How to Make a Compact Electrolyzer Room - Oxgyen Not Included Tutorial

How to Make a Compact Electrolyzer Room - Oxgyen Not Included Tutorial


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shayan RK
shayan RK - 21.07.2023 03:46

Hi ❤

Black Aliss
Black Aliss - 07.06.2023 21:34

I have a big problem with hydrogen being caught by the bottom pump instead of the top one, so not even enough hydrogen goes into the generator to power it for long enough. How to fix this?

Splats - 15.03.2023 00:29

ive come back to this video so many times, but it seems by the time i get to this point of the game i run out of food, any tips for food management and what to do with dirty water

DJ Omega
DJ Omega - 14.03.2023 21:39

Your videos have been overwhelmingly helpful! Thank you so much!

KigreTheViking - 13.02.2023 03:10

I need a basic tutorial for gas filters.
I just want to flow hydrogen from one place to another.
I dont understand how the basic gas filter works.
This is too convoluted fo me.

Jacob Brotbeck
Jacob Brotbeck - 29.11.2022 10:46

I cant get my hydrogen generators to charge my batteries, no matter what setup i use.

Fatally_Errored - 24.11.2022 18:10

I just can't seem to get this going. I'm still really new to the game and have 6 dupes and been taking it slow but have been running out of algae recently so looking into more advanced setups and I can't get the power going. I also don't have saltwater so not sure if that's a factor. I also don't know how to create the vacuum in the video at the start so I tried pumping regular water into the bottom layer a little. I also had to connect to a coal power gen to get everything working but can't seem to produce enough hydrogen to keep it going long term. It seems the gas pump pumps out all the hydrogen pretty quickly or I have max pressure on the electrolyzers then it all sits. Been trying to figure out so many different options for hours, but this game is more of a headache to figure out than my real job.

Self-replicating whatnot
Self-replicating whatnot - 22.09.2022 12:44

Does this design still work in a current version of the game?

Jay - 23.08.2022 14:25

This is the best ONI guide I've ever seen

MediaUM - 08.08.2022 21:18

bad design for survival, most of the hydrogen gets stuck at the left side and the right side beraly uses 50g/sec.. a manual does much more and i had to switch back to my old coal generator

Yassin Hamed
Yassin Hamed - 09.07.2022 12:40

what do i do when it says max gas pressure

Kyle Bong
Kyle Bong - 18.06.2022 12:55

God fucking damn. The problem with games and the solution... I mean fuck bro... wow!!! And to all other users this game is deeper than it appears at first glance. But it really excercis the brain

Alex Satti
Alex Satti - 26.04.2022 21:28

this does not work

Danny R
Danny R - 11.03.2022 12:16

Oh boy...another one that speaks too fast for me. Sorry I can't keep up.
Luckily there's the playback speed. Set it to 0.5x and now I can understand. Thank you very much for the info! 😃

N ixon
N ixon - 18.01.2022 16:03

Using a gas filter instead of 2 pumps would save 120 W and some heat. Am I wrong?

bilalicro - 09.01.2022 18:01

thanks this is pretty useful

No-one - 24.12.2021 04:22

I like it! thanks

Winoa Vivian
Winoa Vivian - 23.12.2021 07:09

It's actually like real physics. Hydrogen is lighter then oxygen and oxygen is heavier then what air is considered so oxygen sinks while hydrogen floats. Since Oxygen is actually still fairly light and the fact that the earth is constantly in motion oxygen gets moved about which we know as wind. In terms Hydrogen stays close to the highest of our atmosphere.

Another neat thing is using water to filter carbon dioxide. Probably why carbon dioxide tends loom over water in the game. With cold water it should turn into carbonic acid but of course we don't see much of that in the game asides being able to make soda which is made from it and water.

Mille Lang
Mille Lang - 20.12.2021 03:32

Love the tutorial! - Just sad you didnt tell about the cooling/heat part before the end, haha

Tie fighter pilot
Tie fighter pilot - 05.12.2021 18:40

Can you use that to produce power...for instance if i put more of all of these will it produce much power for a part of a base that needs around 1500 watts

Man Kind
Man Kind - 08.11.2021 22:23

U can't belive with 6 smart batteries I pushed this entries setup with just one recharge

Man Kind
Man Kind - 08.11.2021 22:16

I suggest to add atleast 4 tile up from the base of deodrizer to zero percent damage to hydrogen genrator and u can loop the water pipe to this entire system to cool it down

19Mans - 23.08.2021 15:34

Just build a tiny room with a pump and electrolyzer and filter hydrogen out for consumption 😁

DiNaSoR - 25.07.2021 00:19

i got that compact room vacuumed ! how to avoid that ?

Aussie Steve
Aussie Steve - 16.06.2021 07:10

Still works a treat. Gracias Senor!

P-51 player
P-51 player - 12.06.2021 00:23

this works so great

TheUndaddy - 06.05.2021 14:19

I understand the point is to be compact, but I feel like this should be pointed out - the gas pump can pump only 500g/s of gas.
Because you have a dedicated pump for oxygen only, and the electrolyzer produces 888g/s of oxygen, it seems to me that the performance will be limited to ~56%.

