Home Lab Network Security! - vlans, firewall, micro-segmentation

Home Lab Network Security! - vlans, firewall, micro-segmentation


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C. Eliz
C. Eliz - 22.06.2023 06:05

as someone with minimal cybersecurity background (but quickly developing a personal & professional interest in it), this video was incredibly helpful!! thank you!!

Mike Schinkel
Mike Schinkel - 28.11.2022 08:52

This was eye-opening. I have been in tech for 30+ years as a developer and still didn't understand VLANs. With your tutorial, I think I understand them now.

So I figured I would segment my lan but I think my switches don't support VLAN, and when I started looking for a switch that does it seems only high-end (read: very expensive) switches support VLAN.

For a home lab, what are some switches we can consider getting? Do we need to go with CISCO and learn how to program them? Or are there other acceptable options.

Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer. Even better if you can do a video about switches (or point me to one you've already done?)

Brandon Culler
Brandon Culler - 23.11.2022 22:12

Hey Brandon, I'm digging the channel. I appreciate the details & importance you place on using the correct terminology & restating acronyms & explaining them. I have a request or idea of something that I believe would make for good content. Can you PLEASE do a video on distributed switches from Vcenter. I can't for the life of me understand why I have to move the vmkernel to the distributed switch group. Im starting to think maybe I don't understand what a vmkernel really is used for. But what of I want that interface to be a dedicated interface for ESXi (i.e. no host).. and I want my host on a seperate interfaces (which btw I thought in video of how to protect your ESXi host from ransomware was one of your BP recommendations). And can you please explain why in the WORLD my only option to install Vcenter is on the ESXI host that it's managing?????? Really VMWare???? It makes doing the upgrade from Vcenter on that ESXi host, virtually impossible. There has to be a best practice there I'm missing. Keep up the good work & I look forward to your responses!!!!

Jason's Lab
Jason's Lab - 28.10.2022 17:12

Awesome Video sir !

Nulatium - 19.10.2022 05:45

This is material I wish I could find covered at this level. I never finished chasing down VLANs and this encourages me to finish setting some up. Would look forward to anything covering Reverse Proxy solutions like NPM or Traefik while running containers on hosts and virtualized systems in Proxmox or another hypervisor. Thank you for your efforts.

Christopher Burke
Christopher Burke - 14.10.2022 01:28

Always a great feeling when someone helps you close a gap in knowledge. Thank you

Mateusz Czernik
Mateusz Czernik - 05.10.2022 10:17

Thanks! That's really informative.

Farhan Ahmed Clicks
Farhan Ahmed Clicks - 05.10.2022 09:05

Hello Sir,
I just installed pfsense in my pc and everything is working just fine except Captive Portal. I watched many tutorials and setting up things just like them or guided in tutorial but my case is when I enable captive portal it asks for username and passwords and voucher but when I try to input voucher codes it says invalid voucher. I tried to change rsa keys and reconfigured and reinstalled the whole setup but still I am on a same stage. Can you please guide me.

circuithijacker - 05.10.2022 08:27

Excellent material!

Steven E Hairston
Steven E Hairston - 05.10.2022 06:35

Great explanation!

fbi fido
fbi fido - 05.10.2022 04:18

-what about Proxmox VE 7.2 vm firewall??
--- is that micro-segmentation??

Victor Sullivan
Victor Sullivan - 05.10.2022 02:01

First 🥇!!!
