Morrowind Tips and Tricks! (Useful for Beginners)

Morrowind Tips and Tricks! (Useful for Beginners)

Micky D

3 года назад

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Nehosoku - 18.09.2023 00:57

Never knew about the enchanted dagger under the pillow in Arilles tradehouse, good to know!

Mr Shadez
Mr Shadez - 09.09.2023 05:27

You get a nice weapon to take down Umbra on the way. It’s on top of a cupboard in one of the Suran guard towers. The Sword Of White Woe. I literally just remember this from being a kid and playing this when it came out but I’m about to retry it lol

Remy Martin
Remy Martin - 19.08.2023 10:57

i made a mistake… I made 3000 potions

Gazz Gaspay
Gazz Gaspay - 17.07.2023 05:20

Or get the Robe of St Roris just below Seyda Neen. That robe will make you invincible the entire game.

MissingNo. - 16.07.2023 03:35

Every single one of your tips is immoral smh

BlueNinja Noname
BlueNinja Noname - 07.07.2023 13:22

What about not having zero stamina when you do everything 😂

TheSynthPunk - 29.05.2023 06:19

Someone probably already wrote about it, but you can actually get a daedric weapon extremely easy and early into the game.

For that, you need to head out to the Kwama mine outside Balmora, cross the river and wander around that area until you find Vassir-Didanat ebony mine. You just need to enter it, exploring isn't necessary. After that, head to Vivec, St. Olms Canton and find the haunted manor in the plaza. Make sure to have a high security skill or an Open scroll, enter the basement and find Dram Bero. He will offer you a variety of Daedric weapons to choose from, just make sure not to pick Blunt Weapons, as he gives you a staff.

Roger Hauth
Roger Hauth - 10.05.2023 03:52

For the Warehouse Key, if you open up inventory you can grab it and drop it then pick it up like the limeware platters

StahliBoi - 04.05.2023 20:36

With the warehouse key you can pick it up and drop before the guard talks to you.

Syris - 17.04.2023 03:39

If you solve the murder of the tex collector you get more gold. You'll give up the 200 gold to the guy you talked to when picking a class. Then when you kill the guy who murdered the tax collector he'll give you 300 gold. The tax collector's girlfriend will give you some potions that you can keep or sell for more gold.

Christopher Cagley
Christopher Cagley - 10.03.2023 03:07

I know it’s a few years late but! You can go get the tax man’s gold and then directly to kill the murder (name is a male dark elf being charged 200 gold in taxes) and then go turn the quest in which lets you keep the 200 + the 500 for solving the murder!(DO NOT START QUEST THROUGH DIALOGUE! MUST GO STRAIGHT TO DEAD TAX COLLECTOR AND THEN KILL THE DARK ELF THEN TURN IN QUEST FOR THE EXTRA GOLD!) You can also give the ring to the lady in the lighthouse for two additional potions, then kill her and take back the ring plus loot all of the lighthouse and you can use this as a house or base for the rest of the game if you want! After turning the healing ring into Fargoth your high disposition with Arielle makes living in town a good choice! In the stump closest to the lighthouse there is also extra gold and a silver cup worth something like 13 gold! The second or third set of swamps on your right leaving the starting town is another tree stump that has an enchanted dagger and 50 more gold! You can kill all NPC’s in the starting town INSIDE their home’s (usually locked and these NPC’s won’t leave or call guards), which bumps up gold from the start with no extra mercantile somewhere around 2500+ before leaving the tutorial! There is also one unmarked quest where you speak to the imperial citizen and ask about advice, he will send you to the stilt strider and if you use his name when speaking to her she sends you back to him where you can trade 100 gold for an enchanted ring! Basically ALWAYS check any tree stumps for extra loot! Some even require very high Acrobatics skill or some low level levitate to see but do have loot, outside of Khuul is one that has a skull and a glass jinkblade worth 4900 gold!
I just really love this game and am still finding new things out from time to time! HOPE THIS HELPS

Peter Hammill
Peter Hammill - 01.03.2023 20:11

How does this guy sound like an irishman who has lived in North Dakota for 6 years?

Peter Hammill
Peter Hammill - 01.03.2023 20:09

How does this guy sound like an irishman who has lived in North Dakota for 6 years?