Jestyr22 - 30.04.2021 07:20

This is helping people years later, I've ran out of algae and figured it was time to get a better oxygen setup. Will be building this ASAP :D

Kampf Ret
Kampf Ret - 28.02.2021 16:27

just bought the game.. your tutorials are really helpful.. thank you.. subs done..

NixHarpinger - 20.02.2021 07:29

Wow, this is a really neat and compact design! I just started using one, and I am thinking whether it would be even more efficient with an atmo sensor for the oxygen pump as well. I noticed that it sometimes pumps only around 300g of oxy... With a pressure sensor on the lower pump as well it might ensure it always pumps its full on each intake. I will be making another one as well anyway and I'll slap the second sensor to see if it gets even more efficient that way.
Also I got some ice trapped inside, which got me thinking that a small puddle of liquid might additionally optimize it, since it prevents bottom two tiles to get filled. And the gasses on the bottom two tiles don't really do anything for hydrogen in this set-up, so filling them up with a small amount of liquid might cause less damage on your generator once the process is starting up as it will take less time to fill the chamber with hydrogen.

J J - 14.02.2021 01:46

It's refreshing to see a tutorial like this that's well prepared and to the point

VoidplayLP - 12.02.2021 19:54

Just something to help out: if you want to include a filtering mechanism, dont use the gas filter, itd highly inefficient in terms of energy use. Use a gas shutoff, immediately after a gas element sensor, and connect them with automation wire. The shutoff will filter out the selected gas just like a filter, but other than a filter, it will not consume power with every bit of gas that flows through. It only uses power when actually filtering, and even then it uses 110 watts less.

Rocey the catbg
Rocey the catbg - 10.02.2021 22:35

It doesn't work, because ithe electrolyzer produces more oxygen than hydrogen, so not only is the generator not going to have enough power, some Oxygen can get into the unwanted vent and destroy the generator, its much safer to use that smart, gas choosing thingy, and besides, it uses less power and space.

meru1312 - 01.02.2021 14:13

I.. didnt rage quit playing oni after following your tutorial :" thank you

Gunhaver - 31.01.2021 06:29

i didn't realize gasses were immiscible in the game. i seem to see them "mixing" but now i realize its that the pressure in my hydrogen tiles was dropping enough to create a vacuum, which WILL allow an oxygen tile to pop up there. They swap places very quickly though, giving the appearance of "mixing"

Matthew - 23.01.2021 06:13

These tutorials make me feel too dumb

wnose - 21.01.2021 05:33

I use airflow tiles so the oxygen naturally flows down into the colony. But needs more height.

Lalathelemonllama - 20.01.2021 22:52

This game is so complex holy guacamole

Christian Krakhofer
Christian Krakhofer - 12.01.2021 22:12

is vacuum cooling an option since you could encorporate it in your oxygen production grid?

DevilsDesign - 11.01.2021 03:57

The main problem with the electrolyzers is that its very difficult to get them to run at high efficiency because they get over pressurized so fast whereas the algae systems will always run no matter the pressure of the environment. Even with gas pumps I find they still over pressurize easily since gas moves so slowly in this game. I find that its best to not seal the room and use worts to delete some of the heat that they produce instead. By allowing it completely open to the environment they tend to not overpressurize easily. Its best to disperse them throughout the colony like an upper, middle and lower one so that they dont overpressurize each other and you disperse O2 throughout a bit easier.

Bassel Sherif
Bassel Sherif - 09.01.2021 07:09

You are the best one who solved the issue of the oxygen production. I added the filter to separate between the oxygen and the hydrogen. This allowed me to return the oxygen to my colony wherever needed, and only the hydrogen to the generator. Though, I still have the issue of over the pressure. This game needs a scientist to explain it to average users, but it is great and challenging.

ilose3 - 04.01.2021 13:58

Am I the only one that uses Space as my cooling loop?

Aaron Campbell
Aaron Campbell - 04.01.2021 00:41

so i have a problem, i cant not run any oxygen stuff, it just wont go, all it says is the temp of the object, ive tryed everything, any idea?

John Galt
John Galt - 28.12.2020 17:39

haha pleb I have a hundred dupes

M Everly
M Everly - 22.12.2020 04:35

Thank you. This is the first time I've watched one of these Oxygen Not Included build videos and thought, "hey, I actually understand what this guy is saying and I can build that thing!" I have no idea why I can't quit this game, it's too smart for me.

XOR_The_Protogen - 11.12.2020 13:06

Oxgyen Not Included

O x g y e n

CARPSUPPORT - 09.12.2020 00:41

Not good setup, the hidrogen same pumping out from the down pumper

Muti - 05.12.2020 11:20

I don't get it. hydrogen generator gives 896 W (800*1.12) and consumes 960 (2 gas pumps, electrolyzer, liquid pump and gas filter). It is just worth if you aim to produce oxygen, but it is not worth it if you are trying to produce energy. Can someone clarify me?

void1984 - 04.12.2020 13:35

Thank you. Without the cooling part, I've cooked a few of my colonies, with the food plans dying first.
