Silent Hill 4 Will Give You Nightmares

Silent Hill 4 Will Give You Nightmares

Bumper Jumper

2 года назад

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LucasRazorBlade - 19.06.2022 00:13

I really, really love Silent Hill 4. It's my favourite of the Silent Hill games, and I am quite happy to see people are opening up to it, as it used to be pretty unpopular back in the day.
"So what about Silent Hill 4 made me seriously think about moving back in with my parents?" Hahahaha! xD
Thanks for the video! Keep up the good work!

Ushervil - 01.09.2023 10:03

I will never leave that room until I die

Gen Gator
Gen Gator - 12.07.2023 04:50

Definitely the most underrated Silent Hill

tyrone wilson
tyrone wilson - 20.06.2023 05:12

I remember playing this on the Jam Pack demo disc on ps2 when it came out when I was in kindergarten

Morgan DiBello
Morgan DiBello - 03.06.2023 18:53

Please do that detailed breakdown of Silent Hill 4 you mentioned. My cat killed my PS2 and I miss the good Silent Hill games so much. I need more of the wonderful creepy atmosphere of his game.

dalt - 18.05.2023 01:37

my mom and her ex boyfriend used to play this shit when i was like 4, BF would play it while me and mom were sleeping, needless to say i had nightmares of ghosts crawling out of walls and their creepy ass moaning/gurgling noises until i was like 15 and wasn’t comfortable in the complete darkness till 17

Morkgin - 03.05.2023 11:07

I just wish final boss fight wasn't so shit. I don't even completely hate the second part

Shadow Hedgehog
Shadow Hedgehog - 26.04.2023 06:31

Damn, after watching this video, without even playing the game, I have difficulties to sleep. The moaning wall escaping ghost was too much. Along with the idea that it's meant to appear in my safe space. And the fact that it's hurting you just being nearby, so you can't ignore it, plus it being invulnerable. Also some random gameplay point you brought up: "how you deal with the hauntings contributes to the ending you'll get." And I kept thinking if a real ghost showed up, not only it would harm me and be invulnerable, but if I dealt with it in a wrong way, I would end up badly.

Shadow Hedgehog
Shadow Hedgehog - 26.04.2023 01:44

Is this really 2000 views video? Sounds more like a 200 000 views video to me...
SH4 was also the first Silent Hill game to have ghosts as monsters. Also to my knowledge the only one. Other Silent Hill games only contain monsters that are basically abstractions of the protagonist or other characters fears made manifest. But not real dead people came back to life.
And the way Japanese people do ghosts is always the scariest. Them emerging from a wall with this fleshy fashion... On top of you being unable to defeat them or even run away. That's something...

Shadow Hedgehog
Shadow Hedgehog - 26.04.2023 01:10

I've had a Silent Hill "fanfic" in my head for some time. About the next Silent Hill game possibly having you to encounter some NPC that stays in his office in some building in Silent Hill. He and the office looks as if he's totally unaware of the monsters and horrors outside of that office. And he's always reluctant to leave. Promising to leave just in few more moments, even getting up from his chair sometimes, but then claiming he forgot something, and always going back to work. You as the playable character can leave his office, but it's horrible outside. And the guy inside acts as he's unaware he's in Silent Hill.
It's supposed to be a side quest to get him out of that room. The guy only pretends he doesn't know what happens outside. Because he'd rather experience being called ignorant than scared. And he doesn't want to experience the fear itself either. He'd rather be stuck forever.
I never knew this concept was basically similar to SH4.
I never really played Silent Hill... I am too easily scared myself.

Amal Almalki
Amal Almalki - 20.04.2023 03:32

After I played this game i got truma from all scary games and movies.. I can’t watch this anymore 🥲

RMTDLC - 14.04.2023 16:11

SH4 was the game that haunted me as a child, it gave me that false sense of security even at home type of terror, i'd say this was one of the most genius psychological horror designs at the time, it was so effective I was even feeling a false sense of security when I was young

Cavey Möth
Cavey Möth - 05.04.2023 04:04

Silent Hill 4's trailer is one of the scariest things I've seen in my life. I was afraid that I wouldn't even be able to play it. Actually, I've never been able to play any Silent Hill while alone, besides the ones that came after And although Silent Hill 4 is quite scary, it's also quite hilarious. The janky combat mechanics lead to a lot of good laughs. I used to love messing around with Wally and his Ghostly minions just for fun. I can't think of another game that lets you spray a ghost with BUG SPRAY, and have it freak out.

ZachW96 - 27.03.2023 12:05

I only had the demo as a kid. But I played it so many times. The wall men gave me nightmares.

