DuB-EnG: Yamaha Portasound PSS-50 Synthesizer Keyboard Teardown Repair and Review

DuB-EnG: Yamaha Portasound PSS-50 Synthesizer Keyboard Teardown Repair and Review

Dubious Engineering

4 года назад

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@Betsy387 - 18.10.2020 18:11

I saw Yamaha and thought yes he is doing a motorbike lol still good tho

@JackBealeGuitar - 18.10.2020 18:47

Nice playing Howard

@DesmondsDonders - 18.10.2020 22:34

Wow we are off back to the 90's and beyond.

@3JBCel - 19.10.2020 14:06

nice video! thanks for sharing! keep it up! stay in touch with you!

@patscnr - 19.10.2020 18:13

You rock my friend!

@Everythings_Adjustable - 20.10.2020 07:16

Great save 👍

@freddymiguel35 - 01.03.2021 01:35

Can it take batteries?

@elliotlieffers4799 - 25.03.2021 06:12

I just dug one of these up in my grandparents basement! Everything seems to be working alright except that I can’t seem to change the voice select, any idea how I could fix this problem?

@j.p.2109 - 13.09.2021 06:54

Great Work! I have a question for ya if you please help me? I have the same keyboard, but when I press any key it makes a hissing sound that is irritating, how can I fix that so that I get a pure sound only without the hiss?

@poeleabois - 07.03.2022 01:12

I had this keyboard as a kid ! Yet I couldn't find the exact same model oj eBay. Im glad to be coming across this video now

@pachi190 - 28.05.2022 09:43

I just bought one, I’m learning how to play it, just a question. I tried different aux cables but I can’t get it to work, the port seems to big to be 3.5 mm. Is it mine missing something or is it a different size port?

Thanks in advance.

@dipankaradhikary7676 - 26.11.2022 11:57

You seem to be quite a wizard in terms of repairing and innovating ideas. I have a Yamaha Portasound PSS 560 synthesizer. It's 35 yrs old and been working flawlessly till a couple of months back. I couldn't play it since I was out of station. I returned last Monday, when I switched it on, I found it working nice but volume has become very feeble. I know how to use multimeter a bit. If you can suggest me, how to start primary checking, I'll remain grateful to you forgood. Defacto, I can't find any trustworthy service provider. Awaiting your suggestion. Thanks. 💕🙏🏽🇮🇳

@DJSpaceRetrotunes - 08.02.2023 00:44

Nice video ! I have the PSS-190 which is very similar and it also misses the power swich knob. Could you share your 3d printing file please? Thank you.

@gcabreirafotografia41 - 17.04.2023 00:55

I have one of these around here without opening it and I didn't see anything scary but it doesn't turn on and there's no sound what could it be?

@hitcher82 - 09.09.2023 01:11

I bought a used one from a thrift store. It has a constant static hissing or buzzing sound coming from the speaker when it is turned on. I thought it was the speaker but Eleven when using headphones the static hissing noise can be head through them. Do you by any chance know what could be wrong with it?

@OptimusSkiver - 09.12.2023 19:18

I've got one of these, and I can't tell if the ambient speaker buzz is just how unshielded they used to make electronics back then, or a short along the line somewhere unfortunately. Otherwise it seems pretty cherry.

@genesisgarcia6356 - 03.06.2024 00:56

Tengo uno pero dos teclas no funcionan... Se puede reparar??

@mits08 - 04.08.2024 21:46

Ganhei um desse modelo da minha mãe, irei comprar as baterias pra ver se ainda funciona
