What did the Asteromorphs do with the Qu? (All Tomorrows Theory)

What did the Asteromorphs do with the Qu? (All Tomorrows Theory)


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@cmkosemen - 23.11.2021 12:40

Just dropping in to say how much I love this page - and everyone commenting under these videos! :D

@anonanon5146 - 22.01.2024 11:50

Qu's are rap-ed day by day

@viewbens - 16.01.2024 14:57

Any idea what the average lifespan of both creatures? ^^

@yderga8707 - 16.01.2024 13:43

The Asteromorphs are a prime example of why letting your enemies live, even if it's in a mutilated form, would be a bad idea.

The Qu couldve simply wiped out humanity but their pride and obsession with playing God inadvertently became their own downfall.

The Asteromorphs seem more logic based than superstitious, and it certainly wouldn't be logical to let a former enemy live just to get revenge for your ancestors.

@johanhedlund5807 - 16.01.2024 02:37

Also love this

@johanhedlund5807 - 16.01.2024 02:36

Also they eat. They are not gods is my point. Gods are ideas. They can be killed.

@johanhedlund5807 - 16.01.2024 02:32

Maybe they are not as organiZe as they seem. They might have fraktions. Maybe

@johanhedlund5807 - 16.01.2024 02:22

Light is always changing

@johanhedlund5807 - 16.01.2024 02:20

I am math. Building ekvations is a hobby of mine. However. Putting humanity inte ekvations make it tricks.humaty is always changing

@johanhedlund5807 - 16.01.2024 02:12


@johanhedlund5807 - 16.01.2024 02:12

I think you are absolutly right forgetting one thing

@poseidon5003 - 07.01.2024 03:28

If history repeats itself, they would do to the Qu what they did to the Gravitals. Except genetically.

Dumb them down a bit. Instill them with human values by altering their brains. Make sure the species never rises to do such a thing again by educating them and making them simply not want to repeat the past.

The Qu didn't return to be friends. They started a massive war. They had to face justice.

@MrWill7980 - 06.01.2024 16:07

The Astromorphs just eradicated the Qu. Its the most logical way to deal with that kind of threat.

@James_Original - 04.01.2024 08:59

Out there somewhere
The Engineer civilization are still watching

@NeWx89 - 31.12.2023 18:21

Probably what happens in Olaf Stapledon's Star Maker is what happens. Cosmopolitanism on a cosmological scale. Stagnation is unstable. A system or way of thinking that is the same for billions of years will collapse. An ever changing and adaptable society is the most stable. Eventually all will end up merging. The idea is that others will understand that merger is better then conflict. One of these ideas are shown in Star Maker when it talks about cosmic wars wherein entire planets are moved like ships for combat and destroying each others. Some sides in these cosmic wars has evolved a more enlightened mindset wherein those civilizations don't take part in the war, even going so far as letting themselves be annihilated. This went on until methods of a kind of telepathic reasoning was invented: now this might seem like brainwashing, but in Stapledon's universe it is thought of kind of the reversal; that is removing bad reasonings and bad logic until the war like side will eventual come to understand the peachful side, stopping the wars. I like to think that it could be something similar with the Qu in this realm.

@JS-bn5cb - 30.12.2023 01:35

i think that asteros probably genetically modified the qu out of their delusion, stripping them of their god complexes while maintaining their intelligence, in the hopes that they may contribute to their society

@Brandon_TG_Smith - 18.12.2023 05:51

I mean humanity at that point, no matter how advanced, could hardly be considered too enlightened to be past concepts of revenge considering the massive humiliation and suffering inflicted on their species. If they were beyond such emotions why would they even attempt to rebuild civilization after the conflict with the machines instead of simply remaining in space, chilling with their cosmic brains.

@Brandon_TG_Smith - 18.12.2023 05:47

One thing you're missing is, the Qu still have committed horrible crimes, they didn't stop after humanity they just bugged off and tortured another species for a few million years.

@marcosbradanovic9100 - 17.12.2023 20:48

They did what Mr. Garrison did to the Canadian President.

@SupiSuki - 16.12.2023 10:33

my theory is that the qu were reverted back to their earlier stages, seeing how the asteromorphs could change the tommorow humans back after they were captured by the gravitals it doesnt seem to far from the truth...

@jacquestuber628 - 14.12.2023 03:29

I wish people would stop fabricating stories

@jeroneshropshire4573 - 09.12.2023 20:00

Think about it the qu, all though god like, had done petty things against humans that resisted them as well so I believe the astromorphs would do the same, probably reverting the qu back to a more simple life form of varying species but this time watch over them to make sure they never become fully evolved back into the god like creatures they were

@courier__ - 09.12.2023 17:45

Why didn't the qu develop even more in the 100 million years between they leaving and the war? Lol

Thealienwithinternetaccess - 06.12.2023 20:46

This video answers the fucking question 58 seconds in you don’t need to make it 6.5 minutes long therefore we don’t really care to hear your theories if all nerds on Reddit are gonna do is b*tch and complain about how your theory is invalid or not canon…don’t care if this is your cup of tea then that just means you’re pretty simple minded

@eggbag4182 - 04.12.2023 00:49

Why would the Asteromorphs care about humanity enough to put the Qu on trial? They didn’t join the second human empire, they think they’re gods and not even humans anymore, there’s no point. To them that’s like putting a kid on trial for stomping a bunch of ants forever ago.

