Teaching You To Trade

Teaching You To Trade

Garys Economics

1 год назад

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@thrive8544 - 04.07.2024 01:28

"teaching you to trade"??? nothing was said to teach to trade.

@MamieEvans-dp6sc - 03.07.2024 15:35

You work for 40yrs to have $1m in your retirement, Meanwhile some people are putting just $10k in a meme coin for just few months and now they are multi millionaires. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life

@_-_Bungus_-_ - 03.07.2024 06:21

With all due respect. I don’t believe you’ve ever been a professional trader.

@annettejohnann - 03.07.2024 04:25

I usually look up your videos for updates! Our government has no idea how people are suffering these days. I feel for people with disabilities not getting the help they deserve. Thank you Mrs SONIA DIXON, imagine investing $12,000 and received $305,500.

@tb-05277 - 02.07.2024 14:55

Brilliant!!! You are truly a great guy!

@Coneman3 - 01.07.2024 10:35

By trading aren’t you doing the exact thing that you say is the problem?

@user-ij5sg2wb6m - 30.06.2024 15:13

I don’t understand what you mean when you say you’re betting on gold going up and putting on bets. Is this different from investing money into gold? I’m a bit lost

@masterwrench4252 - 30.06.2024 09:11

Thank you for your candid honesty. Most people have no business being in the market. It's like me, a nobody mechanic thinking I'm going to build a car and win F-1... possibly, but the odds? Mind ya I have made a few trades that made me smile.

@stuartlawler2411 - 30.06.2024 01:30

If you consider the fact that the ratio of professional accounts to personal accounts on the platform...Then I told you that only the pro's make money exclusively, you would disagree...If i told you that the percentage of accounts that lose money is 77% you would most likely deduce that even the pros are losing. 23% that's wild...

@alecsutherland - 29.06.2024 18:06

I knew a couple of friends that lost a lot of money by betting on crypto. They don't talk about crypto anymore 🤨

@sambormann2369 - 29.06.2024 04:18

Doesn't bitcoin have cycles, like a bull run that seems to last for a year or two and then cool down when people sell off. What about the global liquidity cycle, and the new money going into various investments during that period?

@Socrates... - 28.06.2024 19:18

I agree that ordinary people should not make short term trades on the stockmarket and leave it to the professionals. But I find nothing wrong with ordinary people buying ETF's that track the market for the long term coupled with a few choice shares, also bought for the long term. It is all about compound interest and keeping one's position for the long term, like placing one's money in a very long fixed deposit. It is all built around the premise of delayed gratification, being able to not touch the investment for X amount of time.

@scottmckenzie2289 - 28.06.2024 08:28

Gary you should be on the TV, How have i missed this channel. I wish I had watched this before I gambled on oil many years ago. Expensive mistake.Your my new morning mentor.

@dorinhusac9620 - 26.06.2024 19:23

Even if gary which is a professional trader, is really important how you are starting to trade..you start by doin little?with small capitals?No, he had different eviroments to learn somehow by mistake by getting that job and different point of view how money are made with millions in capital..that s not what we are doin ..we are retail and maximum institutional...banks are something else.I am not 100% agree with Gary cuz he made money by gambling a lot with someone else money.But take his advice and take this as a business..not gambling.Success

@danielmorley6417 - 25.06.2024 23:26

This video is super Gary, should really be something everyone watches before any sort of trading. The easiest way to get rich quick today is to promise others you can make them rich quick, unfortunate more people don't realise the scam. For ordinary people working hard to build capital and long term investments in tangible, value-adding entities is really the way to go as far as I'm concerned.

@eddiepeavy6233 - 24.06.2024 15:39

Happy Trading

@HKTimbo - 24.06.2024 13:50

Crypto. The biggest scam since religion.

