By layer or feature? Why not both?! Guide to Android app modularization

By layer or feature? Why not both?! Guide to Android app modularization

Android Developers

1 год назад

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Sawyer Made
Sawyer Made - 14.10.2023 03:55

This is perfect, explains everything concisely while simultaneously being terse. Cheers.

Marlon López
Marlon López - 04.09.2023 23:36

How can i use firebase auth or firestore in separated modules instead of the app module ??

Víctor Martínez Legaz
Víctor Martínez Legaz - 06.04.2023 00:09

In my experience, when scaling to a large number of developers is better to avoid sharing business logic and data between feature modules. This may involve some duplication, but it can help prevent coupling and simplify maintenance in the long term.

Koen Kraak
Koen Kraak - 04.03.2023 19:06

I really don't see how the combined architecture solves the redundancy/code duplication problem. The domain:books still has no access to authors (Even though it can access the data:authors, it cannot obtain them with use cases/ re-used business logic) and suddenly the ui layer uses both domains? Does that mean that the GetBooksWithAuthorUseCase is implemented in the ui layer now? Really confusing

3CHONPRODUCTIONS - 08.01.2023 19:24

This was so poorly explained and I bet when the example comes out it will never compile just like all their other repos

🌏GO®DIGITAL - 22.12.2022 20:31


davetao - 28.10.2022 01:44

In a large codebase, additions to a feature data module cascades into changes to changes to other modules as well and in effect causes teams to block each other

vipin sahu
vipin sahu - 27.10.2022 21:38

Separate codebase by Feature module ending up with Clean Architecture

Mohammed Abdelsabour
Mohammed Abdelsabour - 25.10.2022 01:59

Data module depend on domain module not reverse I sure

Chuye Brian
Chuye Brian - 25.10.2022 01:25

Nice explanation.

Dima Chemekov
Dima Chemekov - 24.10.2022 21:14

Are you sure that the domain module depends on the data module?

Kalid Sherefudin
Kalid Sherefudin - 24.10.2022 21:05

