Which Weapon is Best in Lies of P (Tier List)

Which Weapon is Best in Lies of P (Tier List)


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@KantaPunk_Plays - 26.01.2025 19:42

Wintry Rapier blade + Blind Man's Double-sided Spear handle
Bone-cutting Saw blade + Master Chef's Knife handle
Live Puppet's Axe Blade + Booster Glaive handle
Live Puppet's Axe blade + Dancer's Curved Sword handle

@kainrich6183 - 26.01.2025 20:20

Excited for daybreak 2😂 maybe end of the year tierlist

@lucidx88 - 26.01.2025 20:23

what a coincidence. this is next on my bucket list after i finish stellar blade lol! i appreciate it

@ACloudWithoutAir - 26.01.2025 20:55

its funny cuz i beat the game with the greatsword of fate combinations. i love its blade and handle.

@younesakdah1803 - 26.01.2025 23:28

"The coil MOLLONIR"

@SomeOrdinaryViewer - 26.01.2025 23:53

What are the names of the first 3 games you showed?

@ryanzhin22 - 27.01.2025 03:06

great video bro, happy to have contributed to the video!

@fd5934 - 28.01.2025 00:13

Not into souls like, but here’s a comment to help the video, which was great as usual.

@raid1010 - 28.01.2025 03:40

Live Puppet's axe blade + dancer's curved handle will shred and staggers bosses easily

@atquinn1975 - 28.01.2025 04:59

Proof of Humanity for me and it's not even close!

@elsoul7204 - 29.01.2025 20:36

Booster glaive handle, i think i put the bone cleaver blade (a bit longer than the base booster glaive blade), i did two full runs with it, i had trouble letting it go...

@MediocreGamer88 - 30.01.2025 23:38

two dragon sword is the best weapon in any souls like game ever period - it is so addictive, when I am at work even in the meeting its cravings coming to me - saying " hey boy come on Two dragons waiting for you to parry"

@mikemidwood9661 - 31.01.2025 00:10

Hard not to pick the Trident.

@matthewyeomans7106 - 31.01.2025 06:25

Proof of Humanity in shit tier…? I heard your reasoning, but you’re still wrong

@jasoncruz3910 - 01.02.2025 11:43

The black steel cutter is definitely the best fire weapon in the game it does significantly more damage then the salamander dagger and it’s multi slash Fable art rips through carcass enemies

@BoerTheVile - 02.02.2025 05:05

Wow I completely agree with the list. If you are new to lies of P I would recommend trident of the convent. It’s probably the most user friendly, also has crit bonus and does stagger dmg like a colossal weapon. Lastly it’s thrust moveset keeps it from being interrupted by environment

@SennyIsWatching - 03.02.2025 12:00

I just want you to know that the proof of humanity is insane. Like if you have max at in tech and motiv, crit grindstone and these amulets: the amulet you get from scrapped watchman (must have all fable arts slots filled), dancer's amulet, the amulet you get from king's flame, crit amulet and fox amulet, you can do about 11k when using the grind fable art and blade fable art. This is about 3/4 of most bosses hp even on ng+ 5. Thats it for me yapping

@SennyIsWatching - 03.02.2025 12:10

More things btw:
1) tyrant murderer's dagger blade with city long spear, use this with crit amulet, dancer's amulet and more dmg boosting amulets but not those like +9 motivity. But anyway this weap destroys as its an easy spam, roughly destroyed king of puppets in 10-18 hits on ng+ 5 for me.
2) live puppet axe blade with coul mjolnir handle rekts although it is kinda slow but it has amazing reach and also this has the highest charged heavy dmg i've seen, i've tested alot of weaps, for me it did 4k but if it had buffs like crit and perfect parry amulet, it would do about 6k i'd say

@rudolfnovotny463 - 03.02.2025 15:13

Who is playing in 2025? 🤘🎮

@flanoflare - 04.02.2025 17:58

I was able to NG+ 3 so damn fast with the saw blade/Bramble Sword handle combo. Puppet string max drop a boss till staggered then handle art with the saw blade melts through the enemy

@cwalser544 - 12.02.2025 06:01

Waiting for the dlc

@samfrasciello6469 - 12.02.2025 20:27

I’ve been using the dancer blade with the bramble handle

@AzurePursuer - 15.02.2025 04:04

MY favourite weapon is 100% the Azure Crescent Glaive. Very glad to see it rated so high. Also, I hard disagree with it's charged heavy attack not being good. It's fantastic off of staggers, and even better if you Light into it's Charged Heavy.
Personally I don't like the fighting style of the Two Dragon Sword, but definitely get why it's #1

@ayaanabdullah937 - 17.02.2025 22:21

My God I've been waiting for a list like this

@ayaanabdullah937 - 17.02.2025 23:31

I'm curious, what would you rank the Proof Of Humanity if you didn't consider its availability as an NG+ weapon as a criteria? Its personally my favourite weapon in the game

@nosleepforme2242 - 18.02.2025 06:13

Personally been using the wrench to hit 20k+ for some satisfying one shots. Takes a few attempts because you need to crit, but it’s so satisfying once you get it.