@Nakkikassi - 29.11.2023 15:48

Wouldn't it be just self preservation for the progeny of humans to wipe out the Qu, if they could, and they could and did.

@HsbsbshsBebsbsjs - 18.11.2023 23:03

Honestly, the Qu probably were exterminated

@amelialonelyfart8848 - 18.11.2023 20:32

I disagree with the Qu are humans theory a lot, tbh. I feel like it ignores a lot of the thematic elements of the book and focuses entirely on an "in-universe" perspective. Qu being humans kind of breaks the themes of the story.

@kaipadernal2202 - 17.11.2023 07:25

I dont know if all Qu were punished equally since I heard that sone Qu actually abhored the idea of their majority population to humans

@jeffrutledge4824 - 14.11.2023 18:51

We are the descendents of the Qu....All this perhaps happened billions of years ago...

@dunkscouse2386 - 13.11.2023 03:01

Security to modify bk recessive devolvement of the species , make em dumb make slow weak and planet bound for galactic security as opposed to petty cruelty 😊

@dunkscouse2386 - 13.11.2023 02:57

They were spanked and sent to space bed to think bout what they've done . The end .😊 i'm pretty good at this scifi stuff 😊

@nerysghemor5781 - 10.11.2023 07:17

I also liked one of the comments I read, that if the Qu were going around doing the same nonsense when they tried to invade the United Galaxies, they could be put on trial for THOSE actions. Certainly some snide reminders about how their behavior hadn't changed for millions of years would be in order, but you could definitely get a conviction on current crimes that you could trace to specific leaders.

@samuelcrow4701 - 09.11.2023 05:45

The qu are only as powerful as the apparatus they wield. Simply disarming them and integrating them as productive members of society. The asteromorphs are likely far too enlightened to bother with petty human concepts of punishment anyways.

@KamikazeCommie501 - 07.11.2023 06:09

How can you say Astromorphs were enlightened and they wouldn't do that to the Qu? They did the exact same thing with the Gravitals.

@moambouk8526 - 05.11.2023 21:28

obvious Qu propaganda, we will take our revenge on you. also your accent reeks of a Qu-lian tongue

@Tata-ps4gy - 04.11.2023 02:06

If the Astromorph Empire sees value in the preservation of life, they may genetically modify the Qu, not to create wierd pieces of art like they did to the Star People, but to neutralize their danger. They may make them less intelligent, less intellectually bold, less spiritual, whatever neutralized them as a threat.

@MultiCommissar - 03.11.2023 16:32

Nothing in available information leads us to believe that The Qu changed their cruel and evil civilization in any way, nor did they in any way for theie entire history attempt to right the horrors that their ancestors inflicted.

So yeah, extinction is a fitting punishment for them.

@Screwzord - 28.10.2023 22:13

I think the defeat of the Qu and the extinction of humanity is one and the same event. It's probably a time loop scenario where the Asteromorphs defeated the Qu and then wiped themselves and the rest of humanity out to break the loop.

@ArmandoEnfectana-bp6jo - 25.10.2023 13:24

Fun fact:the ruin hunter in this story look like Minecraft villager.

@ArmandoEnfectana-bp6jo - 25.10.2023 13:20

The story tell us every action has karma,if the ammonite-like Q mutate the humans, the humans as well mutated them even worse,maybe they stun the Q intelligence so it can't hurt other species,so Q is nothing but a flying ammonites.

@fpgamachine - 24.10.2023 16:11

I understand your point, but I don't agree on one thing. It is very dangerous to leave a species free in the universe that believes they are gods and have the right to do whatever they want with other species. Nothing prevents history from being repeated with other species or with the descendants of humans.

@manwithaplan5503 - 24.10.2023 03:14

I think the actions of the Asteromorphs would depend on whether or not there was anything redeemable about the Qu. If there was any remotely good trait to them, perhaps devolving them to a certain point, one where their newly young society would still be uncertain, malleable, and full of potential. A second chance more or less to be better than their ancestors. If one were to remove the species from the culture, could what sprouts up be different from before? Is the Qu's cruelty a product of nature or nurture? I feel we don't quite know enough about the Qu, or really any of the species in the book to make such a judgment.

@erosgritti5171 - 22.10.2023 18:02

The argument that no living Qu was responsible for past crimes is fallacious. They travel from galaxy to galaxy to do the things they did to humans. So it is certain that when they were defeated in another galaxy, the QU were exterminating some race. Leaving even one alive would mean allowing him to commit some genocide at the expense of another galaxy. So, they were definitely all killed.

@TheGoodGman95 - 20.10.2023 17:08

Honestly even though its a fictional story, i wanted the qu to suffer ALOT I MEAN ALOT.
fuck those motherfuckers.
Good world building but man i hope the astromorphs and Amphicephali dissected the fuck outta the qu and made them into subservient dogs

@Kat-probably - 16.10.2023 13:56

I feel like they might just not care? Like strip them of their power maybe or imprison them maybe and then just forget about them and let thwm do their thing somewhere else

@Senriam - 16.10.2023 06:42

My theory is that the Astromorphs simply ended the Qu painlessly. I’m of a mind that a cycle of “godlike species messes with life, accidentally allows for life to re-evolve that becomes even more powerful than them” has been going on since the beginning of the universe. The Astromorphs put an end to the madness.
