Prominent Physicist Misleads Public about Prospects of Expensive Particle Collider

Prominent Physicist Misleads Public about Prospects of Expensive Particle Collider

Sabine Hossenfelder

4 месяца назад

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@geosynchronous4386 - 03.05.2024 18:24

Furthermore. We can find a black hole right here on earth. Inside Sleepy Joe Biden's skull.

@geosynchronous4386 - 03.05.2024 18:13

Im guessing the shadow govs of the world control many scientist like they do news media. We live under a cloak of secrecy because they want IT ALL FOR THEMSELVES. Can't show the plebeian rodents where the gold is.

@Eris123451 - 01.05.2024 16:10

For my money the LHC has been a huge disappointment and the Higgs although interesting and usefully filling in gap in Standard Model wasn't really that big a deal.

Non of the Supersymmetry Particles that we were promised have materialized, non at all and that was supposed to the real reason for building the damn thing in the first place.

@causeeffect7624 - 21.04.2024 06:13

Don't do it!😮 ⚡️ 😮

@rosshilton - 19.04.2024 02:32

There have been much discussion over the location of this project. At one time Japan was considered.

Let’s not forget that the location of the LHC was primarily political. A lot of the funding going into building the tunnel.

It would be far far cheaper to build it in outback Australia Then cover it to protect from cosmic rays, rather than cut the tunnel.

But that would not create employment for French workers.

@scorpiov - 18.04.2024 18:09

Could a collider not be built in space? or on the moon?

@Galois32 - 10.04.2024 17:23

Don't forget that CERN is run by people like Fabiola Gianotti who are on permanent contracts at CERN with swiss salaries and diplomatic statuses. There are many simple and large non-scientific reasons CERN wants to keep its high status and funding.

@valdiste123 - 10.04.2024 11:00

20 billion over a span of 40 years does not seem like that much, especially considering there are 30+ governments involved in Cern. Moreover, constructing such a collider trains 1000s of people all across Europe, which in turn has benefits for the rest of the economy.

@purpleglitter9596 - 02.04.2024 11:35

They're spending all this money on experiments but we don't seem any closer to a star Trek world.

@alphamineron - 31.03.2024 03:37

CERN is learning from Elon Musk 😂 good for them

@user-sh1rs4cg6m - 30.03.2024 15:01

I think the best use of CERN is the development of Particle weapons with different properties.

@spiridonnspiridonn4596 - 27.03.2024 12:13

_ Найдут ли при помощи адронного коллайдера тёмную материю?_
- Тёмная материя существует, но не в том виде и не в том месте, в котором её ищут.
Наблюдавшаяся учеными странность - существенно увеличенная по сравнению с ожидаемой (расчетной) скорость вращения звезд в составе галактических дисков , - в некоторой степени обусловлена некорректными исходными посылками при вычислении указанной скорости вращения звезд в диске галактики по аналогии с вычислением скорости движения планет Солнечной системы вокруг Солнца. А именно в этом кроется диалектическая ошибка. Галактика является сложной с и с т е м о й со множеством взаимодействующих между собой по различным параметрам элементов - галактических объектов, в т.ч. звезд. Свойства сложной системы о т л и ч а ю т с я от свойств отдельных элементов той же системы. Так, например, характер вращения сырого яйца как системы (по внутреннему строению) отличается от характера вращения того же сваренного яйца, которое выступает в качестве единого элемента. В рассматриваемом нами случае, применявшееся учеными вычисление скорости вращения звезды в диске галактики по аналогии со скоростью вращения планеты в Солнечной системе, соответствует вычислению скорости движения, исходя из свойств отдельного элемента системы. При этом упускается из виду, что звезда, скорость движения которой вычисляется и измеряется, одновременно взаимодействует (в частности, гравитационными, магнитными силами) с остальными вещественными объектами галактики. Образно говоря, из-за указанного взаимодействия диск галактики приобретает некоторую связку, становится "жестче", и потому линейная скорость вращения отдаленных частей диска возрастает. Если представить себе, что диск галактики (со всеми его внутренностями) стал жестким, то имеющаяся вращательная энергия диска перераспределится так, что угловая скорость вращения жесткого диска станет меньше, при этом уменьшится и линейная скорость вращения ближней к центру вращения части диска, а линейная скорость дальних от центра вращения частей диска еще больше увеличится. И "темное" вещество, искомое учеными, при э т о м ни при чем. ...
«Тёмная материя» существует, но в другом месте.

