Kep1er’s contract extension and how it will damage them

Kep1er’s contract extension and how it will damage them

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@CBrown-io9js - 07.06.2024 15:53

Oh, Kep1er's extension is definitely due to their lack of popularity and their individual agency's lack of plans. Why would the seven girls want to head back to their companies' dungeons? Wakeone will do some small things to appease the members, but I doubt they'll get many comebacks when I Land 2's group debuts.

@waengie8885 - 07.06.2024 09:13

Honestly at first I was really surprised by Hiyyih, Xiaoting and Yujin's decision to renew cause they are the members with most popularity and fanbase. Yujin could've focused on her acting career but when I think about it it seems that Ke1er is Yujin's last group and we know she loves being an idol so this is her last chance to live her life in a group as an idol.
It is just my assumption but I'm pretty sure Hiyyih and Xiaoting are the most sort after members many companies must have tried to sign them, they could've gone into company with better management and pr team who would actually promote them properly, but they decided to stay and my biggest guess is wakeone or the management most probably promised them to give better treatment or offered them something, I don't mean to sound rude to any member but if I think from a business perspective, among the remaining 7 Hiyyih and Xiaoting are the most valuable ones, they have the most important thing which is needed in Kpop industry to survive- Beauty, Popularity, already existing fanbase and they are talented as well.
Without them Kep1er won't be able to survive with 4 members, no doubt Chaehyun, Dayeon, Youngeun and Hikaru are very talented I'd say they are the most talented members but we all know kpop is not just about talent if you can't attract fans and make them stay then you simply won't survive in the cut throat competition. I also think that their companies didn't have any plans for them yet so its better to promote in Kep1er for time being and gain more fans instead of disbanding and staying inactive.

@Worldwarv - 07.06.2024 01:45

Playa playa love the channel u b right about a lot of stuff but I know GOD heard my prayers when I wanted mashiro & yesso in lime light & the rest of Kepler to stay together, Kepler has no doubt found their sound, if they sounded like they do now when they debut they would be way more popular but its not like they not popular & don't sell records & lime light is dope AF & bought to get super fly ❤ wow GOD so loved the world we didn't lose kep1er 😊🎉❤

@Lilopusheen18 - 06.06.2024 12:31

They should’ve disband. I feel no matter what they do, they just came off the wrong foot. Xiaoting is the only one who could join another group which has strong fan base. The rest are ok but nothing special

@fayerie-tb1si - 06.06.2024 09:22

What else can we do? We hate the company, but love the girls. They chose to leave or stay, even if they felt like they had no choice, so we should stop supporting them? This is their work and passion, I’d rather support them.

@kawtheralbardawil8993 - 05.06.2024 23:46

Hiyyih said to a fan to trust her choice so let’s not jump into conclusions 😅

@MayaLove777 - 05.06.2024 20:22

I really like Kep1er they're a great group and have great title tracks! Wa Da Da, Up!, Galileo, Straight Line & Shooting Star are great title tracks! They're a slow burn group who are slowly rising the top! People forget that sometimes it can take a while before an artist reaches a high peak of success look at Sabrina Carpenter shes been making music since 2015 and she didnt get mainstream success until 2023!

@ffbeexaid4509 - 05.06.2024 17:33

I don’t think their debut was a flop didn’t they set the record for girl group sales back then? Also won music bank and 2 x mcountdown during wadada era, they started going down hill from we fresh era though for sure but I will continue to support the girls. You can’t blame company for putting more attention to ZB1 though they are leading 5th gen boy groups in terms of popularity but seems Sleepone about to f it up too.

@Everythingz127 - 05.06.2024 14:09

Wait the extension can be just for months ? I thought it immediately meant a year 😂😂

@Everythingz127 - 05.06.2024 14:08

Literally what you said is so true, like all their fans were complaining not so long ago but suddenly forget about it the moment there is an extension 😂😂

@yelyl136 - 05.06.2024 13:58

As you've mentioned, Kep1er extending their contract is an indication that they didn't meet the expected success to be able to individually move on to their respective careers with their own companies. So isn't extending their contract the best option for them right now. If they all go back to their own companies right now, since they're not as popular individually, they probably will not be successful in a new girl group or as a solo artist, considering they're mostly from small companies. They will have a better chance continuing as Kep1er and try to gain more popularity. They're latest comeback album even sounds promising so that's a good indication.

@brinsssicyrine2865 - 05.06.2024 10:47

It won't simply. they are happy, we are happy, the quality of the last album is insane, the Title track is a masterpiece and they found their style.

