Deku entering his Batman phase
ОтветитьLike if you think Deku should've kept being a vigilante
ОтветитьMoments before disaster:
ОтветитьDark Deku is like Batman with Superman’s powers.
ОтветитьYo who else got hyped when he folded muscular like a lawn chair 😂😂
ОтветитьRobot Hamlin said so you must be muscular the boy told me about you. Muscular said midoriya! In fact I miss him. Robot Hamlin said well he's not here but your fight is with me for the boy. Muscular said bring it on.
ОтветитьI feel like the dub's muscular doesn't convey the elation and insanity emenating off of muscular when he sees deku.
ОтветитьMuscular: William Afton, we meet again
ОтветитьThe one frame of the word SMASH on the impact frame is so damn good
ОтветитьMidoryaaaa 💓💓💓❤️❤️
ОтветитьIs it me or I saw da word smash when he hit muscular?
ОтветитьThis proves the dub just keeps getting better and better. It was always great - in the words of the Japanese cast and crew, "perfect" - but styll.
ОтветитьWait, wait, so if he's the same voice actor cause that's awesome, if not, that's still an amazing voice for a more dark hero like Batman
ОтветитьWhen I heard muscular say he miss deku I was like surprise and happy at the same time cause it shows that for some reason,musular cares and remember and love him deku for some reason😊
ОтветитьGoes hard so excited for the next season
ОтветитьI just now noticed the impact frame of Deku's initial hit says Smash. Such a small, but really cool, detail
Deku: Ok
maximum yeets his ass into the ground, then gut punches tf outta him
Now this is why deku is my favourite character
Edit: deku went from sonic to dark sonic
2nd edit: deku went from spiderman to black suit spiderman
Muscular the way he said it IM MORE muSCuLAR
ОтветитьHim: well babes I do not miss u
ОтветитьSecret Identity? What's that?
ОтветитьThis is cool and all but damn I was kinda left feeling bored watching the anime. When reading the manga I just imagined the fight scenes in this season to look alot cooler, not to mention his costume isn't nearly as detailed or menacing
ОтветитьSemi spoiler !
They need to keep dark deku longer. Don’t get me wrong the story line was amazing but I think it would go better if he became more if anti hero
I've rewatched this clip so much. I love Midoriya, and when you see him appear like this in his dark state. He's chilling but so badass to. Yet he is still pure and remains a true hero. I love how Justin Briner makes him sound here. The MHA dub never disappoints
ОтветитьDark deku sounding like ayanokoji 😂😂
Ответитьidgaf what anyone says..............................DARK DEKU IS A THREAT
ОтветитьIf you think about it, Deku at this point is effectively a hero version of Brightburn.
ОтветитьAs someone who stop watching after season 4 because i wanted to wait till more eps came out why does the dude who got his ass beat look like deku while there a emo deku
ОтветитьBruh Deku went from sweet Lawful good, to Chaotic good daddy. Like goddamn man
ОтветитьPlease don't tell me that Deku is turning into The Punisher!!! 😱 😨 😱 😨 😱 😨 😱.
ОтветитьMe tore ria? Glad I don't listen to this shit
ОтветитьHaven't been watching since the first season, but did Deku go full Kaneki or something?
ОтветитьSomewhere out there, Batman's proud.
ОтветитьHow can people say Grand didnt contribute to Musculars defeat saying oh deku could have just 1 shot him regardless. Did they not see him take a punch to the back off guard in this clip and shake it off like nothing. He most definitely would have put up a fight if not for that exposed weakness. Deku even said himself that hes one of the only villains to take a full power one for all punch and still be standing
ОтветитьWhoever watches my hero dubbed and not subbed is a disgrace to the anime.
ОтветитьUgh... OMG that was painful to my ears. Why do people accept dubs as an option, there's only ever been a handful of dubs done with the right care and love that turned out well.
ОтветитьDon't get me wrong. I loved this episode and I love season 6. It's just kind of a let down for the fact that Deku didn't say "no wonder my gift from the fourth wouldn't shut up"
ОтветитьYou know you’ve become a true superhero when you start building a rogue’s gallery. Case in point, Muscular and his beef with Deku.
ОтветитьI absolutely love the look of Vigilante Deku.
It's like his normal design mixed with Stain's design.
I know deku ask muscular why did you became a villain in the first place me I wouldn't ask that question cuz I know the answer cuz he's a muscle-bound moron who needs to least. Because he's too damn stupid he says he's looking for opponents but I'm guessing anything with a heartbeat like a little child will do it's not a warrior he's an idiot
ОтветитьAny chance that MHA continues well after their done S6 ? Not much of a manga reader but a guy can hope right lol
ОтветитьHe's come so far! 🔥🙌❤️
ОтветитьLove the dub
ОтветитьThe voice should have been a little more deeper other than that, perfect
ОтветитьSomeone tell me this arc isn’t already over. I was really liking it. I don’t want him to go back just yet. It was a breath of fresh air instead of friendship is everything that almost every anime does. So can someone please tell me he leaves again soon 😭
ОтветитьDub is so disgusting to listen ...🤦♂️ . I thought they weren't doing a dub for this series like hit man reborn?
ОтветитьOh shit good job Justin
ОтветитьWe don’t notice how his voice has changed now??