Madhuli Kulkarni Psychologist

Don’t Compare Yourself with Others Madhuli Kulkarni - Psychologist 0 4 часа назад
Detach Yourself from Ego Madhuli Kulkarni - Psychologist 11 1 день назад
Week 3: Controlling your thoughts Madhuli Kulkarni - Psychologist 192 4 года назад
Focus on your actions not the outcome Madhuli Kulkarni - Psychologist 0 1 день назад
Focus on Controlling What You Can Madhuli Kulkarni - Psychologist 0 1 день назад
"Embracing Weakness: Turning Adversity into Strength" Madhuli Kulkarni - Psychologist 36 1 год назад
Balance Madhuli Kulkarni - Psychologist 0 1 день назад
What are the Physical Causes of Slump (poor performance) in sports? Madhuli Kulkarni - Psychologist 41 1 год назад
Week 1"Mastering Life's Challenges: The Ultimate Guide to Taking Control" Madhuli Kulkarni - Psychologist 177 4 года назад
Week 8 How can your mind create what you want? Madhuli Kulkarni - Psychologist 44 4 года назад
Week 2 "Unlock Success: 3 Strategies to Shape the Outcome of Tough Situations Madhuli Kulkarni - Psychologist 121 4 года назад
Week 9 "Mastering Your Inner Voice: The Art of Helpful Self-Talk" Madhuli Kulkarni - Psychologist 39 4 года назад
Who do you harm with your anger? Madhuli Kulkarni - Psychologist 70 1 год назад
Pre ball routines: Week 8 Psychology of Cricket Madhuli Kulkarni - Psychologist 181 4 года назад
How to become happy instantly? Madhuli Kulkarni - Psychologist 79 1 год назад
Sports Psychology: A Mental Program for Peak Performance Madhuli Kulkarni - Psychologist 118 3 месяца назад
Week 10: Psychology of Cricket: Self-confidence Madhuli Kulkarni - Psychologist 255 4 года назад