How This 31 Year Old Woman Scammed JP Morgan

How This 31 Year Old Woman Scammed JP Morgan


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@pwr_gunr8977 - 10.02.2024 18:52

Your honour, you have to understand that sometimes you just have to fake it till you make it.

@RobertsDigital - 10.02.2024 13:03

Is she in jail?

@anarchistfuture - 10.02.2024 03:39

The longer we spend our hard earned money on garbage companies and "people" the more we deserve the world we have.

@ErickTiki - 09.02.2024 22:26

She reminds me alot of Elizabeth Anne Holmes and the fraud she committed....they both have that same look in their eyes.

@bararobberbaron859 - 09.02.2024 19:16

It's not fraud, its repatriation of the funds they yoinked in 2008 when they got bailed out for their purposeful gross and greed fueled incompetence. She'd need to steal trillions for civilians and banks to be even again..

@bobfraples4446 - 09.02.2024 18:09

Banks can steal from the people but if the people do it to the bank it’s a big deal

@sirsleepy2472 - 09.02.2024 14:09

She stole fractions of pennies from one of the richest banks in the world. But if the banks take money from you no one cares. 🤔

@ziolan8970 - 08.02.2024 20:37

If she went and pivoted to a marketing agency she'd be famous rn

@user-uq6tl8sl2g - 08.02.2024 20:23

Well done.

@MrKeychange - 08.02.2024 18:29

It's because they're enabled, validated and those enabling them never have to take accountability. JP Morgan is responsible for investing in something without substance. My mom got scammed 4K over the phone and nobody helped because "she should have known better". What's good for the Goose ..

@chgofirefighter - 08.02.2024 18:27

I don't feel sorry for Chase bank or any bank for that matter that gets "defrauded." It's interesting that banks defraud their own customers with excessive fees, and other nickel and dimming methods the banks used to squeeze every single cent from its customers yet that's not fraud??? But of course, the bank can commit fraud while laughing itself all the way to the bank on your own dime~. Screw chase! They're a bunch of crooks anyway!

@surelywoo - 08.02.2024 05:45

Great video! You made the story interesting. Free money and social media help to enable fraudsters, but people have always been lazy about due diligence and there is a hysteria to find female entrepeneurs that makes the situation ripe for an unethical person who has the right look.

@YankeeinSC1 - 08.02.2024 05:44

Anyone could have said and should still say, "Jaime Diamond is a tool...", but imagine the social media backlash, with accusations of misogyny, white privilege and bias you'd have suffered, had you spoken out about this great "social justice warrior" as her scam was gaining traction...

@Decoy0527 - 07.02.2024 17:36

This is a very well done video. Surprised that I had not heard of this case before.

@Myr25636 - 07.02.2024 16:47

This happened because there is NO INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST any more. Normally a news organization would not just believe everything a person said before giving them a big write up on their platform. Now all you have to do is say the right WOKE phrases like “finance the poor”, “help students get around the government red tape”, etc. The pseudo journalists swallow it because they are taught, even encouraged, to never question someone who seems to have the correct WOKE points of view. Without this mentality, she would have been exposed early on.

@abubakar31 - 07.02.2024 06:59

But bank defrauds public billions they face a small fine, no prison time.

@eernandoharris68 - 07.02.2024 05:41

🤔Consider The Source Well that's how America and any other country that wasn't Anglo European was stolen and being sold out by the Anglo European Greed. Facts Are Telling, That's If You're Blind. Someone Had To Be The Tutor 😶

@user-ul1ku1ds9d - 06.02.2024 22:38

Interesting...she was and should have just gone into the sales division of a bank....apparently she has the knack of pulling deals off. Well she is done now professionally for the rest of her life. If she got to keep the money, which I am sure she someone hide it away., she has no future. Done. It''s a shame because I bet she is really smart, attractive and charming. Like a said...a perfect salesman.

@laqissalem-iq2dy - 06.02.2024 20:21

You know in this world people need people like them...if your working straight no one will give you respect or many years am looking for an invester for my project?! Sad fact

@jesusperez2694 - 06.02.2024 19:26

Yo, this video is dope.
& that girl is wiggty wiggty wack.

@boganbattalion7088 - 06.02.2024 08:45

I would say hero but she a little silly, if she just scammed the people JP Morgan would have loved her and made sure she would never go to jail

@tbolton6156 - 06.02.2024 06:08

Elizabeth Holmes 2.0!

@fikipilot - 06.02.2024 04:02

Theranos...round 2

@Randolph73 - 05.02.2024 21:59

She wasn’t a White male, so they didn’t ask questions. DEI gone nuts, again.