@RenovationMan87 - 23.06.2024 01:43

Gary....just for the record....if you tell me to buy gold, I'll buy with hesitation 😂 👍

@tracyquartieri2 - 22.06.2024 17:51

I remember when I just got into crypto back in 2019 but later in 2020 I ended up selling it because I was dumb and I didn't understand it. I studied and learned and now I know how it works. Got back into crypto early in 2023 with 10k and I’m up with 128k in a short period of time .This comment serves as motivation for all those who have invested and continue to invest in cryptocurrencies with so many losses, do not give up, cryptocurrencies can change your life. Do your best to connect with the right people and you will surely see changes.

@MrSuperohhlala - 22.06.2024 11:31

I was previously a middle school social studies/history teacher, but bitcoin and crypto caught my attention in early 2017, I read the white paper and saw the trend of data and dove in headfirst. I have since retired from my teaching job due to crypto gains and reinvesting during the bear markets when there was near max fear and the sentiment was at lows. I am by no means an active trader, I am not naive and I know the pros will slaughter me. My bets are long spot positions with a timeframe of years.The long game and patience wins with bitcoin and some solid crypto projects, but the volatility is not for the light hearted and has a way of shaking people out.along with causing FOMO. I do feel like a posterboy for crypto, it literally changed my life well beyond what I had ever hoped for when I was just a teacher and dollar cost averaging into the S&P 500 Index fund each month. I am now sitting on a diversified porfolio, own a few properties, I live at my beach house, drive a nice car and have enough financial security to live a comfortable life till i take the dirt nap. For some more perspective, I had just paid off my debt and had about 1Ok USD in the S&P 500 in Jan. 2017 and I retired in June 2022...I could have walked away in the spring of 2021 with the insane gains, but I felt a duty to my students to finish out my contract - it was a win win.

@markcrisp07 - 20.06.2024 13:26

Look at leading stocks like NVDA and ARM
Find a way to trade them

@D_codr - 19.06.2024 09:48

You don't talk about trading in any of your videos. What a waste of time.

@SurferTy - 18.06.2024 22:21

I understand what you are saying. But you could teach people what indicators were being used in the institutions. Or tell individuals, if you believe interest rates in the U.S. will fall, here are the instruments to use to profit. I think a lot of people are watching the economy, they see exactly what you see. Everything is going to shit. Except the stock market. So they flock to here to make money. You do not need to specifically say, buy this or do that.. but you could share, if you like gold, here is how you buy it. You are against the YEN, this is how you can execute the trade.

Individuals are going to get in this game with or without you. They have no where else to go.

@imAWWSM - 18.06.2024 20:40

Gary, you’re a legend mate

@louayalaker9660 - 15.06.2024 19:13

To everyone listening to this guy, please don’t. If you will listen to a person telling not to take a risk and try to make something of yourself then you shouldn’t pursue anything in life because it all involves risk. A person in his position should encourage you to try to do what he did but teach you how to minimize risk. Let me tell you all something that is in all our faces everyday, without taking a risk in what you believe then you will never be successful. I went to school with billionaires and I’m telling you these guys didn’t get to where they are without taking risk. If I was everyone I would unfollow him because he is trying to live in a perfect world where the rich give back to the poor, it doesn’t work like that. You want the answers, this guy won’t give them to you. You go out there and ignore these stupid odds, learn the market understand what everything means and start trading and if it’s not for you well atleast you tried

@electricgroove13 - 15.06.2024 16:14

I see a lot of people using trading apps like a game and talk about putting down £5k plus. They all seem to talk about the short-term…just like gambling. I think awareness in workplaces, schools and communities is needed. Are there people or companies that can come into companies to talk about these topics? The trouble is that I think people believe they are more clever than they actually are plus like you say you are competing with full time traders. I’ve seen it where you ask someone to do a job and they are more interested in the trade or announcement because they are trading with such high risks.

