What is the Unity game engine? | 2021

What is the Unity game engine? | 2021

Brendan Dickinson

2 года назад

9,339 Просмотров

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@BrendanDickinsonUnity - 16.12.2021 09:03

What would you make with Unity?

@Bananas766 - 20.10.2023 22:24

This was a great video - first time looking into what it will take to become a beginner C# dev, I hadn't realized that Unity had so many (non-game related) applications re VR, AR, simulation, etc. Thank you! Thumbs up!

@user-ch9mq5oj2f - 18.07.2023 22:25

I have been playing your stinking game since April and haven't received a cent I am a woman with stage four metastatic lung cancer I'm trying very very hard to make some money for my I have racked up quite a bit of money since April and I haven't received $0.02 on my cash app card somebody needs to help me get this message to unity video games yeah I guess they teach you how to do the games and not to pay out $0.01 I want the money I have one or I will be reporting you to the FCC as a ripoff company!!

@SomeIncredibleDude - 02.12.2022 00:51

Great content for little subscribers, thanks for the info mate.

@talismanskulls2857 - 08.10.2022 01:40

After 2018.4 it seems Unity likes to break, crash and go to crap z lot mid project, setup or development. But at least it isn't too hard to install, doesn't have as much bloat and can be used on lower end systems. Unreal is overloaded and you need a bigger system and some deep pockets to use it, specifically for something designed on purpose to be a current gaming system that costs an easy $5000 just for the basics to be in place, or it will crash your computer either during install or trying to start it up. People focus too much on the bells and whistles and the learning curve. No one takes into account the hardware you need for the software. For broke people or low budget developers Unity is your best option and it doesn't currently have tied to a company ownership in bed with the CCP.

@himanshuarya9451 - 17.12.2021 09:39

I wanna make a multiplayer open world game...
