The Horrors of Being a Facebook Moderator | Informer

The Horrors of Being a Facebook Moderator | Informer


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BurglarBars - 30.09.2023 21:13

I just found this, and its interesting and sucks but I can't believe this person didn't believe in PTSD.

R Smith
R Smith - 30.09.2023 12:30

The sooner the megarich companies like Facebook, X & Instagram etc actually insist that anyone who wishes to upload any vids or messages must do so under their real name then most of the vile online content will continue. It could easily be applied then most of it could be stopped overnight but as long as you can hide behind a mask of whatever name you want then nothing will really change. Apart from those megarich companies making a lot less money that is. So why don't they? Just think about it.

TLRB - 30.09.2023 03:28

I dont understand why it has to be a secret? I think ppl need to know how important it is to monitor their kids & stuff bc far too many ppl think "eh, it aint anything they havent seen or heard in school. U cant save them from everything.. ect" bc they don't realize when we say monitor, its not just bc of "small" sexual stuff poping up or stupid stuff.. its very very very serious!

Will Smith
Will Smith - 27.09.2023 20:37

oh yeah, what EXACTLY is that definition of hate speech?

Lplp - 26.09.2023 09:10

Maybe instead of asking how we can take better care of people who do this job, we should ask whether the job, and social media as a whole, should even exist.

Naomi - 25.09.2023 16:07

I’ve seen beheadings on fb, people being shot, people being dragged behind cars, people being killed by animals and worst of all child and animal abuse. It’s unfortunately nearly impossible to stop with live feeds and ‘trends’ After being so uncensored as a kid with a dad as a medic and stumbling across some shocking images. I would rather me be in this type of job over someone that isn’t tainted

Isaiah Wright
Isaiah Wright - 25.09.2023 02:18

I kinda want this job

Michael Marin
Michael Marin - 22.09.2023 20:32

As a former EMT, I can tell you for a fact that PTSD is 100% real.

SpocksLeft Eyebrow
SpocksLeft Eyebrow - 22.09.2023 17:15

Its no different than dispatching, theybare just a visual 911 dispatcher.

Me - 21.09.2023 05:04

Sounds like spending any amount of time on Omegle.

Me - 21.09.2023 05:04

Jesus are people live streaming all of these things or is he saying the camera permissions we give Facebook actually shows Facebook everything people are just doing... 🤔

Mercy - 20.09.2023 04:37

First off, I'm so sorry to learn of what you have been made respond for in your job. And, it seems quite clear that Complex-PTSD has taken root in the psyche of those who function in this job... until they don't. For years, I worked for a phone company and we had direct customer daily for 8 hours with 2-15 min. breaks and a30 min. lunch.

We were all required to sign NDAs with time with the exception being you could talk about experiences among local peers in same job locations, or your up line supervisors. Your local management as well as an independent professional company with expertise on company goals and protections) performed "observations" of your contacts (calls) for quality and "the weird and illegal behaviors transmitted across the system, e.g.s, FCC, PUC, and all the other regulating and legal agencies -- there are laws that do come into play when people have an exchange with those performing public-facing orginizations.

There was HR as well as company psychologists and medical doctors where your supervisor could recommend you for free during company time -- your supervisor would drive you there. And, if more help was need for burn-out, based on size limits, there was a retreat you could be referred to based on available space in a calendar year.
My point is , AT&T took care of their own because people who interface with the public have stressful jobs. Life insure companies, rated the rated the phone company service rep job as more stressful than AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS! i don't, typically, comment about politics, but in this case I think these elevated signs of care came from contract negotiations between the strong unions being able to articulate the long term problems they were witnessing with the company recognizing the intensive training and ongoing tutelage of their workers are valuable. Their workers were expensive assets -- it took a lot to screen for, train, place, and continually develop the key skills and knowledge base to handle difficult situations.

FB appears to be treating those who function in this job as one in which it is easy to replace people like programmers who have formal ways of representing their skill levels with languages, applications, degrees and certifications. How does FB determine the blue of your job? One would think not only would FB benefit by limiting the daily exposure to the most toxic people and circumstances so the job can be mixing the job with other forms of work to arrive at a position that is valued, safeguarded and w
Hang in there! Or, leave! Your psyche must be in such pain and these types of scars have an expansive price to pay for your long term mental health and one's ability to live a good life and to follow a Noble Path where service to human kind is not to police those who are exercising license with the least amount of self control. May God Bless you and help you care for your heart!

Ntokozo Ndabandaba
Ntokozo Ndabandaba - 19.09.2023 20:50

So this is what happens when I report something disturbing, someone else has to see it and more after that 😢 The internet is a terrible place

Mr.bob1234 - 19.09.2023 01:43

Avarage Facebook moderator experience:

Phi Hung Hoang
Phi Hung Hoang - 18.09.2023 06:56

This is one of the many jobs that AI would be a really good fit!