Nightmare vst plugin
Nightmare vst plugin - 06.11.2022 23:09

My childhood memory

Man Eagle
Man Eagle - 04.10.2022 00:46

Silent Hill made me have nightmares for a week 😨

Acehood - 25.09.2022 10:30

You know I have to acknowledge this games flaws:
-Clumsy, awkward looking combat and a heavier focus on it.
-Silly item management, (I think they went the right way forcing you to go back to the room but could have created a few more slots maybe.)
I thought I had a long list tbh lol but that's all I can think of for now. I'm going to replay it because no game has ever come close to the presentation, concept, cinematography and sound design as this game. Not to mention the story and the downright suffocating combination of level design, difficulty and atmosphere. Scariest game ever for me too and I really love it. Nothing else has come close.

Shadow of the Night
Shadow of the Night - 07.09.2022 05:21

I was one of those undying fans who made a Japanese account just so I could download it on PS3. I still play it every year or so. The game in its own rights is fucking amazing and u haven't played it at least give it a chance. The atmosphere, ambience the creatures, the lore and mystery of Walter. God this really is the best horror game. Yeah the 2nd run around the world's can be a little exhausting but honestly it's still intense. I know there is an invincibility bug with the axe but I prefer to ignore that for the horror perspective even though it was fun for a few speedruns. I buried the hatchet so to speak. Love all of you gloomy folks out there stay in the shadows, much love.

Bumper Jumper
Bumper Jumper - 10.07.2022 23:36

Who else loves Silent Hill 4 as much as I do?

Tyke - 02.07.2022 08:46

The scariest haunting IMO is the one where you don’t know where it’s at until you look through the peep hole and see Henry on the other side, all bloody with his mouth vibrating violently

asd dw
asd dw - 30.06.2022 02:06

I see a lot of people shitting on SH4 for its gameplay flaws which I absolutely cannot deny are very shitty problems (the escalator section you showed is the perfect example of what's wrong with this game), but I have NEVER seen anyone acknowledge how disturbingly dark Team Silent went with the story. The Order sets up a sham orphanage that tortures and neglects children, forces them to convert to their religious beliefs and manipulates them for their gain, and then takes the misbehaving children to a prison where they are once again tortured and murdered, feeding the other children stew made from the victim's meat. This is why Walter is the way he is and why he believed returning to room 302 would ease his suffering. I honestly have no idea how they made past the rating board with a story this dark.

I also agree with everything you said about atmosphere and how the mechanics you grow accustomed to are subverted in a brilliant way, but I've also seen many people undervaluing what Team Silent built for SH4 because a lot of your understanding of the world and your surroundings depends on you finding and reading notes and piercing the story together, which is very easy to fly over the head for a lot of people. "Lel Walter is a retard who think the apartment is his mom!!!!," which I've seen some people saying, is doing this game and its developers a huge disservice.

By the way, you should check out the 9-minute SH4 E3 trailer, which is the most surreal trailer for a game I have ever seen. It sets the tone perfectly for what Team Silent was going for with the game and could be a piece of art on its own.

Red Hot Gorestomach
Red Hot Gorestomach - 29.06.2022 21:33

nice 4k footage you managed to cap here. it's rare too see good stuff from these games

Itemtotem - 29.06.2022 19:50

PT was probably inspired by Shattered Memories
If you read into what that was SUPPOSED to be, you'll be devastated that we missed out on the greatest SH game never made (Shattered Memories - read and understand)

Please connect 4 to Origins as well as the first 3

Itemtotem - 29.06.2022 19:42

Saw your comment and came to check this out. Happy I did, here's a comment a like and a sub and a share and
I'd enjoy an in-depth deconstruction of what is likely the greatest (physiological) horror game made as of yet
Peace and God Bless

Silent D.
Silent D. - 29.06.2022 08:44

One of the most terrifying and surreal games I’ve ever played. Still feels like the game sadly was only able to scratch the surface of its’ potential… still is a masterpiece even through all that

P.S. the opening cinematic is the best in gaming history, makes starting the game even feel like a daunting task

Mjolnir - 28.06.2022 10:58

I would love to see you breaking down this game in detail!

Dwayne Asher
Dwayne Asher - 21.06.2022 08:05

You need to do more review's

THEDIGITALWAVE - 20.06.2022 22:16

I’ll say silent hill 3 is but this is 2nd hands down it’s my second fav silent hill 3rd being 1

Dwayne Asher
Dwayne Asher - 20.06.2022 08:50

I love the video