Other than that, spamming heavy attacks with the trident just stun locks the entire game and that’s not mentioning the fact it’s a crit monster. Hard to put it down once you use it.

Also after a few playthroughs, an advanced build and switching weapons can be entertaining. Not the best by far but something else to shake things up.

@0dd3y3s - 18.02.2025 12:22

Great list!
Acid Great Curved Sword should be at the very bottom, though. It scales in advance - which makes sense, as it uses an element for damage, but the acid damage only activates after using the fable art.
But even then, advance scaling only increases damage when the "__ damage" is in the weapon stats. Acid great sword is the ONLY advance weapon that doesnt have it, so you always have mediocre damage, no matter what. It is 100% an oversight by the devs.

@Allstarjedi - 18.02.2025 14:52

And here i am thinking im doing something wrong by repeatedly going back to my Rapier . the thing just feels right to me, and even though i do experiment its hard using anything else 😂

@sizedgnat3620 - 19.02.2025 18:26

I'm sorry it's real that the great sword of hope handle it's not so good but the blade itself it's so good that should carry the weapon to at least high tier

@nrshocks6931 - 20.02.2025 20:53

city longspear handle with tyrant murderers dagger blade is probably one of the best weapons in the game. Good reach, fast attacks, fast heavy attack that lunges forward and does amazing damage. Using this weapon with the assassins talisman and crit grindstone gives you insane critical damage and rate and will shred any boss.

@felipebenevolo - 21.02.2025 17:07

Bonesaw blade with the bramble curved sword handle is the best weapon in the game

@Elchocolatepansy - 22.02.2025 01:22

Hot take: use whatever looks cool and has the flashiest moveset, dedicating this to you azure dragon moon glaive, papa loves you

@sohu86x - 22.02.2025 18:07

no city hilt + murder dagger? sad video.

@PuRage - 22.02.2025 23:11

Proof of Humanity is S tier for NG+

@Lucifer4040-k8h - 23.02.2025 19:55

I use the salamanders knife and the acid spear. I haven’t screwed around much with other weapons yet

@StillWeRide - 24.02.2025 08:33

They fucking nailed it with the weapons and the handle system. Discovering weapons was such a joy to see what it could do. What a game!

@ZenThorneshade - 25.02.2025 07:50

damn going in blind and finished my first playthrough, I beat the game with just the first basic elemental pickup weapons like the screwdriver, fire dagger but changed the handle and then carcass spear xDDD

@chefroxstarr9467 - 26.02.2025 03:09

I disagree with about 80% of what you said. But to each their own.

@ECCHIBANxHELLSING - 26.02.2025 06:20

Big puppet axe head police baton
Thru my 3 playthru

@devenmartinez6045 - 26.02.2025 20:59

Where is dancers curved blade ?

@0987ggggg - 27.02.2025 06:05

The DLC Dragon Glaive is the best I don't care how much people like the Two Dragon sword. For a game all about parrying, it's the perfect weapon it makes parrying so easy. Plus the devs fked it up by giving you at the very start making rest of the game too easy.

@mh_golfer - 27.02.2025 18:57

The dancer's handle with the electric coil stick vs puppets and the salamanders dagger carried me until I got the two dragon sword than I forget they existed. I couldn't use any of the larger weapons, they were just too slow and I don't have the patients to use them properly.

@devinholbrook1487 - 01.03.2025 09:48

Damn I beat the game with two dragons without even knowing it could parry

@Oussama39m - 01.03.2025 21:29

The two dragon sword is just built different

@pressa2play821 - 03.03.2025 05:02

Crazy that the two dragon sword is dubbed the best when it doesn’t status effect attacks, and its max damage output is mid in the likes of special weapons. It’s either Sword of the Arc, The Coil sword, or the puppet ripper. Arguably in their is the Puppet Murderer blade because of its critical attack rate

@truskawor - 05.03.2025 10:33

You put fire axe in the low tier....this wrapon carried me the entire playthrough. Best balanced weapon. Low tier haha absolute nonsense

@PandoraActor041 - 08.03.2025 19:47

Do nioh and nioh 2

@dancable3372 - 10.03.2025 19:52

My favorite is the booster Glade handle and the puppet axe
