Dutch Farmers Against the Empire: ZAR Mausers of the Boer War

Dutch Farmers Against the Empire: ZAR Mausers of the Boer War

Forgotten Weapons

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smartacus88 - 28.08.2023 03:22

The Boer Republics were indeed financially unable, and ideologically unwilling, to maintain a standing army. They did however have an efficient, capable, well equipped, and European trained Artillery force.
In the early stages of the 2nd Boer war this Artillery ravaged the British, and directly contributed to the continued existence and combat effectiveness of the Boer Kommando system.
You must understand, in the days before Airplanes, drones, rocketry, tanks, and mechanized infantry, a good Artillery force was the pinnacle of land based warfare. The Boer Republics were quite well defended with a state ran and state funded Artillery corps, and a well planned volunteer Militia system that was manned by hearty, self sufficient, rugged, ethnically and culturally homogenous, and highly motivated Men who's lives and livelihoods were directly invested in the success of the system, based on the standards and technology of their day.

Rob Sargent
Rob Sargent - 25.08.2023 10:44

Did you manage to do the video on the OVS Mauser ?

Dave Thorstry
Dave Thorstry - 30.07.2023 15:17

Dutch farmers??? The Boer war was fought from late 1899 TWO HUNDRED and forty years after the Dutch landed in the Cape by South African Afrikaners!!!!! It is like calling American war of independence/revolutionary war fighters "English farmers". (where they originated from) Ridiculous! In addition, the new nation, although predominantly of Dutch DECENDANT was made up of French, German and Scandinavian people. This documentary is very INACCURATE in many ways.

Uwe Meyer
Uwe Meyer - 29.07.2023 21:12

"By God and Mauser". Hilarious! I remember my MIL (skoonma) asking me to shoot down the rooster on top of our church tower in Ceres with my Mauser. I didn't do it (of course)! I loved both, my MIL and the Mauser.

milcoll73 - 27.07.2023 00:38

united kingdom; "i say old chap, thats a rather nice gold mine ive go......eeerrrrrrr youve got there."

Bob Roberts
Bob Roberts - 13.07.2023 01:47

My grandfather served in the (2nd) Boer War with the 2nd Battalion of the Wiltshire Regiment. He joined as a private but saw steady promotion into senior NCO ranks. He later served in Iraq (somethings never change) and India where he was commissioned (and my father was born). Amazing how close these events are in generational terms.

John Fulmore
John Fulmore - 07.07.2023 04:16


Steve Smith
Steve Smith - 01.07.2023 05:28

I just acquired an A prefix 7*** numbered Rifle, with lots of Engraving on the timber, nearly all the blueing is gone, the bore is about a 4/10 and the magazine flootplate is mismatched though still within the correct number range. I'm also missing the slide on the rear sight and the cleaning rod. Great rifle.

John Fulmore
John Fulmore - 28.06.2023 03:36


Bakitracin Tugungu
Bakitracin Tugungu - 24.06.2023 08:45

That Jameson guy (Jameson Whiskey) purchased a slave girl and donated her to her enemy tribe. He then watched and documented her murder and dissection by these enemy canibals.

Cornelius Venter
Cornelius Venter - 10.06.2023 18:40

As a South African,I love this video. However, Zed A R.

jj streicher
jj streicher - 09.06.2023 18:52

Britain committed a far worse genocide on the Boer nation than the Germans did on the Jews, when you compare the size of the Boer nation to the Jews of nazi germany. Britain denies it refuses to issue any kind of apology even further insulting anyone whom brings up the issue.

Maybe its because the men gave them such a hiding on the battlefield, and even our women and children could not be broken despite the genocide of the concentration camps.

A young Boer asked his Father:

If i had my bible in my right hand and my mauser in my left hand and the khakis approach, which one should i drop first?

His Father replied: The enemy my son.

ricardo alves
ricardo alves - 26.05.2023 21:23

This guy a genius.

Francois Rossouw
Francois Rossouw - 23.05.2023 04:45

Very interesting and accurate.

