SCP-001 Overlord Censure

SCP-001 Overlord Censure

SCP Explained - Story & Animation

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AliawooYT - 16.09.2023 22:03

Fascinatingly enough, their newest upload on Tindalo's trinity confirms he IS the founder... 1 of them from a trio of timelines.

This guy made the foundation, but his course of action to do so split the timeline into 3 new ones.

Funky- 0w0

DjX - 14.09.2023 20:48

Those jellyfish are damn Ooma from hollow knight 💀

Anthony Staton
Anthony Staton - 10.09.2023 10:57

I would be the perfect person to talk to and manipulate this SCP 001, because I don't care about my future, I want to know about the things beyond myself.

Zealot_ - 08.09.2023 12:57

Project Downfall

Site-8 is down and multiple anomalies are spreaded outside the facility and Mobile Taskforce Nine Tailed Fox is non responsive,

5 Hours have passed and still no response we think that Nine Tailed Fox is being overwhelmed by anomalies

37 Hours have passed we managed to have a SOS Signal stating "This is Dr. David Rasmond I'm currently hiding in storage room 45# multiple anomalies have broke out of containment " And then the signal faded

41 Hours have passed and the O5 Council is sending in Mobile Taskforce Nu-7 (Hammer Down), they have infiltrated the facility but everyone seemed to be dead one operative checked the pulse of a Guard, Seconds later it bit operative Werman Daniel, the Nu-7 operatives shot the guard but it was too late Operative Werman Daniel was infected with the 008-1 Virus,

the on-site nuclear bomb was then activated to get rid of evidence and any anomalies that escaped, and the survivors was then evacuated from the facility.

8 Hours have passed since the detonation and O5 Command was notified of the facility lost and was furious.

Administrator Karlson who was in charge of Site-8 was soon found dead in a Shack in the Nevada Dessert where Site-8 was located,

Administrator Karlson's body was examined and it is believed that he died because of Dehydration, A team of Zeta-9 (Mole Rats) operatives were sent to check a nearby cave close to where Site-8 was located

They found multiple blood stains on the cave floor and some on the walls,

This story will continue however not today

Made by One

Rate my story guys

Killing Fields
Killing Fields - 07.09.2023 14:01

Is this connor from scp confinement?

Ron Destiny
Ron Destiny - 05.09.2023 05:53

What's with those O5 Council redesigns? I liked the old ones better.

Moira Willenov
Moira Willenov - 31.08.2023 01:59

This hits too close to home.

Enclave Officer Z324
Enclave Officer Z324 - 24.08.2023 09:04

Ohhh the sarkick king

Ace - 22.08.2023 19:43

My theory is SCP-001 can predict the future and describe it in detail, but only "it" can intervene in a specific way to change it to a different outcome. Seeing as anyone who's future was predicted that intervened just fast forwarded what would have happened in the first place.

Nathan Reid
Nathan Reid - 22.08.2023 00:29

And imagine something not happening at a scp containment facility they would likely be very scared if something didn't happen for a long period of time

Jack Reaper
Jack Reaper - 20.08.2023 07:11

A small thought or theory about SCP-001. Is it possible that he is the only person in that world with free will and can actually make certain events happen?

There big disasters which happened because people tried to intervene, but would not have happened otherwise. This would mean that it would not have happened unless if SCP-001 talked about it. At the same time it also meant that the other people were fated to make a certain decision.

Could it be that SCP-001 specifically made those disasters happen for some reason? Perhaps it may be there is not of a sadist in him that likes to see others suffer, or it could be a case of killing 1000's to save millions.

Using the Chernobyl as an example, maybe he deliberately made it happen to set off a chain of events that would prevent World War 3 otherwise.

TEV - 16.08.2023 11:59

This seems to pretty well follow the story of The Black Moon as well. With the event and all, but I’m just confused about if it is the same founder or not.

He Hy
He Hy - 13.08.2023 14:45

Bro can predict Canon events

moonrose100 - 11.08.2023 00:58

Well, if events always happen as it predicts, then even 001's fate can't be changed, so he's fated to save the world as well
If he can change the future, and only him, then I would guess it was to strengthen the SCP's security measures

Jimmah Timmah
Jimmah Timmah - 09.08.2023 07:26

Only thing I don’t like is how the dude at the start took so many bullets

Umi Kalsom Abd Hamid
Umi Kalsom Abd Hamid - 09.08.2023 01:46

Hey fondaisen unseal the most strongest destroyer dat stonger den scarlet king him self

VoltaGhost - 07.08.2023 07:21

Seeing the Ghostbusters 2 poster makes my heart happy

Guang Hong Siew
Guang Hong Siew - 05.08.2023 17:56

this feels like it’s about the black moon

Trey Ballard
Trey Ballard - 05.08.2023 05:50

There are to many 001s Bru

allison S.
allison S. - 04.08.2023 02:50

Hangry is a revolutionary feeling.

WilldaBeast - 02.08.2023 20:42

Maybe he's the same guy who beat up the black moon?

TheJogobella - 02.08.2023 06:08

SCP-PL-001 is true Foundator scp

Thunder_ games_18_
Thunder_ games_18_ - 02.08.2023 00:35

In the words of Master Oogway “ One often meets his destiny on the road to avoid it.”

Willow_580 - 31.07.2023 14:47

The most important question I have for the SCP is... will I get to eat snacks while watching South Park today?