@hellojam100 - 26.03.2024 07:40

for that kind of money we could continue the war in Ukraine for another 4 months

@cemtural8556 - 17.03.2024 18:51

I laughed out loud at 'some of my best friends are higgs bosons' 🤣🤣🤣

@therealnotanerd_account2 - 12.03.2024 16:39

But they told us scientists never lie and they are never interested in money.

@bigboy7927 - 11.03.2024 16:40

Seems scientists are to going the way of politicians and news journalists, the end justifies the lie 🤥 🤥, and the public is beginning to extend their distrust of science. When the conspiracy theorist s start to sound just as credible as the scientific community, we are in a very dark place.☹

@oldsteamguy - 11.03.2024 06:19

I agree.

@paryanindoeur - 08.03.2024 17:51

CERN is constructing a collider pentacle so they can summon an army of interdimensional demons at the behest of their god, Cthulhu. Many of us have suspected that scientists are actually insane cultists for a long time. Neil deGrasse Tyson was the final sign -- it became obvious once he started doing podcasts what the scientific community actually is.

@donaldkasper8346 - 06.03.2024 08:13

They don't know what dark matter is, have never seen it, don't know what its properties are, but a bigger collider will help them find it. Well that makes absolutely no sense.

@pittbullv5 - 01.03.2024 17:29

what gives matter mass?

@tiago.alegria.315 - 01.03.2024 00:55

We need spend it , the money on robotics and ai, that may or will end poverty

@lockbert99 - 29.02.2024 02:01

Something like 30 years ago there was a proposal to build what was called Super Collider in Northern California. There was an hour radio show on it with call ins. It was suspicious in that the vast majority of callers were eagerly advocating it be built. One caller - in favor - asked what benefits we could see as far as technological advancements. The scientist in the studio honestly responded that nothing of value for a non-scientist would come out of it until after everyone listening was dead. And he was hard-pressed to say when and what would be of benefit to people like the callers.

@standingbear998 - 26.02.2024 02:17

the leftist and dems have infected everything with their cancer.

@jeffknott1975 - 25.02.2024 12:44

Electrons should be called negatrons! Much more descriptive!

@albertoguillen6410 - 25.02.2024 07:10

DECEPTION is the name of the GAME!!

@rondesantis7017 - 25.02.2024 05:41

Expensive Particle Collider - EPC

@kyststudio-epicartadventure - 25.02.2024 02:44

Won’t they have to stage coming up so they don’t get the bends?

@TheFirstManticore - 24.02.2024 19:37

Science is corrupt just like the rest. Those of us who didn't know already, found out during the CoViD RNA craze.

@Cam-vz2zk - 24.02.2024 18:13

Science has become the god of many people and governments

@Grumb-ld4jz - 23.02.2024 20:04

I think the most scientist are not better than criminals or psychopaths. She talks a lot but not what the real purpose of cern is. It isn't whitout reason in Switzerland. That they don't have the money is a lie. They will have billions in just 0ne year. Maybe this project should produce the energy for the giant quantum PC who will look the world in its shit allghorrhytmus and will than finally be able to produce there totalitär prison reality?! Portal to other universe bla. Aliens bla bla. This just mind fuckery and brainwashing! This energy could be used for the people of the EU but no you want us to pay for high energy prizes. And only use this energy for control and survialance purposes. Are you not sick of your own lies? Permanent lies just you can profit from this? Are you not ashamed of yourself and your life? All this shit control and automatisation, there is only one opinion everything else is against the law. You are a part of the destroying our nature, earth and humanity. This shit technic is just disgusting, the allghorhytm is allready programmed on lies. It will destroy every creativity, honesty, and reality feeling. Just some psychopaths can finally develope there matrix and controll them. Realy you are supporting this? The destroying of human rights, the suffering of millions and millions of innocent children and humans, familys, mothers? You are supporting psychopaths for your own benefits?

@stanmitchell3375 - 23.02.2024 18:33

The data is mostly garbage

- 23.02.2024 01:30

while people are starving but hey i can award more PHDs

@fernandomendez69 - 22.02.2024 10:23

But... anyone complaining about the price tag of the FFC should even entertain the idea of sending crewed missions to Mars.That! would be really expensive and futile.

@alihenderson5910 - 22.02.2024 08:25

We can't answer the fundamental question of 'what a woman is'? I think this is a far more pressing concern.