__ - 14.05.2023 11:48

they were special forces, recon, etc etc

Louis Fourie
Louis Fourie - 10.05.2023 19:13

My grandfather told me as a you boy that his father was in a concentration camp at Bethuli in the southern orange Freestate it was his grandfather my great great grandfather who fought against the British in the free State . One night they Boers were told to saddle down for a while and had coffee. As my grandfather picked up his tin cup a bullet whent right through his cup ripping the cup out of his hand . Next all hell broke loose and the Boers scattered in all directions. About a minute when the British arrived where the Boers were sitting their where no singh of Boers fires or even smoke all gone . Luckily no one got hit by that bullet. It is so good to know that I decent from the Boers . Boer eendrag maak mag

gruispad 🇿🇦
gruispad 🇿🇦 - 07.05.2023 22:21

My late Dad used to own a Portuguese 6.5mm Mauser here in South Africa

John Hanson
John Hanson - 07.05.2023 05:49

These were Afrikaaners not Dutch. There is a historical important difference. I assume you have heard of the Huguenots?
The Boers fought against evil criminal Oligarchs / Imperial Oligarchy. The farmers in the Netherlands try the same now - but the Oligarchy is now completely Global and unfortunately primarily today US based.
I have a South African background and also a British one. I’m sure I’d have fought on the side of my Boer brothers. We all need to defend against evil Oligarchy. Now more so than ever, as the danger is today global and centralised under a New World Order. Research the past - but never forget to reflect thereon on the present and soon to be future. Mausers ultimately didn’t work for the Boers. Nor did violence in general. It is a peaceful Revolution which is needed now. Especially in the US (a real one this time, ie not just replacing one cabal with just another one).

Robert Annandale
Robert Annandale - 29.04.2023 22:52

Thank you, Ian, for a good video on my country.
The Boers could muster less than 60 000 troops, all told throughout the 2nd Boer War, compared to the British forces of over 450 000.
Johannesburg is pronounced with a hard J, and often simplified to Joburg (Joe-berg) today.
My family fought against the English in stopping the Jameson Raid and through the Boer War.
The Boers were joined by small numbers of foreigners from around the world as well, such as American, Irish, Dutch, German, Norwegian, Russian, and even some English and Scotsmen.

The Magic Boy
The Magic Boy - 24.04.2023 05:44

The british royal marines march to sarie marais to remember the boldness of the boers

Danie Erasmus
Danie Erasmus - 15.04.2023 13:45

your right the boers went commandos like we know them to day but most of them were exelent shots since at the time they were depending more on hunting for food and didn't have a lot of money to buy bullets so they had to make every shot count

Danie Erasmus
Danie Erasmus - 15.04.2023 13:40

love to see you do these since iam from south africa

Scott Atkinson
Scott Atkinson - 13.04.2023 11:21

I have one of the carbines here in Australia, that appears to have been a bring home trophy from the conflict.

Peter Collingwood
Peter Collingwood - 13.04.2023 07:34

As a South African whose grandfather came to the region courtesty of Her Majesty's Government to be shot at by the worlds best marksmen with these very rifles and then decided to remain behind after the war I commend you on a brilliant presentation. However there is something to be added although it's not directly related to Boer Mausers. While it's true that there were two "official" Boer wars, in fact it could be said that there were three. With the 1st and 2nd being re-numbered as 2nd and 3rd. In which case the actual 1st Anglo-Boer war was the "Battle of Congella" in what would eventually become the city of Durban between a Boer Kommando and British forces. These comprised primarily a batallion of the 27th Inniskilling Fusiliers (of Waterloo fame) - detachments of Royal Artillery, Royal Engineers and the Cape Mounted Rifles. This occured in June 1842 and while not as big a fight as the two later wars was certainly significant as it resulted in the end of the nascent Boer Republic of Natalia, and it's replacement by the British colony of Natal.

Jeremy Rogers
Jeremy Rogers - 10.04.2023 12:30

Great post!

P Hann
P Hann - 03.04.2023 18:57

A very good video, thank you for giving the historical background. Strange to think the South Africans did support England in the Great War after what they went through in the Second Boer War. Literally they were buried by weight of numbers and a "Scorched Earth" policy by the English.

Gerhard Steenkamp
Gerhard Steenkamp - 02.04.2023 22:10


Gerhard Lesch
Gerhard Lesch - 30.03.2023 22:40

You should have asked an Afrikaans speaker about some pronunciations, but you got Johannesburg just about right.
Continue with your good historical videos!
You also got Majuba right!

rafer Jefferson iii
rafer Jefferson iii - 27.03.2023 12:18

Traitors. British empire should be regained. Starting with the US, dreadful colonial upstarts. You betrayed your own king, terrible.

