Bigfoot and One Mans Fight to the Death. Marathon 113

Bigfoot and One Mans Fight to the Death. Marathon 113

Dixie Cryptid

3 года назад

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@jasonpennington2349 - 13.09.2022 06:45

To the fellow in last story I'd like to say I completely understand why you would just tell people it was a bear attack instead of telling the truth but dont you think everyone deserves to know the truth of whats out there so they at least have been warned that giant monsters are real and can kill you with a quickness so always watch your surroundings especially out in the woods. Even if they roll their eyes at you while telling you that your fn crazy you tried to warn them. I've also had afew encounters with a 10 ft tall bigfoot that evidently has been taking shelter in a unused storage shed about 70 yards from my house. As i was watching all the deer in my backyard I was looking through the scope on my rifle while panning right to left I stopped in my tracks when seeing the biggest damn ripped muscled BIGFOOT starring right at me while i had him in my sights directly in has face so i did a triple take lowering my rifle to get a good look at him and he was huge!!!! I was totally speechless and couldn't believe my eyes. We locked eyes for a moment then he turned and slowly walked away with a disgusted look on his face, probably because my rifle was looking at his eyeball but I had no intention on shooting him because he had not threatened me. So i know exactly how it feels when telling people what i saw and most of them don't believe but at least I told them the truth and gave them a stern warning so they will completely understand when they have an encounter and think to themselves o shit I should've listened to him!!!!!!

@lindatimmons3675 - 23.09.2022 09:24

This 3rd story is typical of these encounters with Dogman. This is the same explsnation.they use each and every time or it's blamed on dogs if the individual has one with them.
Believe me the Dogman encounters are becoming as common as Bigfoot. There's a channel that investigates Dogman encounters as well as Bigfoot. Dogman is very real.
As real as the Chubacopra in Texas. I believe Dogman is more vicious than Bigfoot. It's a bear is the common excuse and after every encounter the person or people ate always visited by these mysterious men in fancy suits and driving black SUV and they are told the same thing " you are not to talk about this or tell others about these things".

@brianmarek6159 - 01.10.2022 13:24

The last story is absolutely my favorite encounter story & have listened to it many times & shared it on many other channels to warn ppl that they can & do kill ppl. I hope the gentleman got back to the location to place flowers & I wish he would give us an update if he made it back ok or what happened. I definitely believe him. The reason you don't hear many encounters is bcuz, I don't think a lot of ppl make it out alive. Thx 4 your story sir & plz give us an update. Thx Cam, your the best! Also, he said he had 2 Cryptid encounters, I wish he would tell us the other & I wonder if he ever went out in the woods again after this.

@jackiesands6878 - 03.10.2022 03:16

I wonder what was the official reason his friend was missing? I’m
Glad they didn’t try to charge him with a murder!

@Red-bf8jd - 09.10.2022 19:34

Steve Lilly would take his ass out!!!!

@davidsims2488 - 18.10.2022 23:52

Dogman will run off if you get about 10 rounds from an sks in them. But they won't go down.

@hankjr.sfan1266 - 04.11.2022 16:29

I was curious about the shoe in the second story too! Weird...

@seandepoppe6716 - 09.11.2022 19:54

F it talk all you want the majority of us love to hear your comments.

@marketablepresentations7824 - 24.11.2022 20:30

A toddlers green shoe? That doesn't sound good.

@suevillagomez2699 - 10.12.2022 02:42

That 3rd story raised the hair on the back of my neck . Dang!!!!

@elaineisabelle427 - 18.12.2022 14:13

The only lucky thing about it is, that your still alive,. This is my ultimate all time favorite story when though I know it wasn't for you. I can't even imagine your encounter, it's so terrifying & you lost a good friend. I'm sorry 4 that but happy you made it to warn us. I hope you will give up an update to let us know you made it back after your return trip. Plz be careful. I believe it bled out from the stab wound I hope, or perhaps you got away while this thing was back there retrieving your friend since they couldn't find his body so yes I would say your lucky. I hope you get this creature, let's hope it's alone,. Plz take someone with you. Hopefully those men at the hospital went back & hunted those creatures. Thx, so terrifying

@elaineisabelle427 - 18.12.2022 14:25

I think the dogman & werewolves are two separate creatures. I think the werewolves are the eviler of the two, who knows, I sure don't want to find out or test my theory & I believe that is probably what's taking a lot of the missing 411. Makes me never want to go out in the woods again. Merry Squatchmas!

