A Stronger Start: A Guild Wars 2 Guide for New Players 2024 (comedy/guide) - All Expansions

A Stronger Start: A Guild Wars 2 Guide for New Players 2024 (comedy/guide) - All Expansions


2 года назад

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@WerezerRoo - 04.11.2023 09:46

Gundam mobile suit 😊

@MrsHjort - 12.10.2023 10:28

I would add; don't sell stuff to the in game merchants if you can also sell it on the TP. I played for like a month before I found out there's way more profit to be had at the TP 🙈😵‍💫🤯

Oh and maybe a reminder not to forget to select stats when you get stat selectable gear (and maybe a recommendation to select Berserker stats)! I remember running around and being like "Why does this new higher level weapon suck? This game is so weird". Aaaw man haha 😂

@curryscarlet1678 - 05.09.2023 18:51

expecting another new comedy beginner guide in 2024🥳

@knightzix_01 - 03.07.2023 17:39

you should have compared the Mesmer to Naruto If you Know his signiture Move its quite Fitting

@stephanielafleur3001 - 09.06.2023 15:30

is this mukluk the avatar

@Sylindria - 08.06.2023 17:13

Only thing I might add is that you can access your bank from a crafting station because there’s one in every starting zone - saves a new player heading to a city when they don’t need to (bag space being at a premium when you start)

@86Corvus - 26.04.2023 12:37

Double tap to evade is the correct binding. Do not listen to this man who cant controll his left hand...

@xoGetCarteRox - 19.04.2023 16:31

OMG ALT LEFT CLICK; i resigned myself to the fact there was no personal waypoints in this game until this video :D. if nothing else thanks for that realisation...

@Nachtwesen666 - 16.04.2023 23:36

Willbender got me. laughed so hard "niiiiauu""

@opusfluke2354 - 11.04.2023 02:46

"Rangers have no friends"? Laughs bitterly in Necromancer

@therealalbrechtdurer - 11.03.2023 19:49

I fucking HATE the expansions, all of them. Core world maps are great, but the goddamn fucking expansions piss me off the second I enter of any them. AGGRO AGGRO AGGRO AGGRO ALL THE TIME 24/7/365. Not fun at all. If the devs had set out to infuriate me with relentless enemy NPCs, then mission accomplished.

@eonarose - 05.03.2023 23:25

Virtuoso is just Ireland from league of legends.

@KevinPlayingGames - 24.02.2023 08:11

Really great info packed into this video without being overwhelming. Very entertaining, too. Excellent job. Liked and subscribed!

@Sjel - 13.02.2023 17:13

Why does the game force You to unlock all of the skills instead of improving the ones You have? I don get it. I'm fine with one set of skills/utilities but there is no way to spend more hero points on them.

@maximilianmixa4968 - 13.02.2023 07:49

how’d you know i picked ranger

@montanawhite5699 - 08.02.2023 04:19

No matter how much I try I can’t get into gw2. Whenever I try I get over it and it makes me want to play gw1.

@RezaQin - 19.01.2023 01:41

Always pick Charr.

@Dahoon - 17.01.2023 14:24

Schizophrenia and Multiple Personality Disorder have nothing to do with each other.

@Nienna_Asyare - 11.01.2023 22:48

I mentioned this in the previous version of this video but I might as well here too lol
New players in settings: auto loot won’t be available until you reach max level (80) on your first character and progress a few mastery tracks

@Medusa_plays - 30.12.2022 07:16

I like your sense of humor sir!

@Nigel-vd9ni - 27.12.2022 23:25

Wow finally a beginner's guide that is actually for beginners not level 80 players with perfect gear. Thanks it was very helpful.

@Youboremenow - 25.12.2022 09:33

Checked out a number of guides, this is the first one that mentioned the deposit crafting material button, ty! Won't get me the time I wasted back but at least I can stop deleting items when my inventory gets full without me knowing now.

@SupraSav - 22.12.2022 21:25

Almost 3 months/400 hrs into the game and I've decided now is a good time to watch this video..

