[QUICK & EASY] How to Create Different WordPress Sidebars (for Different Pages, Posts, Categories)

[QUICK & EASY] How to Create Different WordPress Sidebars (for Different Pages, Posts, Categories)

Portable Entrepreneur

2 года назад

4,005 Просмотров

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Yogesh Kadu
Yogesh Kadu - 06.04.2023 09:04

ma'am can you please show us what will be the output first,
so it will same us some time 😢

Gery - 22.11.2022 19:50

Hmm i set it as replace but doesn't replace the woocommerce sidebar. My problem that the woocommerce sidebar is also on the product page and it creates a big emplty space for me. . I can't get rid of that emptiness next to my products. . Or if i could just set a sidebar to woocommerce but not the product page it would be awesome. .

Shadow - 29.10.2022 18:02

Excuse me. As a beginner, the tutorial was not enough for me. Please explain in more detail. Sorry for disturbing you. And, please understand me. Thank you very much.

David Smithey
David Smithey - 26.04.2022 17:52

Could you put a link to an example of what the finished sidebar looks like?! thanks
