelo - 21.08.2022 16:09

No, we are not the better Amsterdam... we are NOT Amsterdam... I like Utrecht better though. Not gonna say we are better because that is a "to each their own" type of thing.

Traveling is FREEDOM
Traveling is FREEDOM - 16.08.2022 22:45

This seems to be a very interesting place, I hope I can visit sometime in the future. Seeing and sharing places like this is why I love traveling and make videos so much! And please keep up the great job! Subscribed!!

Marco Alvarado
Marco Alvarado - 12.08.2022 10:36

Now, all the "Zombies" are coming to Utrecht instead of Amsterdam!!

Mister E
Mister E - 04.08.2022 21:41

Thank you for featuring my rainbow cycle path 😄💪🏼

Rich Morris
Rich Morris - 30.07.2022 11:56

I used to live in Utrecht. In your opening piece about too many tourists in Amsterdam, the same could be said for students in Utrecht (driving up house prices etc for locals). It is undoubtedly much nicer and just as interesting than Amsterdam.

Hans Wurst
Hans Wurst - 27.07.2022 23:32

Really gay bike path

Marius Matei
Marius Matei - 18.07.2022 09:03

Well, when it comes to countries like Denmark, or Netherlands, personally, (in terms of living there) I favour cities like Utrecht, or Århus (over cities like Copenhagen, or Amsterdam), because (although not large cities) they are (still) midsize cities, with everything that Copenhagen/Amsterdam have to offer (the same quality of life/standards of living), but at lower/more affordable costs of living.

Eric LeBlanc
Eric LeBlanc - 17.07.2022 09:04

I'm 13, I moved from France to Utrecht with family at 10 and I love this city so much everyone is so happy and I love the weather. (ps: the rainbow path is beautiful 💓)

Rose Aquino
Rose Aquino - 05.07.2022 18:56


L K - 03.07.2022 00:14

I talked to a american woman who said she needs to be armed to protect her self. I said in other countries you dont need to be armed because there is no guns in those countries and they are safer then anywhere else on earth.

Diana Brown
Diana Brown - 20.06.2022 21:21

Thank you so much for this wonderful video!

Fedja Driesen
Fedja Driesen - 13.06.2022 15:27

Finally a tourist who mentions utrecht

Lodewijk - 25.05.2022 16:10

man loveee, you really help me with this video

Olya N
Olya N - 10.05.2022 18:57

Great video! Thanks

Kermit Roosevelt ferkel roosevelt heil
Kermit Roosevelt ferkel roosevelt heil - 08.05.2022 12:51

i go there in summer gives there coffeeeee shops ? i must google it :D

Jason Lee
Jason Lee - 30.03.2022 14:41

That’s very nice,I want to study in Utrecht university ,but it will very hard to a non- native speaker.

rescuemod - 24.03.2022 16:26

The rainbow cycle path looks in my opinion not good and changes nothing. The Netherlands are today a very tolerant country and the latest ones wont change there mind because of some colours on the ground. But for everybody who are not happy with the gender culture of today got a hit in the face with such actions.

It makes the fronts harder. Like gender language in Germany. And it costs money with no benefit.

Jan Maarten Dalmeijer
Jan Maarten Dalmeijer - 19.03.2022 18:54

Amsterdam is overrun, lets go to Utrecht and overrun that city. Let's go there with a hundred thousand and fill the tiny centre to imagine how peaceful and quiet it was when we were not there yet. Is that the message? If not, what is?

sandeep somasunder
sandeep somasunder - 13.03.2022 19:08

Are people not wearing masks ? When was it shot ?
