Allowing illegals to stay because they've been here for years is samecas saying Forget the statute of limitations...we caught your sons murderer but he did it 15 years ago so why bother prosecuting?
It's notblogical.
People think that these people actually pay taxes? There's no way that these people legally can pay taxes because they're undocumented, which means they cannot legally work in the country. So tell me again how they're actually paying these taxes voluntarily.
ОтветитьYes. It's no longer business as usual. The leakers are making it easier to pinpoint whom to fire/prosecute.
ОтветитьHey look, they can arrest the criminals.
ОтветитьI can’t tell if your commentary is satire or if you believe what you say
ОтветитьIt took my grandparents 7 years to escape communist Romania and migrate here legally. This is one area in life where I have zero sympathy/empathy for people
ОтветитьAsmongold forgot to say the US Government sells the drug I bet he is part of a US Cartel
ОтветитьAs a 7th generation Texan will this make egg prices be more economical to buy?
ОтветитьWorkers who migrated from another country send money back to their home country, not simulating the local economy and taking a job from a local citizen.
ОтветитьAs an immigrant whose family had to wait YEARS to enter the country legally, I don't have any sympathy for illegal immigrants. It's like a heavy traffic jam and there's a long line to get off the highway, you're trying to wait patiently but millions of people keep cutting the line in front of you. Fuck the rest of us, right? They're more important than us.
ОтветитьIt’s crazy that such a normal law enforcement attitude is seen as a hardliner.
ОтветитьA few major goofballs in this chat with the tired ass "but so what if they were in this country (illegally) for 15 years, paying taxes, blah blah blah. Other coutries don't play about illegally entering or overstaying visas. Brazil will fine you $20 a day for every day you over stay, and you will be banned from returning for a minimum of 6 months. They police also will ask you about your visa status if you get pulled over and will lock your ass up and boot you out. That's not just Brazil either. Whoever is saying garbage like that, as well as the idiots talking about "breaking up families", just stop - you're beclowing yourselves.
ОтветитьAll the people who don’t understand how this is good, or how good this is, boggle my mind
Ответить"Your viewing immigrants as killing machines..." I like how this person left out the word, "ILLEIGAL" .
ОтветитьPlease bring his team to the UK and sort out our radical government who have recently taken money off the disabled to give extra funding for illegal immigrations to fight for their right to live in the country even if they are criminals. I think the telegraph covered the story. Also, judges who dont deport people because they prefer the taste of chicken nuggets in the uk compared to albania or some shit.
ОтветитьThis isn't the Obama administration anymore...
ОтветитьGame has any object
Let's Game It Out: So I have this collection...
Some workers are paid in cash.
ОтветитьWatch your language .
Ответитьimagen if those clowns on the apparent building take over with the rifles and pistoles in their belts like there little gangsters get a tip and decide there going to grow some balls and show us how hard they are even if only a few of the guns are real loaded whatever dumb shit that will be a catastrophe and how will get the blame won't be the leaker and the clowns with the guns...... media will do it absolute best
ОтветитьThe FBI is, at its core, corrupt. Whether or not it's written into their policies, there are just TOO FUCKING MANY glaring examples of massive treasonous ops and fuckery to assume it's anything other than widespread conspiratorial corruption.
ОтветитьIve never understood if you mexican out in the middle of the street waving around a mexican flag then go home ffs you obviously "Love" your country then leave goodbye adios!
Dont think i seen one person waving an american flag and a mexican flag..
Ilhan Omar.
ОтветитьIf they work and pay taxes whose Identity did they steal to file with the IRS
ОтветитьAny business that cant exist without slave labor shouldn't exist 🗿
Ответитьit depends what how they did it helping them tipping them off I mean if they know where there family is son or daughter school ect its not that easy so I would say it depends but yes if nothing like that is going on then yes put them in jail
ОтветитьDrain the swamp
ОтветитьWhy do American's always "thank God"(Odin, God of Gods) for the acts of humans?
It's very strange.
Yes, Odin created the nine realms and everything within them, but he does not interfere in human affairs.
This man is a true American hero, to the core. God bless 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
ОтветитьLets go!
ОтветитьWhen these families get broken apart it's because someone in the family was a criminal and there better off without them ice did them a favor they didn't deserve for harboring and aiding these people!
