#3 - A Survival Guide to Sinterklaas & Zwart Piet

#3 - A Survival Guide to Sinterklaas & Zwart Piet

Survival Guide to the Dutch

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@klaske2998 - 09.12.2023 17:08

It's so freaking racist. Something we should be super ashamed of. I got into so many arguments at lunch with my other Dutch colleagues. It's just... So racist, and they don't see it as racist at all. The wigs, the gold earrings, the red lipstick, the unpaid labor on a boat, the serving a white man, the acting like a clown, thr blackface. Ugh. It's so bad and needs to stop immediately.

@timothykramer2551 - 04.11.2023 01:20

Love him

@jeweetzelf380 - 03.10.2023 17:55

Not resist

@jeweetzelf380 - 03.10.2023 17:54

He is Duits ❤

@Jellysem_06 - 14.08.2023 00:59

Black Pete is not racist

Change my mind.

@het-neefje-noah - 07.04.2023 12:49

The dont put them in sacks ani more

@aadhuygen - 27.03.2023 06:16

banned as well

@vanessaamaya93 - 18.03.2023 22:03

I wish for a real black person to be the Zwarte Piet, no white men are gonna do blackface for their annual tradition. Please please please no white people will do blackface, this is a very offensive costume they’ve ever wear, let it be for real black people to dress, no blackface. Especially for black people doing whiteface, that’s also as offensive as blackface if I’m bringing the truth. Insensitive holiday that existed since forever….

@alexandramuzyka4679 - 07.03.2023 17:04

Just agree with everyone 😂😂😂, brilliant!

@lillekenatnek195 - 18.02.2023 21:00

Can we see the actual like-dislike ratio? Instead of just likes... To me this is one of the most biased, untruthful and most idiotic explainations of Sint Nikolaas.

@tobi_1191 - 05.01.2023 18:22

W video

@zivkovicable - 02.01.2023 06:53

When the protests started around 90% were in favour of keeping Zwart Piet as he was. Now it's closer to 50%. The division is definitely related to age, with younger people more likely to see it as a racist anachronism. This i why it will eventually die out.

@REAusetkmt - 25.12.2022 05:57

this is absolutely one of the things that I dislike most about going to the Netherlands or to any of its colonies. I don't think I have ever been so disgusted in my whole life

@viggowalraven5901 - 24.12.2022 00:26

We Celebrate racism😃

@chip775 - 05.12.2022 17:31

Bro as a ducht person when I was two i was scared of zwarte Piet

@mranon42023 - 02.12.2022 17:56

lmao this whole tradition is hilarious. only black people get butthurt while the spanich don't give a facc about how they portray their country

@voornaamachternaam5745 - 20.11.2022 22:30

Even the dutch primeminister was openly racist he was called jan peter balkenende he said " V.O.C. mentaliteit TOCH" what means he glorifies the old dutch slave traders mentality !!!

@voornaamachternaam5745 - 20.11.2022 22:27

Remember the dutch people went to south africa to start the "apartheid" system discriminating black people!!!

@voornaamachternaam5745 - 20.11.2022 22:23

These dutch are hardcore racists by nature in ww2 much of them collaborated with the nazi's they even had their own nazi party called nsb lead by anton mussert,when the canadians and americans libered holland the resistance freedom fighters shaved the nsb ers heads bald as punishment for their behavior during the war!!!

@TheWeirdDudeCalledToon - 17.11.2022 22:02

how is this channel not canceld from angry dutch people because of black pete

@topityblox3368 - 21.10.2022 20:27

Fun fact: The "pepernoten" Arent actualy pepernoten, they are kruidnoten. Pepernoten are more soft and have a bitter sweet taste, i dont know how to describe the taste

@evihippogrief772 - 07.10.2022 21:14

We indeed, dont give a fuck. As children, you just want some pepernoten and presents. Besides, loads of the time we're told as kids, that the zwarte pieten arent naturally black, they just got dirty from all the chimneys they've gone through

@felixleerink8522 - 24.08.2022 12:58

Lmao "it's Muslims they're supposed to fear"

@Dumessie - 14.07.2022 20:25

Why are you bullying Netherland 😞 😞:(

@soobinsavocadosuit9092 - 08.06.2022 21:31

Breaks my heart that we aren’t even allow to call them z. Pieten anymore. Ruining every kids childhood :(.

@Project_Algiz - 27.05.2022 12:00

Brown fragility has black folks seething.