I dabble with very, very small amounts to learn if my predictions are accurate and it works well. It certainly won’t buy me a car(maybe a tank of petrol🤣) or allow me to retire early but it does teach me a little bit about current patterns and also keeps me in tune with my pension. And the trouble with pensions is that you are trusting someone else with your money.
Great video, it would be interesting to know how this affects company workforces… after all well being is such an important part of life and I feel some people just don’t see their actions as gambling.

@namtech425 - 14.06.2024 15:19

Thank you for this, its something that I needed to hear. I wanted to step into this world of trading and I even talk to professional traders on a weekly basis, they have the same mindset you do, but they also take me along for the ride, but they also tell me don't even think of trading until we tell you to do so. But after hearing you I am doubtful I will step into this world at all.

@KA0S-247 - 13.06.2024 21:38

Anyone who listened to this guy 1 year ago tell me how your money did over the last year NOT investing into BTC ETH... not only did you lose purchasing power of your money sat in the bank... you have NOW possibly been priced OUT of the WORLDS BIGGEST CRYPTO movement and soon to be ASSET class... especially now that Blackrock and other BIG institutions have opened their ETFs... this was inevitable...

Is crypto RISKY yes... but you will NEVER get a MARGIN call unlike traditional trading leverage or spreadbetting.... can you lose you money in crypto YES if you don't educate yourself... but you can lose ONLY what you put in... is the playing field level YES and NO... if you look at the RIGHT DATA... in the traditional markets you NEVER have access to the right data as they keep it locked up behind BIG pay walls so ONLY the big institutions who have the money to pay for it can access it. In Crypto you can SEE EVERYTHING on the blockchain = NO ONE can HIDE their movements and IF you know how to look at this data then you are in a better position that the rest who DON'T.

funny how it's easier to go to the traditional betting bookies and bet you entire life savings with little to NO questions asked but THEY do not let you do the same in crypto = they don't want YOU to be OUTSIDE of THEIR control...

When you start hearing everywhere that the RETAIL can NOW trade crypto on THEIR platforms = they are in control of the market and it's time to get out or buy SPOT only in SOLID projects, no leverage.

I sometimes do wonder if this guy is a Government SYOP to STOP retail from entering at the lows of the crypto market... by not explaining to the retail that they would be HEDGED against their own government by moving SOME of their wealth into an asset class that the government cannot confiscate from you easily and that your crypto can move with you wherever you go in the world without the need of a 3rd party approval...

anyway i hope people ignored this guy on THIS particular subject of CRYPTO as he does not have a CLUE and did a poor job at explaining it. Sounded very much like what THEY have been telling you ALL for the last 10 years crypto BAD... fiat (infinity printed money) GOOD.

Bottom line DON'T buy rubbish meme coins in crypto and stick to the top 100 assets in there and you will do OK to amazing ... only if you are buying into the BIG market corrections and crashes... if your buying the tops like around here 69k BTC then be prepared to hold longer or call it a loss for a while.... until IF it recovers in the future. like everything in trading buy LOW and sell HIGH.

@kippsguitar6539 - 13.06.2024 20:10

"fooled by randomness" best ever book on the subject says it all by the black swan author, i make new traders read it

@nellyb.9340 - 13.06.2024 15:16

Gary you sound like someone who really wants to fix the economy and people to support you and you have my support.
That doesn’t mean that I don’t want to get into the hype and make a lot of money; it just means that I want to listen to someone who genuinely cares and understand poor people and the difficulties they face.
Also, I want to listen and learn from someone who knows what I don’t know and has been where I haven’t such as into trading and economics

@PeRunDiamond112 - 13.06.2024 02:11

I really love your videos, but the way you are talking about trading it seems that there was nobody a new trader that ''made it''? So just experts and proffesionals from the day they were born that knew how to trade?Shouldnt people start learning to trade from some point?

@eugenegrift3185 - 12.06.2024 08:53

Finally someone who speaks the truth.