ОтветитьI m not American but I wanted to be an FBI agent like Fox Mulder. I feel embarrassed as an old man now
ОтветитьAsmon calling for the death penalty was not on my Bingo card lmao
ОтветитьI feel nothing but apathy for illegal immigrants, your problems are not mine
ОтветитьEvery Hispanic neighbor I’ve had lived with their entire family. In Colorado, it’s normal to see 8 Hispanics living in a studio apartment. They’ve trashed every rental I’ve seen them in. Their kids are undisciplined. The kids break people’s windows and damage housing/vehicles, kids (and parents sometimes) steal things out of peoples yards, and litter worse than hillbillies (people from the south don’t litter nowhere near as bad as a large portion of immigrants). I begin to loose sympathy when I realize that my life would see a drastic improvement from your absence
ОтветитьWe need this man in the UK.
Ответить"The most draconian" so quartering then
ОтветитьReal accountability? hahaha. No. The leaker will never see the inside of a jail.
ОтветитьIts so funny anytime a discussion about illegal immigration comes up anyone arguing for it always has to start comparing it to things that are not at all illegal immigration because its indefensible on its own. They try to use crime statistics that include law abiding legal immigrants to paint illegals as having a low crime rate, lets be clear the crime rate of illegals is 100% entering the country *illegally* is in fact a crime.. thats why the left is pushing this "undocumented immigrant" title to replace the term illegal to obscure that from low information voters.
They try to lump it in with people here legally on visas which is the dumbest take possible, they are not at all the same one group respected a country and its laws enough to enter it legally for mutual benefit and one group was willingly human trafficked by a drug cartel some of whom had garbage bags full of fent taped to them to invade another country against its peoples will. They try to paint illegals as if they represent all immigrants to emotionally blackmail you, the voters dont want legals kicked out, they try to push a race agenda but voters dont care if its a brown mexican, a black haitian or a white romani they want all illegals gone, they want the invaders out and its statistically proven that the majority of legal immigrants dont want illegal immigration either, they know what taking in the lowest dregs of their home countries seeking an easier ride would do to the u.s. their new country and home.
I think the likelyhood is that criminals identify people who work in the FBI and then threaten family etc to get what they want out of them. Or they are planted long term there from the beginning.
ОтветитьI never understand the backwards argument that "if they pay taxes"... For 1, state taxes are not the only taxes you have to pay... and 2, an illegal doesn't really have a [legal] way to pay federal taxes... which is what makes them illegal. A citizen has a legitimate SSN to pay those taxes, an illegal does not. Not legally. If they have a SSN (or tax number, or whatever it's called), they are not illegal, unless they got it illegally. See how the whole "illegal" thing revolves around "legality"? ffs
ОтветитьThe US government should start applying heavy fines to companies that hire illegal immigrants. So many people would just go there if they weren't able to get work.
ОтветитьI wish Zack would read my comment,
If we can agree appropriately 25 million people in America are not legal citizens-- it's an American L to have allowed that to happen with a boarder that didnt have a wall. We can build a wall, we can say if anyone else crosses theyre deported -- but here is the most important part: those 25 million people could be made into Americans and no longer do they act out of self-preservation but as a citizen.
The amount of local town resentments that will be caused by trying to deport 25 million people across America is not worth much to the nation, and bringing these 25 million to the table: to pay taxes, to have SS, to own property - is essential to getting these 25 million people to prosper. They're here and the nation can benefit more by letting them identify -- fingerprint -- nationalize -- if not by 2030 they haven't met requirements then deport. And ANY violent crime or past records that include criminal behavior just deport those individuals.
How many Americans are going to be sitting out on their mom's front porch tomorrow waisting their life -- and someone inside america but not american, is going to do some work and try and survive here in America?
My honest thoughts on this is there should be a way to have people that have been good citizens(in principle, not legally) through their consistency in being able to be a benefit to our country and not be a detriment, should be able to gain legal citizenship so there isn’t such a broad change. It would still fix the problem but keep people who feel this is wrong in agreement with the mass deportations. Nobody is arguing to keep criminals( I mean actual criminals that don’t contribute to society) out of the country, it’s really just the genuinely good, hard working demographic that it seems like an injustice towards.