Revaly YR
Revaly YR - 30.07.2023 09:13

He's trying to prevent an apocalypse and he can't talk about it? sounds awfully a lot like he's trying to stop Scarlet King

theMonkeyVfx - 29.07.2023 18:25

So this 001 is just deadpool

kk99 - 28.07.2023 07:42

"Knowing the future" type of powers always have TONS of major plotholes. If his "perfect view of the future" was indeed perfect, writing NOW in the food tray was completely unnecessary, just her writing instructions to SCP001 in a piece of paper would be much more effective as he could see her writing it in the future for him. As shown how he could predict the doctor's husband's actions which are completely unrelated to him. This shows he can see the future of other people. These types of videos are fun and all, but the plot holes and stupidity within the story itself is horrendous. Breaking ground rules that you set in the first place.

ramanauskiene edita
ramanauskiene edita - 28.07.2023 02:31

blud op

Scoopy Daniels
Scoopy Daniels - 26.07.2023 19:59

I had to write a condescending comment to him about how entertaining he actually is

Eli - 25.07.2023 15:18

Reminds me of Lord Bungs Confinement SCP series, too bad that one never finish 😢

vytautas balsys
vytautas balsys - 24.07.2023 19:44

maybe dis one related to da black moon

Mark jonael Andajar
Mark jonael Andajar - 24.07.2023 19:22

This is the black moon prequel

Stellr PlaysCod
Stellr PlaysCod - 24.07.2023 07:26

you know, its actually better , rather than disappointing because he won't murder you in seconds

Dennis Wright
Dennis Wright - 24.07.2023 06:08

The Overlord’s taste in movies is questionable…

Nyghtking - 24.07.2023 03:12

This gives the feeling of that one SCP, I think it was called A Sheef Of Paper, or something like that that listed SCPs and their location before the SCP foundation had ever found them and the SCP foundation used to find new SCPs.
I say this because a theory proposed about it, and the reason they stopped using it, was that it was manifesting the SCPs when it was read, so those SCPs didn't exist until someone read about them from the papers.
I'm assuming a theory the foundation has about this SCP is it doesn't predict the future so much as manifests it when it talks about what it has seen, and as such thy don't want it saying anything.

Random User
Random User - 23.07.2023 02:53

It's always nice to have a new 001

Justin - 22.07.2023 19:52

How many SCP-001s are there? literally next recommended video is a year old video on an SCP called Black Moon

RandomBattleXP - 22.07.2023 12:31

Man, this REALLY feels like "I've got the seedling of a cool idea - but I really don't know how to end it...or resolve any plot hooks I put out there"

sam - 22.07.2023 07:31

Why are there so many SCP-001s in this channel? I thought each SCP had a unique identification...

Toa Da Garde Kat
Toa Da Garde Kat - 21.07.2023 07:25

Nearly to the end of the vid, it feels like this is an alternate telling of the Black Moon proposal, with the Administrator being an immortal anomaly on a mission to stop... something using a... vague deus ex machina

WarHeadinc - 21.07.2023 04:51

So what’s the real scp-001?

Fort, night
Fort, night - 20.07.2023 10:17

I'm surprised no popular comment is suspicious of this SCP's "predictions." You guys need to learn the term "unreliable narrator."

It is stated that whatever this SCP predicts, DEFINETLY happens and comes full circle when someone tries to intervene. But at the same time, he just can't predict random things at will and most likely needs to be exposed to the stuff that is part of the prediction.

He didn't know if he was going to escape or not, not until the end. He just knew what's going to happen until the researcher is dead.

The Foundation probably don't give a shit about whatever device he wants to build. They probably believe he is going to fulfill his ultimate prediction by accident. And the ultimate prediction is probably not the complete / big picture.

I'm just speculating based on this video alone so probably more to it that might change my point of view about this SCP.

The fact that he claims he is the Founder is a bit interesting though.

firebreathing fish
firebreathing fish - 20.07.2023 10:10

This makes me really dislike the 05 council.. they don't take chances sure, but then again. They themselves are SCP's yet they aren't being locked up.

your avg. RUST player
your avg. RUST player - 20.07.2023 09:06

Says passcode
Past him sees future and knows the code
1000 IQ play

Cheeze mans
Cheeze mans - 20.07.2023 06:22

I thought scp 001 was like a flaming guardian

Prevenant - 20.07.2023 05:59

way to many holes/ improper story alignment

RRW - 18.07.2023 17:25

This is creepy whichever way you interpret it. Either 001 is a master manipulator with unknown abilities and the potential to seriously mess up the world if it can fullfill its unknown goals, or it's someone who created an oegonization to save the world which is the only thing preventing it from saving the world.

Berry Hops
Berry Hops - 18.07.2023 04:39

This is slightly off topic, but the thought of immortality is useless, reversing the age of your cells would eventually cause mutations to happen as the amount of data your cells wish to keep stored will overflow and mix/mash them together or fail to replicate itself all together. If you're able to solve this problem, congratulations, you have a ton more problems to solve under which a very specific one is that you won't be able to comprehend new information as your new cells revert to old cells, halting any form of learning and making you dumber and dumber. Even if you fix all of these, the only (imo, this is all hearsay) true way to achieve immortality is by a synthetic replication of yourself. Keyword, replication, meaning you yourself die, but your cloned self is born with all your knowledge and experiences in an undying body/environment with backups.
It's all worrying to think about, but that's for the next generations in the future to find out and face

Ultimate Anthony
Ultimate Anthony - 17.07.2023 16:36

When will the scp foundation get there hands on putla 😆😆😆😆😆
