FCC JUNIORS 1: "Lightning" Lewis Green vs Jack "The Lad" Dally

FCC JUNIORS 1: "Lightning" Lewis Green vs Jack "The Lad" Dally

FCC: Full Contact Contender

1 год назад

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72A1D372 - 01.11.2023 19:26

Why cant kids just be kids???

فتح الدماغ مخدر
فتح الدماغ مخدر - 28.10.2023 16:33

Are they told not to punch? Also why do they have gloves on? This is the second youth fight i seen without ounches

Marcus Hampton
Marcus Hampton - 28.10.2023 11:31

I could beat up both of those MMA fighters at the same time. I never thought I’d be able to say that.

Elz Harvskyz
Elz Harvskyz - 28.10.2023 00:23

Cmon guys there is a line that has to be drawn

Robert Green
Robert Green - 16.10.2023 00:47

Get your kids to bed, I will fight any of yous cowards who are letting these children fight bring it on 🚩🚩

sentient still
sentient still - 14.10.2023 10:36

amazing... not too long 'til they'll have to change the name to Fetus Contact Contender... don't worry, you can still pretend it's not child abuse

💞Loves Kimberly 💞
💞Loves Kimberly 💞 - 12.10.2023 05:50

WOW 😳 these poor children 😢

LightFF - 11.10.2023 03:31

I came in here thinking how the heck is this legal and damage to their poor developing brains until I saw the rules and man do I take it back. Great way to teach discipline and grit at an early age!

harry alvarez
harry alvarez - 03.10.2023 09:24

Great fight

Everett St. Claire
Everett St. Claire - 01.10.2023 15:56

The matches aren't held in the US. They might not be able to strike to the head or slam your opponent to the ground, but those submissions alone could do lasting damage. Not to mention giving someone with the mentality of an 8 year old the skills to really hurt someone outside of the octagon where the rules don't apply.

Adam Turner
Adam Turner - 26.09.2023 11:01

child abuse...if you can't see it then look up the definition. A child body is still forming at that age...has all logic gone out the window in 2023 or what??!! Wow child labor laws, child abuse ever notice how when their is money involved all laws take a back seat? Sick world we live inn. wow! Whats next, new born vs. a dude in a dress? sick people this is a sick sport horrible and everyone associated with it should be in JAIL sick people!

Sidney Griffiths
Sidney Griffiths - 25.09.2023 19:48

Charles better Than Islam? Are you Mad??????

Sidney Griffiths
Sidney Griffiths - 25.09.2023 19:48

Charles better Than Islam? Are you Mad??????

Waldläufer papa4
Waldläufer papa4 - 24.09.2023 18:58


Roger Olliveira
Roger Olliveira - 22.09.2023 16:32

bacana demais

G Shell
G Shell - 21.09.2023 21:40

How old are these kids ? They look 7

정덕선 - 21.09.2023 13:37

외국 얼라들은 싸움도 ㅈㄴ게 잘하는구나...무섭다

Alex Torres
Alex Torres - 18.09.2023 04:38

throw some hands lil nigga

GEORGE PAINTER - 11.09.2023 05:26

You can’t fight your dog, but your kid fighting is all good!