@robertapudvah9402 - 09.01.2023 12:29

What about your friends family was he a missing person don't understand this part what his family say about this

@richcandella9154 - 27.01.2023 07:18

they are bigfoot not dog men two types of bigfoot gorilla looking and baboon type sleeker

@richcandella9154 - 27.01.2023 07:44

as you should shoot that bigfoot sir draw on it headshot it

@roycekerley5205 - 27.01.2023 22:38

I will not say that that third story is untrue however there's a lot of holes in that story and leaves me to have questions

@deborahbarry8250 - 31.01.2023 19:58

About the third story, the "people" in charge could at least give us campers a heads-up, what to look out for when we go into the backwoods. The people that call it a "bear attack", they're afraid of causing panic in the public? They believe we are going to run around like a chicken with it's head cut off! Hell...they are the crazy ones!

@Justin-pq3rq - 09.02.2023 12:47

And then he turned into a martial artist lol. After he climbed down from his tree stand that was 40 feet in the air. JFC. This is literally the dumbest thing i have ever heard. And it’s my opinion so therefore I can believe it.

@timothymelvin3824 - 23.02.2023 08:06

I'm going hunting with just a bow, yeah, right. Always carry a firearm if not 2. Revolver and automatic.

@jackjones9460 - 09.03.2023 07:12

Good stories, especially the last one. You’ll need to announce some code to share if the MIB come by to threaten or shut you down. Something totally unrelated like you’re going to move to Bermuda. We’ll know that’s not what you mean and you were warned away. Btw, I’m sending this from Bermuda. I can for to watch the snow.

@glorianaarelene2376 - 21.03.2023 04:27

WOW, what a scary story,how awful he's friend is gone & they made him say bear attack!! They are real too many people have encountered them 😮

@c4entertainment83 - 09.05.2023 09:32

Here we go! I'm still listening to a complete random sequence of videos! Love your stories Cam!

@northeastceramictile4760 - 13.05.2023 19:19

Why didn't you put one through it

@northeastceramictile4760 - 13.05.2023 19:26

We should go kill it

@raider7829 - 08.06.2023 02:44

Well there we have it!
That's might nightmare a dog / CREATURE. I wouldn't be as scared of a bigfoot I dont think but dog man beast. No no no way! I only see vicious, evil, long teeth, huge muscular freak of nature! I believe it now because of this man's story. He has scars to prove it also.
See with age we do care less about what others think. Time is ticking and the Truths have to come out. His friend lost his life. Was nowhere to be found. I wish we knew what his family said about this man's story and how their loved one lost his life. That would be traumatizing though. He is definitely letting the truth out. HOW DARE THE GOVT KNOW AND NOT WARN THE PUBLIC! MANY PEOPLE WILL LOSE THEIR LIFE OR THEIR MINDS coming across these things.
So many things in our world that we are not educated about. I have lots of information on a spiritual level and one HUGE incident with Gray aliens but nothing about these monsters in the woods. Its a lot to take in. I feel sorry for all of us actually. We are born, many struggle through life and we die with zero education about the after life. I know some but I still don't have all the answers. Lean on Jesus. I know hes very real and he knows all things and will help us. Its so easy to have a relationship with Jesus. Pray, talk to him every day as you go about your day. Do it when working, driving, shower, before fall asleep etc. Its easy. Talk like you would a friend without any swear words and that's it. That's how my relationship has been and he SPOKE OUT LOUD TO ME , MORE THAN ONCE. We obviously need Jesus so much down here. We have bad people, demons, bad spirits, cryptids, aliens, who knows whats I'm the water etc. Its really crazy. God bless you All. ❤ from Canada!

@pamelaharrison3196 - 09.06.2023 05:45

God-bless that man that posted that last story. I can't imagine the trauma he went through it had to be unbelievable I am so sorry he lost his friend

@patrickkinney4998 - 18.06.2023 19:52

Ive always wondered if the hunting rifle i carry would be big enough. Ive heard stories of them being shot with a 30-06 and running off. One guy said four rounds to the chest from a 358 Winchester didn't stop it. Only a headshot from a 308. I presume buckshot would be useless.

