5 Signs You're Not An ENTJ

5 Signs You're Not An ENTJ

Cognitive Personality Theory

2 года назад

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CamandalShaman - 04.10.2023 09:03

Your not an ENTJ if you have not said “it is my wish above all wishes that you will start an argument with me.”

Grace North
Grace North - 05.09.2023 21:28

Alright, so I'm the rare ENTJ woman. Yes I broke the glass-ceiling. Yes I'm comfortably retired before 50. No I can't sit still and have just started phd research for the sake of knowledge and society.

Arletta Sloan
Arletta Sloan - 31.07.2023 19:48

I have to say, having taken a toodle around, you make ENTJs sound so much nicer than anyone else does!

Arletta Sloan
Arletta Sloan - 28.07.2023 23:03

Hm... If I am understanding things correclty, there is nothing in here that says I am not an ENTJ.

And, now that I am back, listening to this again, I am really resonating with the part about aversion to micro-management and improvising /seeing what happens. I mean, I'm okay with that when playing with paints or something like that. but .. yeah ... no one in my family wants to plan. They also don't want to get started before something is needed to be done. Except me. I want to be Frank Lloyd Wright and they want to be The Three Stooges, basically.

Hank A
Hank A - 23.07.2023 16:30

Years ago I took the MBTI test and came out INTP. I took it a few years ago and came out INTJ. I didn't put that much thought into it since because most of it sort of fit. I can say that some of the other videos on this subject never quite fit exactly. It was really stunning to watch this video and within the first 10 minutes I could tell that he was talking about me in such detail and with such accuracy. I had a bit of a difficult time with the accent and some of the echoes in a few of the first videos from him that I watched but this video was much clearer but I still had to keep rewinding because I really wanted to see if something didn't fit. I was so shocked at the details fitting I made sure not to misunderstand each of the points just to see if he could maintain it. In my other experiences there was always something that didn't fit and it was usually one of the stereotypical descriptions.

The silly stereotypes and horoscopes and inaccuracy of the tests were something that made me wish someone could come up with a better system as I could see validity and truth in it if it weren't for the holes all over the theories or tests. I had joined multiple forums and the immaturity and foolishness in regards to MBTI and the stereotyping was something I really couldn't tolerate and that didn't last.

I'm going to recommend this channel and share the relevant videos to anyone that I know has interest in this.

I rarely even to subscribe to channels but I subscribed to this one and I'm sharing it because I think this man deserves to have other people check out his system so that they can find out who they actually are, and so that his videos get moved higher up in priority in terms of MBTI and the population as a whole can benefit from the accuracy.

I would love to know if he came up with this particular theory on his own including the convergent and divergent orientations which do seem to fit or if it was documented somewhere else already.

Thank you very much for educating everybody properly and for making this extremely concise video. I will at some point finish checking out the other content.

I think this is the closest to what I would consider an extension of a Carl Jung was doing as it is within the spirit of his theories as well as having the accuracy of the original psychological types book.

On Life and Love
On Life and Love - 15.07.2023 13:48

After watching this video, I have fully confirmed that I am an ENTJ! The statements here fit me perfectly. My favorite part: "identity and meaning simply are, and assessing them serves next to no purpose."

inigma - 22.04.2023 07:13

ENTJ: i want to control the world so if anything comes up, we can get it done right.
INTJ: i have something specific that i want done right, and it looks like i need to control the world to get it done.

Ciel Phantomhive
Ciel Phantomhive - 19.04.2023 21:59

oh, I love this video!
just discovered your channel, and I’m loving your way of explaining personality types! I’m an ENTJ. this video just further validated it, the bonus sign... HAHA you should’ve seen my face when you described the extroverted feeling and how it works for us in social settings when we consciously access it! from warm and fuzzy to cold and detached, yes, it can feel both ways when interacting in social settings, it depends on the “mission”! if it serves the goal and purpose. I’ve never heard anyone describe that side of me.

you’re very good at this! ❤

Raúl Sanz
Raúl Sanz - 29.03.2023 01:31

A very outgoing ENTJ here... I see my high "Se" is the reason; so much that I almost sound like an ESTP. Thank you!!!

