The Great Patriotic War. The Defence of Sevastopol. Episode 3. Docudrama. English Subtitles

The Great Patriotic War. The Defence of Sevastopol. Episode 3. Docudrama. English Subtitles


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@Martina-Kosicanka - 11.07.2019 18:05

God bless you! I miss this wonderful documentary series so much!!

@niponsoldier - 12.07.2019 02:55

It's back, it's back. Oh bullocks I can't describe how much I love this series.

@capuer4uk - 16.07.2019 15:48

куда делись эти документалки с английской озвучкой? Хорошие же были!!!

@dimitristriantafillakis2700 - 26.07.2019 13:02

Why can't we share it on other platforms?

@dahliaayudya3443 - 14.12.2019 04:50

East front was a true bloodbath...western front has nothing comparable

@mastermind4286 - 20.01.2020 05:03

its back! lovin it!

@niall441 - 04.02.2020 05:39

A Dunkirk that went very wrong! the sea was red with Russian blood.

@niall441 - 04.02.2020 05:40

A Dunkirk that went very wrong! the sea was red with Russian blood.

@jcalli66 - 14.02.2020 08:48

Love this series - what happened to the English version? I didn’t know Manstein was involved in the battle for Sevastopol. In my opinion, he may have been the greatest general of the war - an exceptional strategist. He saved Hitlers skin after Stalingrad unfortunately , cutting to pieces the offensive the Russians launched which could’ve resulted in the Wehrmacht doing a Napolenic-type retreat from the Soviet Union.

@darcosanti - 09.03.2020 12:46

Not only story is absolutely interesting, the music backgound is fantastic. The composer is genius, his music is so sensitive and dramatic. I adore what Boris Kukoba did for this series.

@darcosanti - 09.03.2020 12:50

I hope that History channel will show this series again. I recorded all episodes on DVD recorder and watch them from time to time

@sakosniper4433 - 06.04.2020 01:29

Сцуко, хоть бы одно слово правды! (((

@DennisCambly - 28.06.2020 19:04

Yet the Americans insist Crimea belongs to them rather than Russia. Great place for the Russian nuclear fleet and their 16,000 members of the armed forces. Had the American coup in Ukraine succeeded, they would have captured the Russian fleet, and been able to place nuclear missiles a few kilometers from Russia. If it doesn't sound familiar search the Cuban missile crisis.

@Heimkineast - 21.10.2020 02:19

Patriotic war? 😂 The patriotic Russians fought on the side of the Germans against the Bolsheviks. The so called Russian Liberation Army was led by Andrei Vlasow and fought from 1944 to 1945.

@bololollek9245 - 17.10.2021 18:18

For me who has family and history in Sevastopol I think this episode in this amazing series was great. Soviet soldiers on Crimea fought desperatly but with determination from the siege of Sevastopol to the relief effort on Kerch. Unfortunatly they died, but their bravery and our memory of them never did.
Славв Советского Союза

@gribrus527 - 22.01.2023 16:02

Все причастные к созданию этого профессионального объективного и крайне полезного творения, мое почтение, они все по своему тоже герои! Героический Севастополь и люди его защищавшие в разных войнах, концентрировали на себя все силы врага, срывали планы и изматывали противника!

@shanealan2168 - 12.03.2023 14:12

It feels like there's a dramatic difference in content from the English version

@dixztube - 28.03.2023 03:20

Man this doc is soooo good I really paid attention in this episode and it felt like surreal the experiences of these men. Crazy word we live in it’s unbelievable but really happened.

@ulmansparta383 - 22.06.2023 19:12

Даже немцы знали что Крым это Украина,) не то что современные приемники Гитлера - рашисты

@user-ie8wj1vp9e - 29.10.2023 18:05

0 пк

@Zoloto-sg5pf - 20.12.2023 16:00


@BryanAM7 - 23.02.2024 23:56

StarMEdiaEN Any way to get this on DVD or BD?

@michaelbruns449 - 04.03.2024 20:48

Over and over again new generations of reincarnated human souls are forced into the hell furnace of evil war fought upon the same lands over and over again throughout history.

@dimahissingsteam1577 - 09.05.2024 12:18

Happy Holiday of the victory over fascism to all in the 9th of May! Everybody be blessed on this day of Victory in the Great Patriotic War! Let the flags of the Soviet Army be waving across all Germany! Es lebe die Sowjetarmee! Alles Gute zum Tag des Sieges im Großen Vaterländischen Krieg! Die Sowjetarmee heftete den Sieg an ihrer Fahne! Ewiger Ruhm den Helden!