@zachcarman4501 - 15.12.2022 12:44

I finally got into the game two days ago and my friend is forcing me to watch this cause I only have played WoW and don't get the classes...

@pca9054 - 06.12.2022 17:35

I've been playing the game for almost a week and I am in pain. I've been selling or destroying all the crafting mats I got because I kept running out of inventory space ;-;

@kafrikotroll8610 - 18.11.2022 14:15

Also you forgot to mention that everyone is playing this game solo !!! They won't form parties !!!

@kafrikotroll8610 - 18.11.2022 14:09

Dude did they fixed their CPU HOG- DESTROYER?
Do you still have to run their client in the background to be able to play the game?

@The69Oskar69 - 15.11.2022 11:12

OMG, I had no idea there is something like a bank for your materials. I was so frustrated when my inventory was constantly full because there is like bilions of mats in this game and I sold many of them because my normal bank was also full, arrrgrhh!

@July-gj1st - 06.11.2022 05:07

Ngl I was having a hard time choosing a class until you showed Gilgamesh-esque abilities. Let's see how this goes.

@humanoidpeacock4033 - 25.10.2022 21:27

I'm not very into lategame (just got the gryphon lol) but i like to be around low level zones looking for new players to help them, sometimes i recommend this video because is just a perfect beginning guide, keep up the nice work mate

@lccsd2392 - 20.10.2022 04:55

I like you the best, awww. I've been playing this off and on for years now and I always go to the beginner guides!

@thatsembarrassing7315 - 15.10.2022 21:01

i wish i had watched this when i started a week ago, but this vid is so helpful! thank you!

@vividpsychosis8222 - 20.09.2022 06:55

I just got to my first 80 and I’ve completed living season 1 and working on 2. Do you recommend doing everything in order until I hit the latest expansion? Also. How do I get easy red mastery points without doing some crazy complicated achievements

@LadyAmalthea0615 - 14.09.2022 01:26

Thank you. This was very helpful. Lots of useful information without beating around the bush. Thumbs up!

@RegalRexus - 12.09.2022 07:41

This is sooooo helpful, thank you!!

@oni911b2 - 02.09.2022 12:57

PVE dailies. Are available at very low levels (10 or lower?), there are always at least 3 PVE achievements doable at your highest level toon and give 2 gold, nice sum for a new player for 30 minutes of gameplay. To access list check daily category in achievement tab in hero panel (H by default).
Exotic gear. Some popular exotic stat lines got cheaper "named" variant with exactly same stats for fraction of trading post price. For example berserkers heavy armor has Devona's variant. Full Devona's set will be cheaper at trading post than just chest piece of berserker.

@cl0ud9x - 29.08.2022 05:55

awesome video! super funny and informative

@xRay5454 - 28.08.2022 13:19

14 500h in game, still wanted to watch this lol

@desecratedcake3875 - 24.08.2022 10:00

Im not james but damn it is exactly 2am

@anaittchorbadjian5292 - 23.08.2022 01:55

Love the guide and your energy the class really sold it for me , necromancer is always my top favourite and to be able to use guns in other class is also very fun.

@Slowmotion1225 - 23.08.2022 01:36

Here's a tip.

Don't pick up crafting professions on every alt, otherwise you get to be annoyed by the crafting icons on the character select screen.

@rockforlight - 17.08.2022 07:28

"Daredevil, gains access to his staff for bonk bonk", what am I supposed to glean from this as a new player? Useless.

@pwulfe7442 - 14.08.2022 18:44

Ayyyy I'm Gates of Madness too!

@itzmen4t338 - 11.08.2022 03:24

Mesmer = doctor strange

@aleksandernor2385 - 07.08.2022 15:29

Ty, great video!

@dividedbyzero8072 - 19.07.2022 18:00

Pro tip would be don’t play it cause it gets boring af really fast.

@Voiddrake836 - 17.07.2022 16:40

Hay man this video helps a lot, I just got the game and started journey.