Makqa - 20.03.2023 17:31

still cant't decide between intj and entj

Bill Birkett
Bill Birkett - 13.03.2023 08:08

ENTJ's scare the living sh&t out of me. Having to interact with them for me as an INFP is like riding in a go-cart with no brakes going down a very steep, windy and rocky road. I've learned how to give them what they want when I have to, but I am still terrified of them. They haunt my dreams.

Shane Starr
Shane Starr - 15.02.2023 05:35

Enlightening and informative video, further solidifying my typing. Thank you Harry!!

AsTheWorldBurns - 13.02.2023 04:43

I was having doubts about being an ENTJ because of how badly the type has been described and because of how pop culture always portrays them but after watching this I know it’s my type. This is the best video on ENTJs I’ve ever seen. You know exactly what to look for when typing them. Ordinarily I look like I’m totally unaware of anything Fe related but I’m very good at busting it out if I spot an opportunity and wanna take advantage of it

Cosmicjungle - 12.02.2023 06:01

please royal 👑 pretty please !

Amina Mehdi
Amina Mehdi - 17.01.2023 20:43

Your verbosity detracts from the concepts in your video. Simpler language would be a more efficient way of getting your point across.

User6329 - 11.01.2023 00:10

ENTP here. I always get ENTJ in any personality type. I am a go getter externally but I do it proactively to prove that I can, not because I’m that invested.

The Adhd Gardener
The Adhd Gardener - 30.12.2022 14:36

The monotone voice killed me.

Shane Starr
Shane Starr - 12.12.2022 03:55

Insightful and interesting observations, particularly the part about the non-social nature of Te. Thank you Harry!

m. - 04.12.2022 10:56

Great video!
I really like this series, it's really helpful to cross out the types that make the least sense, and also to better understand each type's functions.
I am between INTJ and ISTJ, I found a video of this series about INTJ, is there any possibity of a video like this on ISTJ as well?
Thank you and amazing work!

ScArZie pewpew
ScArZie pewpew - 23.11.2022 18:36

yah u ambigoius cubt u make mbti sound like astrology

Angry Spaghetti
Angry Spaghetti - 30.09.2022 04:41

Yea, i'm definitely an ENTJ. Thanks Harry.

rupiik - 08.09.2022 00:30

Your voice is chilling.

Joyofmoments R
Joyofmoments R - 26.08.2022 10:54

How would an unconfident entj behave?

Mat’s Fi
Mat’s Fi - 04.08.2022 19:33

I think this is too long of a video for ENTJ viewers…

Nicoló - 22.06.2022 09:44

I usually thought I was an INTP bc I thought my dominant cognitive function was Introverted thinking but I start to considerate I can be ENTJ, everything started when from my cognitive function test came out that my Te is higher than my Ti

None - 19.06.2022 07:41

I've realized, as a person, I just scream ni-fi, as a kid I would say, my idol is my future self, and one of my greatest fears has always been not living up to that long term expectation. It's something that slowly changes and more gets added on over time, but its a lot harder to remove things from the picture as they become mainstays. As for te-se go, I'm not too sure though, as I feel I should be able to more strongly see it in myself, although I am critical at times, I've always seen it as a more ne driven thing, using lots of analogies to describe social and rational situations, in general, I use lots of analogies (in which I see intuition, due to its abstract nature) I am also very critical of people when I deem them socially "incorrect" so to say.
Although my ni-fi does seem very prominent, I idenitify much more as cognitively reactive (in open world games I tend to get scared of requiring internal drive to do things, but once they give me goals, I can effectively complete them
I don't know if this is too mich to ask for free, but is there anything you can tell me about how this information might be placed into a type?

Light Yagami
Light Yagami - 13.06.2022 14:50

I have mystyped myself as INTJ for years, but my real type is actually ENTJ!

