Root Armor Will Change How You Play Valheim (Explained in 5 minutes) - Valheim Mistlands

Root Armor Will Change How You Play Valheim (Explained in 5 minutes) - Valheim Mistlands


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@camping11 - 03.05.2023 08:55

thank you for the video! Have a coin🪙

@jonathancollier4840 - 20.01.2024 21:31

The root chestplate changed the game for me, made plains survivable with only iron gear (skipped the silver grind), and i still use it now that I have padded armor. Only thing is im definitely gonna replace it for yagluth fight to full padded.

One thing to note is that the bow boost is nice but personally i rarely use a bow. Its nice in some cases, but in your mountains example the wolves typically close the gap before i can fire enough shots off, so i opt a frostnir and parry approach

@SGWeber - 27.12.2023 19:58

I personally do root for exploring (with a lox cape for mountains) and heavy armor for bosses and dungeon crawls

@TheWtfnonamez - 07.12.2023 18:37

I fired the game up again for my fourth playthrough and suddenly Root Armor feels brilliant.
I wear it with the Fenris legs for the speed boost and it just feels zippy, but decent enough armour.
I have had to modify my playstyle, and I always eat high end food whatever Im doing, and it works for nearly everything.
This said you really have to know the game and react fast in a crisis. I got caught mid fight in the plains with "You are being hunted" and got literally zerged down.
Similarly, there are some two-star Fulings that you have to be very very careful about.
Best way I can put it is that its great armour if you dont get hit much, and you are rocking great food. I would still take padded to certain things though.

@brichards989 - 27.11.2023 20:37

Thank you so much for this video. I don't know why exactly but I just can't stand the swamp biome, so this will help me greatly.

@joet7136 - 20.08.2023 06:34

I love root armor. It buffs your archery skills, gives pierce resistance, and doesn't slow you down as much as other armor. I died a dozen times fighting Yagluth wearing padded armor but killed him no problem wearing root armor.

@RW77777777 - 08.08.2023 12:14

a lifesaver on Hardcore Mode
Deathsquito hits for 130
not with that Root chest tho

@dravinlancaster6800 - 30.07.2023 01:22

Would be great armor if it wasn't the worst looking armor in the entire game..just use a bow for everything..and no need for piece resistant..

@onedreh - 29.07.2023 05:09

i only use the chest

@chairmanmeow3474 - 21.06.2023 07:18


@isakstutorials4743 - 13.06.2023 23:35

i like speed from fenris armor but it doesnt look as cool so i use the normal silver armor

@isakstutorials4743 - 13.06.2023 23:35

you dont even need to tell me i allready know its op

@jake5773 - 07.06.2023 20:35

With lvl 1 root chest and lvl 3 troll hat and pants, tne drauger archers were only doing 3-5 damage unblocked. Root chest is OP.

@DavidVanmeterDutch - 01.06.2023 10:03

It is like serpent shield, hard to get enough roots to make and upgrade.

@panek4 - 26.05.2023 03:12

Raise the ground to the abomination height and it can't hit you then just meele it

@sandybunz69 - 24.05.2023 06:42

I immediately stop watching videos when they bring up stats.

@aroyals339 - 23.05.2023 04:01

Personally I swear by Fenris even in end-game, although I always make the mask for swamp.
Love the different perspective tho.

@Dobby396 - 22.05.2023 12:39

I don’t know man. The only time I seem to have problems in the swamp is when it starts lagging like super Hard. I don’t think any of the armour is going to help more with that problem. Though I haven’t really tried the armour set yet, so I dunno

@drtydawg73 - 21.05.2023 16:32

noice! thanks!

@depressedfire6252 - 19.05.2023 00:59

I dont know if you already have this or not but I think you should add spoiler warnings

@zraebiel1673 - 16.05.2023 17:46

I prefer Fenris armor overall, but this video really makes me want to finish crafting the root set. Only made the chest so far.

@iratami - 15.05.2023 19:26

root helm and chest piece, iron greaves and wolf cloak. at lest once you've maxed out archery or have it high enough that the +15 to archery isn't useful anymore. "caps at 100 and the +15 doesn't push it over that."

@SaltyRad - 14.05.2023 18:40

i made myself some the root chest piece and ever since then its been a much easier time. my advice to anyone is at least get yourself the chest piece. youll be glad you did

@Tolseren - 14.05.2023 11:06

Well isn't the best armor in the game then technically full carapace with root chest?

@justv7536 - 14.05.2023 10:44

New to the game and playing it with a viewer on stream, he always goes light while I always go heavy, I just, really like being the big, "fuck around and find out" juggernaut. He uses mostly knives and loves to just look cool. Equally valid option imo

@Elmerstrando - 13.05.2023 17:25

Lol root is midgame / early armor there is better ones feel free to skip it. You can easy get resistance u need from Fermenting cman takes 1-3h max to get it n max out.

Just have any hp potion or use pots (on hotbar) like the game was made than using low lvl armor.

Only pu$$ies fight wolfs ranged dude

@RationalOrc - 13.05.2023 04:53

they really should have made the pierce resistance a set bonus that requires all three pieces.