@dagemervideos - 25.05.2022 20:28

oh wow de bart smit wow og vibes

@Duijnkiller - 19.05.2022 11:45

That's also reason why racism is huge issue in netherlands.
let me rude for moment. so forgive me.

the more tainted people (NOT EVERYONE) from born outside netherlands see zwarte piet as pure hate and slavery
On other hand the typical dutch people see this people just fun for the kids and seeing tainted people destroying their country and culture and make it as they see fit.
So more and more hate and racism is being created between each other.
We understand the slavery but we just doing it for the kids.
Before the all this complaining and issues begin if you asked to somebody zwarte piet was slave first thing is ''i did not know i see this for the kids'

I just have to be on the typical dutch side you come to our country and enjoy our culture's
Go to another county if you don't like it. ( wrong way of thinking ) but its meant for kids, common...
you can talk about it... But they just force it their way.
And you know what?
IT worked! Zwarte piet is destroyed.
another part of dutch culture is being destroyed.
So every time you get this effect when somebody sees from outside ''that's the guy that destroyed our country''
And you know what it worked, thousand year old tradition is country by that kind people.

And it's getting worse and worse because so many different culture's from other countries in one country is getting many conflicts to each other...

@marilynschipper7272 - 11.03.2022 18:27

I think kids enjoy the black Pete more then sint i did to in my eyes they were heroes Who could do anything at elementary school we had pietengym (pete p.e) to get your pietendiploma (petediploma) we had it every year and i found it amazing its sad that most people Who arent from the netherlands dont even try to learn the story behind it

@shawnverbree8740 - 26.02.2022 02:44

Zwarte Piet should be gone.

@quivercat6911 - 01.02.2022 18:23

I mean, zwarte pieten are helping Him in thanks

@rickvestering5807 - 18.01.2022 18:09

We do give a shit everybody does its a tradition and its not oke some people are trying to sabotage it

@rutgerhagenbeek585 - 14.01.2022 04:38

It is not the Dutch people who make a fuss about Zwarte Piet, it is the foreign people who have come to live here who make a fuss about Zwarte Piet

@helloihavenoideawhatimdoingrn - 02.01.2022 22:15

Ok tbh, ik snap beide kanten, maar het is ook een beetje stom dat nu dus zwarte mensen nie eens meer zwart kunnen zijn, kijk maar es naar het sinterklaas journaal van nu

@axlaamkayse5898 - 19.12.2021 09:32

Excuse me know your being racists let other people

@karenthole669 - 07.12.2021 17:54

It should stay how he should stay how he was

@ferrykeizer4911 - 02.12.2021 20:35

I mean I'm Dutch and I have no problem with changing the appearance. Personally I think perhaps a musketeer-esque appearance minus the blackface will do just fine to maintain the overal aesthetic while recognizing that the original design has negatively impacted black Dutch citizens. (Growing up getting bullied and called ''Zwarte Piet'' is gonna have you grow a chip on your shoulder when you keep getting reminded of it.) I also know a fuck ton of other Dutch people who think it should change.

That there's a debate going on is true but it's a pity that a lot of comments on social media who are against change push a claim that all Dutch people oppose the change when the numbers stating otherwise are rising consistently. About half of the population at this point in fact. Stating otherwise to push the ''it's tradition and the Dutch agree'' claim creates a false impression of Dutch people as a whole, who really ain't so ''unanimously agreed upon'' on this at all.

@hvermout4248 - 23.11.2021 22:31

The Zwarte Piet character did not originate from colonial times, but from the late Middle Ages. He represents the (forcefully) converted Spanish Arabs (= "Morish", hence the medieval dress) who were "so thankful for their religious salvation" that they happily run Sint Nicholas' multi-million child pleasing business for him until the end of time.

@lindsyhautekeete1410 - 12.11.2021 13:29

fact, in belgium we celebrate sinterklaas on the 6th of december

@riannehoringa - 04.11.2021 19:16

You may have a other opinion than other people

@Ken_Jones - 08.10.2021 12:27

I loved Black Pete as a kid. Is the intention innocence? Yes. Does it hurt all black people in the Netherlands? No, some don't care. But some do care. Some do get discriminated by it and feel unease. So my new stance on the matter is: lets move on and make the event enjoyable to everyone. Kids don't care if Black Pete is black, yellow, green, whatever. They want candy and presents. So change Black Pete, so everyone can enjoy the holiday.

@ivanuden43 - 06.09.2021 16:56

I love how you say some dutch words it sound so funny sorry (im dutch so yea)

@Maze707 - 01.06.2021 21:09

actualy, Sinterklaas is a old happend story. sinterklaas is a holy person who gave poor children gifts to cheer them up, zwartepiet is a later added to the story for fun, so that's not actualy happend.

@nienke9883 - 30.04.2021 03:53

Pfft.. i hate this discussion 😬

@harrywinnharrison5626 - 28.04.2021 21:55


@mugahedbaatiah4899 - 04.04.2021 19:50

I really love your videos, i almost watched all of them but :(
Why the heck are saying this about Muslims? it is obvious where racism is located?

@invalidavatar - 01.04.2021 12:31

*white Dutch children don't give a shit

@rukmeister2265 - 30.03.2021 10:20

When I was a little kid I wanted to be a zwarte piet
