Ответить500th like! :) great job guys!
ОтветитьWatching this on Nov 11, 2024 and BTC is $88k+
ОтветитьGo after Pelosi expose her insider trading and corruption schemes!
ОтветитьWish i could be as optimistic about a supposedly more tech friendly and forward thinking US govt, but if we learned anything from the previous Trump administration, its that it was staffed by one half reactionary idiots and one half grifters, whose only pertinent qualification was that Trump perceived them as loyal to him personally.
I'm afraid that us libertarian-leaning tech accelerationists will be in for a rude awakening when the Republican party remembers that their base are cultural traditionalists who are in fact far more Luddite than the Democrat base and are the ones who will be leading the charge against AI - and all advanced technologies - in favor of 'traditional values' in the years to come.
Peter completely deflected Elon's response about how he's contributed more to the Trump campaign than anything else other than what he said. . .LOOK
ОтветитьLiquid democracy? I give my vote to x for biotechnology, and to Y for bioethics? What world do you live in - we’ve just seen an election that was basically decided on the FEELING that there are too many immigrants and that people were better off under Trump. Normal people are not like you two. Normal people cannot spell ethics, and because they cant, they dont know what bioethics IS. Normal people think about their jobs, and whether they will be able to play catch with their boy in the yard (“kick the ball around with the little one in the garden” - translation for Brits). I agree democracy may warrant a re-think, but anything that gives MORE direct power to individuals has to be resisted. We need more representative democracy, not less, no forms of direct democracy (like quadratic voting etc), and more proportional representation (rather than majority voting).
ОтветитьDigital Tokens of real estate: can you imagine the lawsuits when one person or another mismanages the physical asset? This has nothing to do with administrations, by the way; they were talking about this almost a decade ago
ОтветитьPeople are confusing the speculative gains that bitcoin enthusiast have gotten, with a useful or intrinsic value to bitcoin as a currency. Now imagine if you had to pay the property taxes on your house in bitcoin for the rest of your life… you’re gonna want the value of bitcoin to stay low.
ОтветитьBitcoin has two purposes: tax evasion, illegal markets. An electronic currency needs to be stable; Bitcoin does not have that characteristic.
ОтветитьThis was brilliant - bought the peptides on your offer too 🤞
ОтветитьForget about Bitcoin look for the next trend
ОтветитьValue creation of industrial maintenance
ОтветитьI find more scary the possible use of AI for negative, non constructive or dangerous ends than the robot being smarter or more intelligent than me, truly
Thinking further, Judges and many legal stuffs, very much based on the rules of laws could also be run on an AI… entering all the rules of law data in an AI system, could help a lot to avoid human’s emotional or political input plus it would speed up the dossiers….🇫🇷🇺🇸
ОтветитьListening to your concept on a CEO who would use AI system to listen to a conference or meeting, gathering all the info, AI then shaking off all the noises & using the data to give the useful necessary results to the CEO
Which leads me to think that governments could really be run the same way, with specific sophisticated AI systems… and good bye politics, politicians& parties! … of course that could be dangerous too…it would require high regulations in order not to install a dangerous corrupted AI system ….🇫🇷🇺🇸
Did Salim say he came from India? I didnt hear the first 30 times he told us about it.
ОтветитьI imagine a day not so far in the future when you'll be on a call with a friend or family member or colleague. You run into them afterward, and they have no knowledge of that call ever occurring.
We might soon have no idea whether anything we experienced online is objective reality or not.
The people in charge of this tech hurtling at us don't seem to experience empathy.
This moment feels like the scene in All Quiet On The Western Front where the young men march in a state of manic ecstasy. Grinning from ear to ear in anticipation
Peter is a democrat and Salim is a Republican. Simple.
ОтветитьWe have had a very clear demonstration of how Trump does not believe in public health best practices. But let's skirt around that topic. Actually, Salim took it on. But will his point on scientific evidence-based policy make any difference at all to Trump?
ОтветитьLoved the technical parts of the discussion. You both seemed a bit short-sighted on the brief abortion aspect though, in which you both deferred to sexism. Myself, I am fully supportive of REPRODUCTIVE rights: as in, have children; PRODuce REplicas of your selves. I am not supportive of murder-in-the-womb, which is what the euphemism, "reproductive rights" generally means in our society.
I am interested in your take on the logic of the following, which I wrote several years ago -- predicting Roe v Wade being overturned, which it later was. Thank you. (And yes, I understand I often fail at emotions while exercising logic. Still: am honestly looking for feedback. I will change my Constitutional logic with corrective feedback. Thanks!)
Four key points:
A: There is no statute of limitations on murder.
B: Roe v Wade is about to be overturned. It was an unconstitutional temporary reprieve, for some murderers and accomplices.
C: Marbury v Madison was an earlier Supreme Court decision. It asserted: an unconstitutional law is unconstitutional FOR ALL TIME, and not merely after a court declares it such.
D = A+B+C: Those who murdered and had reprieve, are about to lose that reprieve.
When this protection is declared unconstitutional (B), it disappears completely as if it was never in effect (C). Every person who committed and assisted in the murders that were illegally said to be legal to commit, is guilty and may be brought to justice (D) -- because that crime has no statute of limitations (A).