@dylanjones3759 - 12.05.2023 09:26

pro tip for fighting abominations: once you aggro them, jump on top of a crypt. They can't hit you if you're on the highest level of it and you can just hack at its legs with your axe

@kittymeyw8299 - 11.05.2023 22:12

I have a full set 😊😊 I am groot fear me!! Hahahaha.😅

@Trigger____ - 11.05.2023 08:05

Also root dosent take 17 years to farm for :')

@Trigger____ - 11.05.2023 08:04

Glad im not the only one who sailed to close to the plains and got slapped by a C#$T SQUITO lmao

@RaginKavu - 09.05.2023 03:45

Ive done it all solo, up to the Queen, and now am playing with a couple of friends, fresh chars, new map.
We're the mountains, mining silver, and have already found Moder.
But we still go to the swamps, and I'm trying to convince my friends that the Root is a good investment, but they're too traumatized by the Abomination to try (when they quit for a while, there were no Abominations yet), even though I can solo it in silver armor.

@plumedemouton2085 - 08.05.2023 18:42

I didn't know there were other armors. I just beat the Queen in my good old leather pants.

@emmatpotato - 08.05.2023 10:57

Very vool video! With good tips and a lovely voice to listen too! 😊
I will surely try this out with the fires 🔥

@huntzilla360cave3 - 07.05.2023 06:07

I AM that guy who tossed his fang off the top and looked for it forever...

@ttitanchaos1021 - 07.05.2023 03:39

This video is awesome!

@TByrd-fi7pt - 06.05.2023 11:08

Does anyone else feel the super hard and great connection to Link from Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time?

@tonyh8166 - 05.05.2023 19:28

Note on the root armor- the hat does give a form of poison resistance, but it is NOT as good the resist from potions, so there's still a point to brewing potions.

@jimmymfs4314 - 05.05.2023 10:43

"Make a root helmet to never bother making poison meads" "Due to weakness to fire just craft barley wine to be immune to it!"
Jokes aside, root armour is great for the swamp but i'd switch it for silver and so on. The movement penalty never bothers me not that much in a rush? Also by the time i get to silver i will have a lvl 50/60 running skill minimum, so that mov penalty matters less. The pierce resistance is great but i just prefer using a shield for defense as its more versatile against every damage type. Deathsquitos are a joke, you can just jump to dodge their attack, or just time your attack to squish them as they come for their stab. The only problem that i ever encounter are 2 star spear fulings, but its easy to deal with them if you just run and bow them to death. Also the difference root armour makes isnt that much compared to padded by the time you get in the mistland and since carapace will hopefully be upgradable to 4 in the future that will be an extra 24 defence. Another issue with endgame root armour is that the ashland will be the next biome and i'm assuming there will be a lot of fire, and you'd probabily need barley wine even without root armour, but thats just speculation.
Also a big alternative to root chest could be serpent shield. Yes you will be slow and useless without parrying but if you are so worried about pierce earlier on and you are playing with someone else, just pick up a serpent shield to distract enemies and let your friend kill them.
Lastly, there is an arguement that full fenris is actually better than anything i've mentioned, but it is not my playstyle as it's too much effort to constantly dodge everything 24/7 and i prefer parrying, but anyway, full fenris does give you a lot of speed to actually just dodge out of attacks, but it takes a lot of skill to do so consistently.

@nocantry - 04.05.2023 23:59

Root armorer is a bosmer's dream come true.

@briondalion3696 - 03.05.2023 23:03

Haven't tried root armor yet, thanks to your coverage of it though, I see it as a viable option, but I also haven't been able to venture into the mistlands yet. I got utterly wrecked by yalguth. I do appreciate the breakdown, this will definitely affect my playstyle going forward. The poison resist plus the mead, just seems like the way to go.

Although, I don't really run armor sets...usually it's iron with a wolf cape and some other armor piece.

+15 to bows? Does this mean it raises the skill level of whatever bow is at by 15?

@CaptainCrumbs - 03.05.2023 18:26

Huh... I ended up in root armor because I was to cheap to use iron in one of our current playthroughs. Seems I don't have to worry too much :)

@kulgydudemanyo - 03.05.2023 05:18

I need all the help i can get so i walk around with the highest defense armour available plus poison resist mead. Root armour is more efficient, but im not an efficient viking. Im a brutal viking.

@maggotscourge - 03.05.2023 00:11

How about carapace armor? Should I still use Root? Carapace can only go up to lvl 2 atm.

@legendaryxcowboy7638 - 03.05.2023 00:01

I believe the best armor sets are most effective as a mix match of the sets. The set bonuses are only needed for specific types of gameplay, where a mix of iron or better helmet, root chest piece and fenris boots makes you nearly unstoppable. This sets you up with a lot of movement speed, decent armor, and resist to pierce. You can always use potions for elemental resistances needed, which are much more effective than the armor alternative.

@PasqualItizzz - 02.05.2023 21:07

I was off to the swamp to farm the mats for this yesterday .... but ended up building a new house, a farm, guest quarters ... levelling out a bunch of land, then went sailing. So making an effort today. So far I'm renovating a tower in the Black forest ...

@ericdoan9949 - 02.05.2023 20:45

I am Groot!

@anr1593 - 02.05.2023 19:25

I go troll then to silver armor, i skip the other metals. I wear the root harnesk in the Mistlands, it helps a lot, and I carry a regular heavy chest piece when gjalls come by.