@vin3463 - 05.06.2024 05:07

I never wanted them to extend. I want Hiyyih and Xiaoting out of there asap.

@the_realmkc4452 - 05.06.2024 04:38

ur a turnip brained hater, plain and simple

@sztrife1 - 05.06.2024 03:06

wow thanks a lot for supporting kep1er. negativity is ridiculous. kep1er is stronger than ever, and a new beginning is just what they need. yall be comparing them to other groups like you probably compare yourself to other people. kep1er is doing their own thing and growing at their own pace, and this for them is only another opportunity for growth. fck haters

@Stankep1er. - 05.06.2024 02:54

We don’t know for how long the extention is, zzZz it might be for only one more comeback after the recent one. Extending must be some strategic.. maybe buying some more time? Maybe some will go to different company’s after the extention

It does give the ot7 girls some space and “more” chance to show their worth. Although i think Yeseo and Mashiro wouldve extend aswell if they werent already lined up for Limelight.

Im excited about Yeshiro’s future in Limelight, ill miss them very much in kep1er. Also excited to see what ot7 will figure out for us

@cursedwyvern3044 - 05.06.2024 01:48

Definitely agree. I’m pretty cynical too.

@pinkicechuu - 05.06.2024 01:25

I totally understand why fans are sad Mashiro and Yeseo aren't renewing since Kep1er is losing 2 members, but honestly as a non fan I'm glad they're leaving. I've always felt like Kep1er didn't allow the members to truly showcase their whole potential, like I've been following Yeseo since she was in Busters and it always seemed like she couldn't shine properly (same for all members). I was hoping the girls could redebut after Kep1er and finally get to show us all they've got, but I guess it's not happening... Also 143 were always very clear about the fact that Yeseo and Mashiro would join Limelight after Kep1er, so I don't get why everyone is so surprised, plus Limelight have some great songs and I'm sure the girls will do well with them ❤️

@polar7335 - 05.06.2024 00:55

Idk what side of twitter you’re on but my entire page was screaming in anger for the extension.

I fear it’s a renewal so another 2.5 years but I’m on my knees for 6 months or a year MAX.

Get my girl hiyyih OUT of this train wreck of a group.

@kepifys - 05.06.2024 00:21

you guys do realise kep1er staying together is probably one of the most smartest ideas right? cause what if they DID go back to their original companies who have zero upcoming ggs to debut? and yeshiro leaving is just going to damage them and limelight cause look at i.o.i and gugudan. kep1er were no iz*one and y’all like to shove that in our faces so their post debuts may have not been as successful but staying in an established group with an opportunity to keep moving up? yeah deep it

@missluna___ - 05.06.2024 00:06

I'm hoping this extension turns out well for them. Wake One finally hit the nail on the head with their sound and concept so as long as they don't change it again, they could definitely see a rise in their popularity. Now, I'm not delusional enough to believe that they'll suddenly become superstars after being mismanaged for so long but I do think that they're on the right track so long as Wake One keeps up what they're doing for current promotions. I'm happy this extension happened as I'm not ready to lose Yujin to retirement just yet. Call it cautious optimism but this could do some good for them.

@sophietrent - 05.06.2024 00:05

I know 143 entertainment is gonna make the most of mashiro and yeseo and they’ll finally be utilized as they should. It’s actually detestable how the other agencies left their girls under wakeone’s disgusting management but i guess they didn’t have any plan because they’re incompetent like that 🤦🏻‍♂️

@PartyPoison12 - 05.06.2024 00:02

I totally agree with your points but also adding none of the girls are from big companies so i think the companies were ok with the contract extension since they dont have groups or plans for the girls to return to except for Mashiro and Yeseo. Honestly i feel really bad for the girls theyve been let down at every turn by their company and fans, at this point i'm hoping it'll get better but i'm expecting the worst.

@krnmarin - 04.06.2024 23:47

The companies agreed only if they change all that was done wrong, and Top Class already say it, so please inform better before doing this video. 🤔

@jeffg286 - 04.06.2024 22:14

They’re very popular international not in Korea because Korea so dumb they only Stan on the big four company and that’s a fact

@jeffg286 - 04.06.2024 22:13

You guys are so dumb you rather have them no jobs then have a job that’s so smart

@jeffg286 - 04.06.2024 22:12

You guys are so dumb you rather have them no jobs then have a job that’s so smart

@alejmora - 04.06.2024 22:11

Just shut up.