Hayden McTurk
Hayden McTurk - 28.02.2023 20:59

I got you, Instead of this, you want to buy the unlocking scroll and the resist magika from the first shop in seyda neen, travel to balmora and head towards the egg mine for the fighters guild quest upon reaching it head across the rope bridge there should be a mine enter it then leave no exploring leave straight away.

Head to the mages guild and create a spell that you can use to resist the blind on the boots, head to caldera to get the boots of blinding speed and then head straight to vivic.

In vivic you want to do 2 things you want to head to the Redorn Canteen and head to the big manor in the middle on the top floor in the manor on the top floor there is a dresser that has a key in it, you want to get stuck between the door and the door frame so that when you sneak the lady can't see you reach into the dress, make sure you steal the key without being spotted.

Head outside and straight into the redoran vaults should be the far right building, head to the bottom floor and open the bottom vault there might be a guard in there just rest until there are no guards in there and you can steal what ever you want there a half set of ebony and glass and 2000 gold and a bunch of good weapons.

Next head to saint Olms Canteen and on the top floor there is a haunted manor, enter it and unlock the door in the manor with the scroll, upon entering follow the path until you see three paths one goes straight, the other is to a room with a naked nord the other path is where we are going talking to the guy about the mine and tell him where it he will reward you with a daedric weapon of your choosing.

if you do it right you'll have a half set of ebony/glass armor a daedric weapon and about 5k gold if you choose not to sell all the gear out of the vault if you want to sell the gear you can have easily over 20k, But there are easier ways to make money and you can even have 50% resist to everything with the right rings and amulets.

DK - 18.02.2023 21:31

Been trying to look for an actual tips video that give tips that dont give the feeling of like cheesing the game but I guess this is just the way to go lol

ALLPACKA Gaming - 15.02.2023 19:48

Ok question. Why do I keep getting this weird nif error with the models every time I'm making my character?

Johnsonrohnsom - 15.02.2023 14:31

U can rest till a dark brother hood assassin attacks u kill him and sell his armor set to creeper for a total of 3000$ i think u can just rest in the shop hes at till he attcks u. This happened to me 2 times i just made a new character. Once in the wild he appeared and once in the mage guild i got like 6 grand im only level one

First Last
First Last - 12.02.2023 07:20

Did he just take the limeware platter? Where is the real Micky D?

Chris Bingley
Chris Bingley - 10.02.2023 11:26

The Bound armour spells give you almost a full set of Daedric Armour. You just have to find some pauldrons and greaves. They also use the light armour skill, as armour class is determined by weight, and they weigh nothing. These spells are also extremely easy to cast, have a low magika cost and they buff all four armour skills, your hand-to-hand skill, your speed and agility, and your block skill.

You can be literally OP at level one, for roughly 1000 gold.

Steven baker
Steven baker - 30.01.2023 12:16

I used then to see how far I could jump into the ocean. Love a game that enables you to break it. More freedom in Morrowind than any open game I've ever played since.

Basically Frost
Basically Frost - 30.01.2023 00:20

Imagine being an expert warrior and some crackhead runs up to you and wipes you clean in mere seconds

PoseidonsWrath - 18.01.2023 00:55

Could you make another video of tips and tricks based on everything you’ve learned over the last few years? It would be cool to see how you have grown.

jonny67h - 10.01.2023 17:49

Just start playing morrowind and you can lift objects while your menu is open. Like your taking it is in your inventory. So while paused, click on an item you want to steal. move it and set it down. It counts as stealing it but because your paused the guard can't move, he can't catch you in the act.

KJames Jr
KJames Jr - 09.01.2023 11:39

Balmora temple, lower level, buy fortify attribute spell (any spell), same guy, spell making, fortify attribute on target, and self for 1 second, has too be same attribute. For example: fortify speed on target 20, fortify speed on self 20, 1 second. All in the same spell. Find a wall, walk up against the wall and keep casting it. Your attributes will be buffed forever and it stacks.


Only do this if you’re a new player and just want the awesome story, otherwise it makes the game too easy and you’ll not enjoy your play through.

lkjyuiop - 28.12.2022 01:09

All you need to do is soul trap yourself you can get 420,000 life

Charlie Kelly Esq.
Charlie Kelly Esq. - 21.12.2022 16:56

WTF is a Gay yard?

parokki - 18.12.2022 04:01

> passively watch this video while playing Battletech
> get attacked by Wolverine mech the second Micky mentions Wolverine Hall

Please report Micky to the Spanish Inquisition for witchcraft.