@vinns16 - 05.02.2024 19:52

Who gives a fck bout jp morgan they scamm people all the time themselves!!!! She deserves to keep the money

@Rickolee - 05.02.2024 18:20

Didn't Wells Fargo do something similar to this? 🤔

@bluberry3400 - 05.02.2024 17:20

JPM should hire her! She’d fit in very well 😂

@bigloo2003 - 05.02.2024 10:08

JPMorgan defrauded retailers out of billions.

@Alexmarr7224 - 05.02.2024 09:07

Good! I loathe JP Morgan

@user-wq2vz6wj8f - 05.02.2024 08:19

Uncanny resemblance to Elizabet Holms !

@movieman25155 - 04.02.2024 23:59

Great pres my friend! Wow " Fake it til you make it" is just astounding mentality indeed. I am a baby boomer and cannot understand this on any level. They are way too overconfident IMHO.

@morisn - 04.02.2024 18:15

Well, I can imagine the face of Forbes heads when they found out theirs will also be rolling for having given her that kind of space without their due diligence if she was doing this from the start.

@DanEs350 - 04.02.2024 02:11

Too bad it wasn't 175 billion cause that might have put JP Garbage out of business.

@panama-canada - 03.02.2024 21:15

Eat the banks!

@samanthacat1211 - 03.02.2024 21:04

Banks are also very difficult to survive okay or good. If banks only rely on interest to survive are very hard to provide services and maintaining continued good services. So allow banks to invest certain percentage of money for some profits for stronger financial positions may not be bad, but not all money and can be very risky too. Bringing flawed cases to cheat any banks are wrong. Being honest is good characters. JP Morgan is a great bank system. If cheat a great bank as JP Morgan or any banks, we will end up less banks being able to serve our financial needs or services management anymore. Also it’s all of our learning opportunities for learning experiences together too. Life has never been easy for anyone or any businesses, but learning experiences will help us a bit, some or more. Only learning experiences have nothing to loose, but understand more and do better and more careful.

@jekster - 03.02.2024 19:17

How many 30 under 30's have gone to prison. Forbes needs to work on their selection.

@hugodias2449 - 03.02.2024 17:29

When you scam a scammer you should get a medal 😅

@PaulKMF1 - 03.02.2024 17:18

Good for her, too bad she got caught. JP Morgan is a criminal organization, always has been.

@sukhmaidickoff - 03.02.2024 13:32

I think it is appaling when people here in the comment section are applauding that someone is stealing from a bank like JP Morgan because allegedly JP Morgan is stealing from the people too. But what do people think that JP Morgans money consist of? When you steal large amounts from JP Morgan that could affect the value of the JP Morgan stock. Many people in jobs have a pensions savings fund through their employer. If the value of the JPM stock falls that could hence affect the pensions savings hence also private people who work in (maybe low salary) jobs, who will have their pensions reduced. In addition JP Morgans money very much consists of deposits from private customers. Hence you are not stealing from JP Morgan - you are basically stealing from the private people that deposit their money at JP Morgan. The level of ignorance in this comment section is really very visible

@StephenDoty84 - 03.02.2024 12:16

ObamaCare was a much bigger fraud. One forced on all of us. And Obama isn't in jail yet. That's the real problem with the system. Same with the fraud in welfare, MediCare, SS, tax law, the covid PPP scam, etc.

@bananaman22 - 03.02.2024 11:39

how do u have data whether the email was opened? sounds hack. and what happened to the billions that jpmorgan defrauds people over?

@rebeccawan3088 - 03.02.2024 04:37

if you think any other business executives is doing anything different and things like these ain't happening on a daily basis then you are very naive.

@Steve_Hayden - 02.02.2024 23:45

It’s ok when the bank does it to us, government bails them out and no prison time, but if someone does it to them, we get 100 years in prison


@jordandavid8653 - 02.02.2024 17:26

Poor JP Morgan. Maybe the taxpayers can bail them out again. Maybe they can hand out some more bonuses. Honestly it's obviously morally wrong in the end, but I'm really not going to lose any sleep over poor little JP Morgan.

@jokerrhe - 02.02.2024 08:20

First red flag is her name 😆

@patrickpeterson6726 - 02.02.2024 07:57

How can she "Scam" JP Morgan when they scam the public on a nearly daily basis? Seriously, I'm asking?

@gohabs8918 - 02.02.2024 07:54

She looks a lot like Toxic Gossip Train lady
