Master Advanced Custom Fields Pro: A Complete Beginner's Guide

Master Advanced Custom Fields Pro: A Complete Beginner's Guide


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@kwsim539 - 25.11.2023 03:35

My only concern with Clone Fields is how the relationship is handled. Is this using a relational table or is it created in the *_postmeta table? If it's the latter, it wouldn't be very efficient and could tax the queries.

@StuartLowPhotography - 24.11.2023 22:35

I'm just learning this and find it pretty cool but I need a lot more practice

I'd really love you to cover this - a photo portfolio website where say each photographer has a portfolio of 3 images, each with a title, a description and camera used. Then add a star rating for each image where people visiting the website can vote. I think this would be a pretty cool demo that people would learn some different features of acf (I see that ACF has a star rating)

@mansthuresson - 24.11.2023 22:11

Great video, thanks! Is there a way to reference a gallery in HappyFiles in ACF and then output it as a gallery in Bricks?

@jhonnatanr - 24.11.2023 19:02

Thank you! Would you ever consider doing something like this and in depth video for ACPT that you recommended a few weeks ago? Sadly there’s not enough educational content on that one 😢

@XgameCZ - 24.11.2023 17:48

You can just bypass the repeater field by creating another post type and give both the same taxonomy (term). Am I right? Nice video, as always.

@StevanOvich61 - 24.11.2023 16:44

Thanks for this, Paul.
Having purchased a fair while ago (With a nod from you about a massive new pricing structure that was coming into effect).
I've not really used, if at all!
Have watched your previous tuts on ACF, but need this to get me using this powerful piece if software HaHa!
Thanks again 👍

@groundpets5101 - 24.11.2023 15:57

Fantastic just what I needed. 🎉

@cabolove89 - 24.11.2023 15:35

Best content for wordpress
thank you