@user-dh1rw2vv4k - 22.02.2024 07:01

Sabines a keeper

@MichaelWinter-ss6lx - 20.02.2024 08:51

Besides ;•) As long as the DarkSide is forced as a dogma, it is absolute legitimate to be used for advertising.

@MichaelWinter-ss6lx - 20.02.2024 08:40

That collider is nothing but a microscope. A microscope for the sub-atomic world. I'm looking forward to the next level of colliders, although I'm sure to not living anmore to see it work.

I've calculated the time it needs until colliders reach their end level. By the current and past building rate, it takes another 200 years. The LCC may be the last one on Earth. If part 1 starts 2040, then its complete by 2060. There will be improvements, so that its used until 2090.

I hope the next collider goes around the moons equator, around 2100. But the real thing would be a circum-solar collider! Both are easier to build, because the vakuum is already there, and the superconductors will only need shade. Now, if Sabine lacks the fantasy; I can imagine a lot of new science that these microscopes could enable: like beams and shields, new propulsion ideas, and exotic materials. All things needed to escape from under this rock.

@user-ov5nd1fb7s - 18.02.2024 12:45

Instead of spending money for advertising a bad product, Nord VPN should invest that money in fixing their bad software.

@joeylockie - 18.02.2024 10:00

This is a short Sided argument. You even said it yourself they over promised. The muon collider they are saying shape the face of high-energy physics for decades to come how is this any different then the lhc???

@user-og4fk6os1r - 18.02.2024 04:37

Doesn't anyone else think it remarkable that all the greatest discoveries in physics even to this day were made either with nothing but a pen and paper or equipment you can buy on Amazon? Meanwhile the multi-billion dollar boondoggles have, to a one, either' 1) confirmed things we already confidently expected (Higgs, gravitational waves, etc); or 2) failed to find things that were sketchy to begin with (supersymmetry, dark matter particles, etc). When was the last time a particle accelerator actually revealed something transformative that we didn't know or changed our understanding of the universe in any significant way? I love science but I'm really tired of subsidizing the careers of people who do nothing useful for society and then spend their free time on Physics Stack Exchange bullying laypeople who dare to ask questions they deem unworthy or uninteresting. I'm starting to think CERN and particle accelerators generally are nothing but a Full Employment Act for physics PhDs who couldn't cut it as theorists.

@treebardgenealogysoftware2577 - 18.02.2024 04:32

She said electrons aren't made out of anything. Does that mean there is only one electron?

@mattgroom1 - 17.02.2024 19:11


Far more economical to put the collider in space around the planet, for one you have gravity assisting and so the magnets can be slightly smaller. Also people on earth get the see the results as well, if the detectors are off shall we say, aurora.
Since you can make the magnetic containment as large as you like, you can make the collider as large as you like by expansion easily.

Cooling you say, well, space is pretty cool...
Energy you say, well the sun is pretty energetic.
Interference you say, well we can run the experiment multiple times and eliminate it.
Physicists need to be there touching their experiment from time to time, well they can touch themselves on earth, or we can leave them in space, their choice.


@DavidBeddard - 17.02.2024 18:36

Yeah, it's not great that one of the world's highest profile scientific institutions should actto undermine trust in science like this.

@user-uv3yc5bn7o - 17.02.2024 09:13

LOL! The science is settled. This is SURE to increase CO2 and Methane in the atmosphere by 10,000% and have NO effect on Climate, what-so-ever ! Exposing Climate SHILLS like Sabine. So we just can't have this. Besides, the money would be better spent supporting Wicked Israel and it's proxy, Ukraine ! Am I right.

@user-ls6jm8rh3k - 17.02.2024 07:46

The goal isnt objective science anymore. They are all full of shit.

@ispamforfood - 17.02.2024 07:33

Okay Sabine, you twisted my arm. I joined your channel officially. I hope it helps you keep things going strong. 🙂

@rupertchappelle5303 - 16.02.2024 23:27

"if they exist" - all I needed to hear. Now about them angels dancing on the head of a pin . . .

@eliasmondino - 16.02.2024 06:48

sounds to me like the typical pseudo fanatism on both sides: pro huge collider vs anti huge collider. Here we listened to the anti version, but I'm sure theres a pro version. The best option should be found around the middle, from someone who trully understood everything from both visions.

@chillfluencer - 15.02.2024 17:19

The theory of "fundamental" particles and interactions is as primitive as the periodic table of chemical elements.

They both are based less on content than on form...unlike the trinity theory of electron, proton and neutron (which we also know from color theory).
