Pixel 7 Cinematic Blur

Google Pixel 7 - Cinematic mode vs Sony a7 IV Nikita Brevnov 31,417 1 год назад
iPhone 14 Pro Max vs Google Pixel 7 Pro: Cinematic Mode #shorts Adam Lobo TV 55,141 2 года назад
So I Used the Pixel 7 as a Travel Camera. Team VRY 69,603 1 год назад
iPhone 14 Pro vs Pixel 7 Pro Cinematic Mode Comparison Daniel Sin 351,380 2 года назад
Pixel 7 Pro Camera Review: Embrace the Fog with Cinematic Blur. The Luminous Journey 1,058 1 год назад
Pixel 7 pro cinematic blur sur-ron x Mike “Ken” O 1,626 2 года назад
Cinematic Blur Video on Pixel 7 Pro - Cool as a Cucumber! AndroidStud 5,392 2 года назад
Pixel 7 pro cinematic blur Mike “Ken” O 286 2 года назад
Pixel 7 Pro Cinematic Blur Video | Google Pixel 7 Pro Ahmed The Nature Lover 1,130 1 месяц назад