@jamiebond6349 - 09.06.2024 22:20

Fair play for telling it straight, Making money through trading is not a licence to print money as some 'successful traders' like to pretend. That's why 'successful traders' like to sell their course rather than continue to 'make fortunes' from trading. It's just too difficult.

@MichaelKarma1 - 09.06.2024 21:42

I was an investor and never really lost money my entire life for me or my clients not as successful as this guy but I retired at 33. I decided to trade and lost money so fast i was shocked. I would like to try again. But wow it is very hard. I am shocked how people say its easy money. LOL

@adventures_media - 08.06.2024 11:20

I think you’re missing something Gary. When you talk about then difficulty of trading because people are rubes without the education and resources of pro traders you’re only partially correct. And that’s because even though it’s a zero sum game you don’t have to compete with those traders. You can align with them. The market speaks and even though it appears to be a cacophony out of it unified perspective emerges and the price moves and volume amplifies that truth.

The difficult part is, especially with small companies, how they can do things like ATMs and shelf’s.

Ultimately think most smart people could do well, IF and only IF they can limit their greed. Succes in trading is inversely related to volume after a certain point because with high volume you compete against quants and algorithms and they will annihilate anyone over time.

In an age of blossoming super intelligence and robotics which will render the poor as having zero value economically.. we have a few moments still. And the key imo is not only math, it’s psychology and discipline

@abbey1999 - 08.06.2024 11:03

Cut ur nonsense and become a politician

@cryptogcrypto - 07.06.2024 16:22

"Today's video is called 'Teaching you How to Trade'". Then proceeds to to you that you shouldn't trade because you will lose all your money.

@ec11pse21 - 06.06.2024 15:28

Basically quit cus too many sweats. In all honesty though amazing video, Gary.

@Redemption1123 - 05.06.2024 20:45

I’m so fucked 😞

@Warfalcon - 05.06.2024 17:24

I think you and I need to start chatting around 5am every morning. You talk, I listen. When can we start?

@farisalraisi1070 - 05.06.2024 05:24

Title of video: "Teaching you how to trade"
Advice: "Never trade crypto again"
I understand this video is well intentioned, your advice assumes that the average person can't learn to trade crypto sustainably, which is not the reality. Like everything else, it requires hard work and involves risk. But it is possible. Having said that, I like most of what you say. Playing it safe is good but is not satisfying for most people. Also, I agree that trading has a gambling element, but it is not pure gambling in the sense that you just close your eyes and throw the dice. It requires actual work and patience. It can be pure gambling if you just enter a trade without putting in the work and learn about risk management, etc., but that's not good and I would advise everyone not to be involved in such kind of trading.

@seasawdesigns1699 - 04.06.2024 13:03

Great video and great advice. Might just want to put a new battery in that smoke alarm tho 😁

@pennygeno5629 - 03.06.2024 15:25

don't give me tips, but teach me how to reach certain conclusion, how to trade, not what to trade

@phiwayinkosimazibuko189 - 03.06.2024 09:54

Hey Gary, greetings from South Africa. Discovered you about two days ago and im very inspired by you. I think you are right, trading is really hard, but Gary i do have a slight problem with how you present it to the general public essentially saying there is no hope for a retail bedroom trader. There are countless people who have figured this trading thing out on their own without being employed by a bank, and im just saying maybe you shouldnt diminish it so hard, because it is possible, hard as it is. Anyways, thats my 2c, Appreciate your content!

@LTE18 - 03.06.2024 01:18

Just found your channel. Thank you for your honest opinion.

@geoff9759 - 01.06.2024 20:47

'I'm a lucky man' is the message here.

@albertlabos8400 - 30.05.2024 16:41

Trading is not hard. Lifting heavy bricks and doing heavy manual work is hard. Trading is not difficult but it is impossible if not done correctly.

@Sam-rx8wd - 30.05.2024 12:06

man needs a 9v battery

@mihaieleste - 30.05.2024 10:15

great down to earth advice