@ramonataylor5174 - 24.08.2023 19:41

I wish this guy would have told where in Appalachia this took place! Im 20 miles of the Allegheny & Blue Ridge Mts. Im sure the Appalachian trail has its share of cryptids.. there's many stories about it.

@maryedwards8551 - 02.09.2023 18:09

My baby passed away January 18 2023

@maryedwards8551 - 03.09.2023 00:12

I don’t no one to kill one big foot love ❤

@hubes96 - 14.09.2023 16:10

Why in the world did he not shoot it in the head when it was below his tree stand, that he was in. Its crazy he didn’t mention that thing picking up and smelling most likely his pack he said he leaves on the ground (which is very weird bow hunter ALWAYS have their packs with them in their stand. As they usually carry extra arrows, a drink, a deer call, binoculars, knife, doe and buck urine something to eat. Why would you not have those things in the stand with you? He sits 40’ up in a tree so they don’t see or smell him but then leave a pack on the ground?! To be seen and smelled?! Makes no sense at all! Makes even less sense he didn’t shoot that Dogman in the head with an arrow that travels 300’ per second! Which is crazier in its self! That arrow must just whistle thru the air!

@hubertchristmas7594 - 30.10.2023 02:39

That feeling of dread is powerful. Believe me.

@bloomview - 08.11.2023 10:53

You'd think that the fella that encountered the dogman would tell where he is so that people would be aware of such a nasty cryptid in that area. He did say he is no longer worried about the blowback.

@GodisPerfect668 - 16.11.2023 00:31

Thats so horrible to lose your friend in an attack og a dogman and not to find his body

@GodisPerfect668 - 07.01.2024 02:29

I call the BF talk GIBBERISH

@GodisPerfect668 - 07.01.2024 02:33

I feel him telling the BF what his intentions maybe saved his life

@tonyshetter7545 - 16.01.2024 04:59

The dogman story is my absolute favorite gives me chills I listen to it a good amount

@simonlinford854 - 26.01.2024 11:39

All encounters were great, and yes I definitely believe the last one 💯.

@dmann1209 - 02.02.2024 18:25

Excellent read DC. For me it is not the big foot information, it is how you tell the stories. Easy to listen too and a soothing presentation. The dog man encounter is the reason why fishermen, bow , air gun, blow gun and small game hunters need to carry a powerful hand cannon firearm with them. If you skin the hand cannon, be sure it is in defense and not in offense, it may just be curious.

@tangieroberts7903 - 29.02.2024 06:43

That eas Scary Dog Man Story. God Bless Yall. Love All your Stories. Iam a Big Fan. Please keep them coming. I just found your Podcasts about a month ago, and i listen to them all day. Iam Disabled so it helps to fill my day with your program. Thank you again for all you do.

@tonyshetter7545 - 24.03.2024 06:24

The third story is my favorite all time it's a cautious tale you never know what can come always be ready

@katherineknapp8838 - 11.04.2024 18:54

Can not finish my message! Dang it! Not available

@johnmachner6450 - 24.04.2024 04:52

I met a truuck driver that said he was driving through the mountains and on a tight turn a warewolf jumped from some high rocks from the opposite side of the road he happened to see it in his parifial from up in the truck .He said it didn't quite make it and his brush guard hit it on the right side of his 18 wheeler.He said he didn't know if was dead or not as he kept on driving.but he is a believer in these things .Great story thanks

@Blkbirdjax02 - 27.05.2024 19:48

I love dogman stories

@mikemacwelch953 - 09.06.2024 01:00

Great story but I sure would hate to count on this guy to save me in a life and death situation

@gss7289 - 29.06.2024 00:00

Dogman are Demons, and some believe there is a Biblical connection

@craigawright3531 - 06.07.2024 18:54

Jul 2024, all is good.

@ericoverdorff8880 - 20.07.2024 03:44

Never ever, EVER! Go into the back country without serious heat. Their is 4 legged and 2 legged beings that are looking to prey on you.
