How To TOP DPS On a Rogue In Classic WoW!!

How To TOP DPS On a Rogue In Classic WoW!!


4 года назад

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Eyl0rien - 02.11.2023 00:23

While leveling as a Combat Swords i would get Riposte. Esentially you gonna lose ou on Endurance (1.5min cd on sprint and evasion) and Imp Sprint (Remove movement imparing effects on use) and 1 point of Lightning reflexes (1% dodge chance), but the most important one would be losing 1 talent point overall in term of progress.
Riposte is really useful, when you're leveling. Why? Surprisingly it can happen very often, like once every two-three mob encounter encounter, but it shines against multiple mobs and elite/rare mobs. You gonna have a higher parry chance (5%). which isn't a lot, but some extra small amount of survivability. In case you parry, then you can use Riposte, which cost 10 energy, it has 6s cooldown, hits almost as hard as sinister strike, but doesn't award you a combo point. Overall it's low cost moderate damage skill with disarm aka utility. There's even a macro for it to use, when you parry, which will prioritze Riposte over Sinister Strike.
Keep in mind it's really op in PvP as well. It might give you the upper hand against warrior, paladins, hunters (cuz of pets), warlocks (cuz of Succubus; Void Walker; Felhunter, although remove weapon from the lock not gonna help you that much, but it's an extra damage). 90% of the time people not gonna level up Unarmed expertise, which means, they not gonna be able to hit you with their bare hand, while the disarm is active.
It can be helpful as well in dungeon enviroment, when somehow a mob targets you or the tank dies. I would NOT bring this to end game raid enviroment though, cuz if that happens, and you'll be able to disarm a trash mob, then the group lose out on one debuff slot and 1 point loss on Lethality, which 6% crit hit damage on sinister strike and eviscate it not worth it.

High value, while leveling and farming
Mid-High value in PvP (Do not use it, before t2, cuz Cold Blood+Eviserate combo is wonderful)
Low value in dungeons
No value in raids

muel0017 - 09.10.2023 19:18

why did u spec 3 points into backstab on combat swords?

Alejandro - 25.09.2023 16:15

I just unlocked Cheap Shot and I've been opening every fight with it ever since 🤣 Cheap Shot, AutoAttack, Sinister Strike, Gouge, wait for energy, Sinister Strike again and you have a full combo meter almost before they can even start attacking you

JonathonTheAsshole - 13.09.2023 16:07

It's mathematically impossible for a rogue to top the dps charts in a raid in vanilla unless every single fury warrior in the guild is total dogshit.

LukkaReborn - 13.09.2023 04:56

Also if your a Human Rogue..then you only need 1 point in weapon expertise to max out glancing dmg...the other point can go into evis for 5% more dmg if you really want to min/max. Or have imp.sprint maxed with 1 point into reducing the cooldown of sprint and evasion. That way you cant be locked down.

IWillSexU - 15.11.2021 05:13

Hardly covered the basics.
-You didn't mention which of these buffs stack with each other
-You didnt discuss gear priority between dagger & sword
-Dagger rogue is hardly ever using eviscarate in his rotation (mainly when adrenaline rush is on)
-You didnt mention weapon enchants at all
-You didnt mention that horde rogues would prefer WF totem over instant poison, especially when sword build
-You didnt mention that you would rather apply sharpen or +crit on weapons than poisons, in raids like MC, where most mobs are immune to poisons (elementals).

10valleybassin F
10valleybassin F - 20.10.2021 08:03

omg its Liberal Hive Mind.

jeremy lowe
jeremy lowe - 14.02.2021 08:00

I was tempted to play rogue until reading their rotation and then watching this video. Much like retail....they have a 2-button rotation, zzzzzzz

Daniel Kasche
Daniel Kasche - 25.12.2020 10:32

why no riposte fukin OP

Daniel Burley
Daniel Burley - 13.11.2020 08:28

In the combat swords build and the combat daggers build, you put 3 points into imp backstab. Was this an error?

Tako Jitsu
Tako Jitsu - 12.08.2020 18:00

I use sword spec but I use weapon swap macros for backstab and ambush

Musashi - 14.07.2020 01:27

massiveballs says :x

BigBallinBash - 10.07.2020 20:27

Why do you have improved backstab with the combat sword spec just wondering

Abdul Al Ghamdi
Abdul Al Ghamdi - 04.07.2020 18:59

Would you recommend a sword or dagger build during phase 5 and 6?

Schmidt Hendrix
Schmidt Hendrix - 30.05.2020 15:17

Just a quick note: Dagger rogues should usually not put 2 points into Weapon Expertise. One point is 3 dagger skill. Most rogues (should) have something like aged core gloves or distracting dagger. This puts you at 308 or 309 weapon skill with 1 point into Weapon Expertise, which effectively caps you.

ice man
ice man - 11.05.2020 06:56

yet ANOTHER trash video showing us all wrong information. You should pop Blade Flurry and Adrenaline Rush ONLY When you have crusader proc. Save Thistle Tea till you have 2 crusaders proc (swords rogues) together (or near the end when you have at least one proc'ed).

Goobermint - 10.04.2020 10:06

EVERYThing you say is wrong lol

33% unknown
33% unknown - 06.04.2020 22:18

time for a bossfight is like 30 sec für what u wait

kieran pickering
kieran pickering - 29.03.2020 06:27

WOW is that all u need on your bar

Mysterium - 21.03.2020 15:26

This Video is 100% shit,all ur informations have nothing to do with "tricks" they are just common to 90% of all rogue players and the rest is wrong or partwrong
why u name CORE-CONSUMEABLES??? if 50% dont even stack?
For me u are ultranoob.

