Packet Loss Test: How to do a Packet Loss Test

Packet Loss Test: How to do a Packet Loss Test


1 год назад

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Portman - 12.09.2023 22:01

Unstable internet can simply be down to crappy infrastructure. I was on DSL for a long time and packet loss and ping was high. Now on fiber optic and all issues are gone.

VoIP Business
VoIP Business - 10.06.2023 10:47

Paket loss can be a major factor that impacts our network performance, that is why it is essential to do a packet loss test so that we can fix this problem and enjoy better communication over the Internet. Thanks for describing the packet loss test efficiently.

♛ No One ♛
♛ No One ♛ - 11.12.2022 17:03

my cmd test shows zero loss but iam getting loss in multiplayer games. like csgo . well thats strange

Ricronjun - 04.11.2022 21:14

Thank you for such a simple instruction compared to so many complicated ways to test on google.

Petr Gadlina
Petr Gadlina - 20.07.2022 21:26

Great video! Now I know that I have 0% packet loss.