MoRīTZ - 17.09.2023 10:35

All these so-called "Social media " mediums are actually Antisocial 😢. We're living in a world where people don't talk to each other anymore!. :+( instead people look robotic glued to their phone & don't even realize who's sitting next to them 😢

MoRīTZ - 17.09.2023 10:29

WhY is Mark Zuckerberg becoming a billionaire over other ppl' s horrors!... Facebook should be shut down100%

Scotastenchy - 16.09.2023 01:11

Nobody forced you to take the job

Miller - 15.09.2023 16:42

Vice is a fucking joke

R.R.R - 15.09.2023 05:22

I got banned from FB multiple times for writing comments that weren't in any way racist/dangerous/discriminating. I was only commenting on friends post and joking.
I would report horrible videos of animals being abused or people being violent and FB would answer that the videos did not "infringe on their community standard". What a load of bullcr*p!!

Hamid Vera
Hamid Vera - 14.09.2023 22:57

First time i saw gore was when i was 12 and after that i occasionally see gore just because it is interesting how evil the world really is but i never really had ptsd or any sort of that thing watching it Nor am i uncomfortable. Is something wrong with me or is it normal

Moorish Missionary M. Fatin EL
Moorish Missionary M. Fatin EL - 14.09.2023 08:23

The world is exposed through what people are attempting to post. Let’s crack down on the planet.

Nicole A
Nicole A - 14.09.2023 06:10

With all that money he can definitely add code that self moderates that’s ridiculous!

LUXE THE MEDIUM ♡𓆪🧿 - 13.09.2023 06:23

I would def do this job

Diedre - 13.09.2023 05:15

But they threatened to delete my account for calling a man bullying a woman "miserable". Lol

Chy - 13.09.2023 01:45

social media is gonna be the end of us one day.

K Kronic
K Kronic - 12.09.2023 17:31

Boo fucking hoo only 8 hours a day and he has "ptsd," psshh

Marijuana know something?
Marijuana know something? - 12.09.2023 16:12

Up next: Twitter moderator can't speak coherent sentences anymore because thier brain has melted.

Matthew Rardin
Matthew Rardin - 12.09.2023 03:12

dude i have left commemts that say something like "White people DO know how to use seasonings as much as black people do" and my commemt got deleted for hate speech and i got put in facebook jail for 3 days.
needless to say i dont use FB anymore.

Johan Libert
Johan Libert - 11.09.2023 18:17

I need this job

- - 11.09.2023 02:45

I watched a tiktok mod interview and the same… :( animal ab*se, suic***, ch*ld sa

Larkin - 09.09.2023 03:44

watching my comments all day to my wife..

Big Mike
Big Mike - 08.09.2023 07:04

“Dogs being bbq’d alive”

that’s the most horrible thing I’ve ever hear in my life

imsexyandiknowit - 08.09.2023 05:47

My sister is a moderator on Twitter she has some crazy story about what muslims are doing to non Muslims. We stay all night talking about it

Ally & The Arts
Ally & The Arts - 08.09.2023 05:12

Oh wow 😢
Ptsd is no joke. Ive seen some things that i honestly wish i was never exposed too.

Talia ‘The Closet Ratchet’ Oliver
Talia ‘The Closet Ratchet’ Oliver - 07.09.2023 23:50

Wow I never even think about this type of work. That’s sad 😢

The government doesn't care about you
The government doesn't care about you - 07.09.2023 00:26

I want to be a moderator. I'm 15 and I have already watched gore videos. So I'm desensitized. Looks like a gooe paying job and an easy job

Apple Grace
Apple Grace - 06.09.2023 09:02

Gusto ko subukan pero feeling ko ito narin start ng serial killer journey ko .. 😂

Kozume Kenma
Kozume Kenma - 05.09.2023 12:24

I didnt know there were moderators

Holly Snoop&Fuzzy
Holly Snoop&Fuzzy - 05.09.2023 06:55

Thank you for doing this horrible but absolutely essential work. I could not do it. I am involved in animal rescue and there have been times when I've felt completely hopeless, emotionally destroyed. Our passion makes us resilient and determined. PTSD is real. People like Zuckerberg are tools. Respect and love for you.

Braulio Patron
Braulio Patron - 04.09.2023 23:23

anyone know any good podcasts that shed light on this typa stuff or are similar to this informer concept of vices? going down the rabbit hole and it seems thanos n eren jaeger had the right idea

Alondra - 04.09.2023 22:07

I was a moderator for a very well known app 👀 (can’t say because they made me sign an NDA) but everything he said in this video is true 😭 so glad I quit when I did. They did offer mandatory therapy sessions tho!

Joshua Myles
Joshua Myles - 04.09.2023 14:37


Snake Plisken
Snake Plisken - 04.09.2023 09:41

I was a Facebook moderator for years, one of the most disturbing thing I saw was a video of a white guy who claimed George Floyd was not a saint. Obviously I flagged it and blocked the account. It still gives me nightmares, I also have ptsd from all the facts I disagreed with.

alkoia - 04.09.2023 08:06

Whatever, its just stuff on a screen.

evanjuniorfluffy - 02.09.2023 19:12

I’ve seen all this on discord I didn’t know what I got my self in to a dmed a guy showing gore and stuff and he offered to show me someone with their hands cut off face off neck slit blood everywhere getting stabbed in the neck to stay alive I will not be telling anyone the name of it and also seen crime scenes head everywhere I saw someone fall from a height dying instantly soon people killing then self with guns someone cutting their penis off and all these servers had terrible moderators they weren’t fast enough so I had to endure all of that it took me months to forget the first incident.

Aaron Barragan
Aaron Barragan - 02.09.2023 02:00

Do these people at least get paid well?