@LunaLei - 04.06.2024 22:05

Ya all make it sound so easy to start anew. How many girl groups do you think debut each year? There's TOO many girlgroups and all these GG from nugu companies are just being ignored, even when others are screaming to not sleep on these new great girls. Kep1er already has a fandom. Their disbandment would mean Xiaoting goes back to China and/or Yujin retires and ends her idol life. I only hope that their new contracts have clauses that make it possible for the girls to earn more money and gain more exposure.

@sexypancake1 - 04.06.2024 21:18

Good video and good points! I appreciate your commentary! I'm a fan of Kep1er, and also a fan of Zerobaseone, and I'm nervous that EXACTLY what you said will happen, and ZB1 will disband bc the group has been SUPER successful and popular, and all of the respective companies will pull their members back for other projects. 😩

I hope the girls (all of them!) can find good success and happiness in the time remaining on their extended contract, and with Limelight.

@LALISA.M7896 - 04.06.2024 20:59

The contract renew is probably their biggest mistake

@whitelisted1699 - 04.06.2024 20:51

as a very uneducated fan, why doesnt bahhiyih i cant spell her name but why doesnt she just join hybe if her bros in there.

@u72174 - 04.06.2024 20:41

i kind of have hope honestly becuz from xiaoting's company's statement it seems that in order for the contract extention to happen, the companies and the girls put a lot of conditions for this to even happen

in xiaoting's company statement they said a lot of things from the past will be changed

and i personally think it's for the better cuz half of these girls companies are either nugu or rlly bad at manging women so it was probably the better option
anyways i wish these girls success cuz they deserve it

@emapples202 - 04.06.2024 20:27

as a fan of kep1er - im very excited for the extension <3

@kelism3672 - 04.06.2024 20:26

The case of Kep1er is so sad. We all know that Wk1 will not treat right because of the reasons that you explain.... Nevertheless, I think that this extension is for a World Tour and, maybe, a last comeback. For their respective company, I think that some of them search for good trainees (imagine they recruit RU next and Iland2 popular trainees) based on Kep1er 's members (for example, it's sure that IST wants to create a new group with Hiyyih).

Besides that, thank you for your video❤ (and sorry for my English)

@liyana_sadalee1662 - 04.06.2024 20:20

Let's be real.... this is for the best!

@woonhexrtz - 04.06.2024 20:17


@sientense - 04.06.2024 20:16

They really need to do subunits with more consistent concepts, it's the only way to manage them better and give everyone enough public attention while putting out good content.
Also I really want Hikaru to return under Simon's wing, even if she can't join XG it was heavily implied that he had plans for other XGALX trainees.

@woonhexrtz - 04.06.2024 20:11


@annamann8659 - 04.06.2024 20:08

I just hope no matter what happens to the girls that they find success and happiness

@woonhexrtz - 04.06.2024 20:07


@woonhexrtz - 04.06.2024 20:05


@Maestro_Wonu - 04.06.2024 19:48

No like I feel so bad for Bahiyyih (and the other girls of course) but most especially Hiyyih. I’ve never seen someone who just shines so naturally but is under a company who can do absolutely nothing for her. I have not the slightest idea why she decided to renew her contract fr😭 Like she should be in a company who sees her potential and utilizes it to its fullest, she can be so much more than she is now but somehow she doesn’t see it

@jooniesun - 04.06.2024 19:39

This extension is just a pathetic last cash grab from wakeone’s part. They’re taking advantage of the fact the members agencies don’t know what to do with them and so they offered to extend their contract just to continue doing the bare minimum for the girls while also squeezing some more money out of us before disbanding them 💀

@alinsofan501 - 04.06.2024 19:37

kpop fandoms are a joke anyway. they are just circumstantial. if you are a multitstan then you practically are not part of neither fandom. just enjoy what you like and shut up if you don't haver anything good to say.

@vangyul - 04.06.2024 19:30

we’re already seeing people shading mashiro and yeseo’s company as if they weren’t the only company that actually has a plan for the girls 😭 if anything i would be mad at the other companies for being incompetent…

@bbhspanda - 04.06.2024 19:27

I keep saying this because everyone is wrong. Izone might have been bigger, but only starship pulled out of contract renewal talks. The other companies were down. This is coming from someone who ults IVE, it’s just that kep1er decided to go on, IZONE could have as well if wonyoung wasn’t center maybe

@Hanni._.Bubblegum. - 04.06.2024 19:21

I am not hating on Kep1er but now that 7 remaining members renewed their contracts, they will have a massive downfall.