Photonic vs the current electronic compute processors will need to be part of this conversation as well. We will need immutable distributed ledger networks written for this new generation of computing processors around the corner
ОтветитьI can’t wait for Kaspa to enter these levels of conversations once people realize how revolutionary and true to the Bitcoin white paper it is.
ОтветитьLots of doubters which leads me to believe that there’s lots of accompanying fear. When AI fertilizes, waters, targets fungicides and herbicides, harvests at the optimal time, transports the harvest to the nearest grainery that mills and packages the grain, ships the grain to local retailers, then the cost will be astonishingly low.
ОтветитьAsked perplexity about the ubnemployment rate. Sweeden, South Korea and Germany, while low, aren't even in the top ten. What I couldn't readily find information on, is how large a part of the workforce is currently permanently unemployed for various reasons. Looking solely at unemployment rates is very simplistic, and should be taken with a fistful of salt.
ОтветитьPlease leave the politics out of science….The difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth is about 6 months.
ОтветитьDo you really believe that the Trump administration will even consider green technologies? He is an oil and gas advocate which is bothersome to me so I don't foresee much movement in that space during his tenure.
Ответитьim not buying bitcoin. every time i buy bitcoin i get screwed. the only way i ever buy bitcoin again is if there is 99% de-regulation of crypto-currencies. otherwise you just get your money hijacked by criminal outfits like coinbase.
ОтветитьTulips…lol…Money and currency need to be reinvented…period…Since it is our modern method for exchanging value (reserve currency, Federal Reserve) we are kind of stuck with it until we are willing to fight over and rethink the whole concept of exchange. If I work adding value to something what ever that may be I am utilizing time for said work or service. If I were bartering it would be easier to quantify, right? I get a winter coat my exchange gets meat. That is GDP. Where it became so obscured and convoluted was when a few old world aristocrats came to together and concocted this hard to see clever way to stay on top all while keeping everyone else down. More people, more money needs to be printed. More money to borrow for that thing I call “time”, the more goods and services I can pay for before actually doing the work. Remember (work=time=money) These inventions: the bank, credit, interest, prime rate, are the mechanisms for greasing this wheel we will call a modern economy. If it were tied completely to value based upon time and through a couple other concepts like depreciation/appreciation, it might have a better chance of working. I know our system does, to some extent, try to do this, but it is a more “by the seat of our pants”, reactionary based system. To close here, inflation is manmade. If I still have that coat it still has the same value: it keeps me warm. If you were at the north pole as an easy example, which would you rather have; a gold coin, or that winter coat? Wants and needs. Which should come first? First needs, then wants and a big one in the advent of AGI and the robotics life of abundance; “PURPOSE”. Where I believe the system went wrong, remember: (time=work=money). Money = the tool for exchange. This is where we need to look…We must rebuild this or we will inadvertently create a dystopia no one will want. Obviously, a whole dissertation of this topic can and should be written and examined. Time=money “ben franklin”. Time quantified should be the world’s currency.
ОтветитьDamn, Salim, what a smart man.
ОтветитьPeter if you were a trillionaire would you still be profit motivated ..... Are you rich enough yet to be generous or you still hungry you still starving at what point are you not starving
Ответить🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷👏🏻, Amazing channel!
ОтветитьBittensor $TAO is the way
ОтветитьNo way Salim is a libertarian capitalist after watching his latest Bilyeu video.
ОтветитьSometimes I think Salim has done too much LSD and has a loose grip on reality.
ОтветитьNow we’re much more likely to get the tech neo feudalism fascist dystopia government
But I see these two guys are not bothered by fascism and all who will die on it
Would the release of cold fusion reactors negatively affect a (store of value) proposition? What happens to all crypto when energy is so cheap that any small group could mine. Dilution could become an issue. Seems like a temporary opportunity that could become like the Tulip market.
ОтветитьYou don't need a country... Small communities self determining their future... Nation states are terrible for abundance... Salim my friend, we have the same thought and what you are describing is Marxism / anarchy. See what Marx said in "the fragment on machines"
ОтветитьWhen bots & ai can do the work of 100 billion humans, human employment will make no sense.
ОтветитьI still agree with Daniel Susskind that AI will create more jobs…for AI. He brings up the example of the auto industry displacing the horse industry. But we are not people who work with horses in this example. We are the horses.
Ответитьmais moço eu não sei se tenho esse dinheirada toda todo mês tenho um salário mínimo
Ответитьeu não sei onde que minha cabeça táva quando eu comfiei no papai Noel do tiktok quando era criança o noe munca vinha
ОтветитьExcellent conversation, thank you both! 👏🙏
ОтветитьFor an election that turned on inflation, it's hard to take UBI advocates seriously.
ОтветитьSalims wrong about regulating Ai. Guaranteed the government is gonna lock it down within 2 years probably within a year. Most likely the big companies are either gonna have military security and walls built and silicon valley will be like a military base or they are gonna make them move to a military base. They are gonna make it like Pentagon so they know everybody coming and going and all communications will be monitored.