Gazal Al Shaqab
Gazal Al Shaqab - 26.03.2023 16:31

IF only, 'by God and Mauser', those rifle could talk…
TELL the story of those brave madmen who defied an Empire.

Russell - 24.03.2023 20:08

If the Birds would have had artillery and automatic weapons like the British they'd still be in charge down there because they handed the British their butt's in most engagements and where much better shots than the Colonial troops

LedfootC6 - 20.03.2023 03:22

great historical video man thanks very much! Historical wars have a lot to teach us all

Theo Botha
Theo Botha - 19.03.2023 14:07

When,if indeed.did the LEE ENFIELD, .303, take service in ZAR?

Sheldon de Klerk
Sheldon de Klerk - 01.03.2023 10:02

Very well presented, well researched and I enjoyed watching this video. Thank you

yunas saxer
yunas saxer - 10.02.2023 23:42

Floogon_Gameing - 07.02.2023 02:13

Does anyone know what happened to the Guedes video?

RK BA - 30.01.2023 06:24

I don't have ZAR Model 95s but do have two sweet, clean Chilean 95s. One is Ludwig, Lowe & the other is a DWM. I shoot '38 Kynoch 7mm ball (bought at a gun show in the late 80s). A powerful round, low recoil... I can only imagine the pain of being on the receiving end of it.

Baddy187 - 31.12.2022 20:00

Boers are the type of people I aspire to be. Self-sufficiant, not taking any shit from anyone, creative and one with the land.

IC XC NIKA - 21.12.2022 00:44

I never knew they made cock on close Mausers. Why did they make most of them cock on open type then? Is there some sort of benefit to cock on open that is not immediately obvious?

IC XC NIKA - 21.12.2022 00:31

Funny how people like to mock all the turn -of-the-century rifles for their long range sights, but then admire the Boers for their long range fighting ability.
Sure do love the idea of a state where you are required to have a rifle, everyone has a rifle, and are obligated to defend the state.

IC XC NIKA - 21.12.2022 00:25

So wait, rejecting voting rights to people who just came to your country to make some money is okay? Here I was thinking it was bigoted and fascist and worse, and that anyone should be allowed to vote the moment they step across your borders, maybe even before that.

Salut Maroc !
Salut Maroc ! - 17.12.2022 22:57

I love the boers , their history , their culture , their language , their fights , their courage . A unique people in the world . Respect !........ Great video thank you !

Ross Allchorn
Ross Allchorn - 01.12.2022 22:47

As a South African born British citizen with many Boer friends, I absolutely loved this video and learned a lot. Very nicely done sir!

Jacques Du Plessis
Jacques Du Plessis - 29.11.2022 23:52

I enjoyed your retake of events and your knowledge of the subject.

Alan Collins
Alan Collins - 26.11.2022 14:48

Have you been able to do a cideo on the OVS mausers yet?

Carl Hancke
Carl Hancke - 28.10.2022 20:25

You forgot the Plezier Mauser!

Dave Thorstry
Dave Thorstry - 24.10.2022 18:44

This comment in the header above, "However, the Boers didn't use bayonets. They didn't let you get close enough for a bayonet to be relevant." I love this quote. That is true to a degree. It is often used by Brit commenters to suggest the Boers were scared to face the bayonet. Wrong! A lot of fighting ended in hand to hand. Also at the battle of Majuba two hundred Boers crawled up the mountain side under fire. When they reached the top they faced the superior Brit force (who had bayonets), advanced on them firing and drove them to jump of the opposite side in fright and flight.

South African Prepper
South African Prepper - 20.09.2022 11:49

The British did not win either. They signed an agreement for peace .

South African Prepper
South African Prepper - 20.09.2022 11:37

I am a decent of These Boers. And we still live in South Africa. And we still have this fighting and marksman skills

Arthur McBride
Arthur McBride - 19.09.2022 13:52

Surely the carbines were for horseback troops rather than artillery. With the saddle ring and sling swivels mounted on the side. And that war used up a lot of horses....