Cynderelly lastname
Cynderelly lastname - 18.05.2022 00:35

Hello, I appreciate the video and you seem very knowledgeable about this topic. I just have a constructive criticism. Your voice is very monotone, you make little body language, and it was really hard for me to stay engaged in what you were saying

石神千空 - 06.05.2022 09:27

Your deacription on inferior Fi hits hard for me because it is true. It hit me hard this year. I became tunnel-visioned and hyperfocused on attaining specific outcomes in my studies that I failed to assess if I still loved my subject. Each aasignment felt more like a chore to complete, but I still bulldozed anyways because I was still "getting things done". I was more afraid of feeling less accomplished than anything else. I burned out badly and I'm still recovering from it. I'm now working with my Fi to be more deliberate about my life pursuit.

nini - 21.04.2022 03:56

im an entj, but not the successful, “get what i want” and achieving type of entj. i think im an unhealthy one cuz it just really doesn’t make sense how i got that result twice. lol

BlazingStar - 12.04.2022 11:49

could you do ISTP next

Включить ФСБ
Включить ФСБ - 08.04.2022 00:53

1 sign you are an ENTJ : u did not even play the video 😒

ActMgt Ejb
ActMgt Ejb - 21.03.2022 17:13

Looking forward to more of these "signs you're not" videos because they actually help people get closer to their actual types much more easily with a thorough discussion on the "wirings" of convergent and divergent functions

This channel always has the most sensible approach on personality types

Manas - 02.03.2022 21:45

Are you a leo ♌ ?

baller - 20.02.2022 19:04

How you know you are, cuz I'm not gonna watch 27 minutes on how I'm not what I am

Mystica Ari'Yena
Mystica Ari'Yena - 18.02.2022 09:21

um... do you take requests? ;) there's one missing from this series cough cough

Manny's Mandatories
Manny's Mandatories - 16.02.2022 23:54

The best thing about this video is that it really drove home that I’m not actually ESTJ or ENTP, but actually an ENTJ with a broken internal compass trying to hopelessly figure out WTF is going wrong. Thank you

Max Sperling
Max Sperling - 10.02.2022 14:03

If you haven't put the video on 1.25-1.50 speed you are not my kind.

Minneolaos - 05.02.2022 21:33

I believe this type, ENTJ, should find their line of work in non-human resources such as machinery and equipment and stacks of stones. Preferably on engineering. IMO it's highly inadvisable to let them "manage" people, I do not see their strengths in things related to (living) people, they are the Lord Voldemorts among us and people get weird Nazi vibes. Efficiency and people do not mingle, it comes out so sterile and most people won't argue with a "strong" ENTJ about as a typical ENTJ does not see justification, other people are just inefficient and lack reason. So, the ENTJ is never wrong, but people vote with their feet. They may win battles, but they tend to lose the war.

Silva Phoenix
Silva Phoenix - 01.02.2022 01:52

1 sign that you are definitely an entj = sees the video is 25+ mins and then saying nope and move on

Phương Đông
Phương Đông - 20.01.2022 19:20

Iam not even an entj, just here for pure knowledge.

Pedro Gonzalez
Pedro Gonzalez - 20.01.2022 03:08

Sorry but im an entj. Hard to persuade me otherwise. But I'll watch a couple more of your videos

YogiSurfRunner - 19.01.2022 03:26

Outstanding work

세나 - 16.01.2022 01:16

Can you do ISFP too please?

WhiteCat_ AG
WhiteCat_ AG - 07.01.2022 02:01

I thought l was an INTJ and how l figured out was an ENTJ: I'm too assertive and agressive to be one you're welcome bud :D

Meilei - 29.12.2021 05:28

Thanks for this clarifying lecture

Smallen tales
Smallen tales - 26.12.2021 11:29

Sign 6 you watched the entire video.

James Bryan
James Bryan - 12.12.2021 15:55

Hi, what are your academic credentials Cognitive Personality Theory?

GabrieL Alsham
GabrieL Alsham - 08.12.2021 18:40

what is the Te- convergent subtype that you mentioned?

Carolina B
Carolina B - 07.12.2021 01:56

would love to see signs you’re not INTP