Jake Horvath
Jake Horvath - 15.12.2022 03:45

The cliff racer casually showing up in the ending credits is just right. The chim, the atmosphere, everything is perfect.

Mephilis 78
Mephilis 78 - 28.11.2022 07:38

I will say that I like that you can just sell stolen goods in Morrowind. In Oblivion and Skyrim shop keepers are psychic and just know if an item is stolen or not.

I mean it's not like the owner is reporting their potato stolen. Imagine Delphine reporting a stolen potato and then all of Skyrim stopping the sale of potatoes because one might be hers lol

SpaceBoy146 - 14.11.2022 05:28

"you can just take whatever you want. it's yours now"


a human
a human - 19.10.2022 06:04

This first thing I do is kill the high Elf chick to get her key to her house.
My house now

Maximilian Vatteroth
Maximilian Vatteroth - 15.10.2022 12:54

If you solve the murder in Seyda Neen before talking to Socucius Ergalla you can keep the Tax money AND get the reward.

TheLucky994 - 15.10.2022 11:10

This stealing in begining is not cool, since it's more of an exploit. I never like screwing game like that because developers fucked up Ai like that.

Joshua Thomas
Joshua Thomas - 25.09.2022 20:10

I like that Haters gonna Hate walk your avatar does at the end of the video.

Doomer Boomer
Doomer Boomer - 22.09.2022 18:27

the game virtually ends when you realize Sujjama STACKS XD

wowsnav - 09.09.2022 13:30

5 more things i would mention, the best start in the game IMHO is the last one.
1: to save scrolls of icarian flight, make a custom 1 point levitate spell and just cast that (or drink a cheap levitate potion) before you land. Now you can do scroll jumps 3 times.
2: Getting piss drunk on Sujamma to fight Umbra is funny, but you can also just stand on a rock with a spear and poke for a while. The same strategy works against Staada to get Azura's Star at level 1, unless she spawns with a spear as well, she will stab your feet if you are in range to hit her.
3: Buy the Dwemer Jinksword from the Balmora Fighter's Guild, it only costs around 300 gold from Wayn. Hit an enemy with it and it will paralyze them for a whopping 10 seconds, allowing you to go nuts on them with something else. Stab hard targets ONCE, it only has ten charges before needing to be recharged. Less of a cheat than the next 2 options, and is very very good for saving your ass when you aggro the wrong foe, or want to tackle a hard target at lower levels. Protip: If you are a vampire later on, you can use the Flawed Dwemer Jinksword instead, which paralyzes enemies for 15 seconds, but also yourself (which vampires are immune to). Or just put on some constant effect 100% resist paralysis gear after getting it and curing your vampirism.
4: Vassir-Didanat Ebony Mine quest is as easy as walking into the mine, then going to Vivec to talk to Dram Bero, who will give you a choice of 6 different Daedric weapons just for telling him where the mine is. This honestly ruins the feeling you get of finding a cool new weapon, but it's an option if you want to use it, and isn't nearly as gamebreaking as the next trick:
5: Here's a guide on how to rob the Lower Redoran vault in Vivec at level 1, which can be sold for ~150k gold depending on how patient you are selling the expensive pieces to Creeper/Mudcrab:
-Get some newbie money with the method of your choice, you don't need a lot
-Purchase 4 (maybe 5?) ways to open level 50 locks, such as scrolls of Ondusi's Unhinging, or lockpicks if you started with high enough Security. Not sure how easy an Open 50 spell would be at level 1.
-If you are lucky enough to get TWO scrolls of Ekash's Locksplitter on scroll merchants, you can combine them with Telekinesis to open the upper vault from a distance and not die to the door traps. Just pay your fine for unlocking the doors.
-Regardless if you are robbing the upper vault or not, head over to Vivec, Redoran Plaza, go in Dralor Manor and go upstairs to Favela Dralor's bedroom. Look in her drawers for the lower Redoran vault key, sneak and take it when she isn't looking. Do it from further away with Telekinesis if you are having problems getting caught.
-Redoran Treasury is just a few doors down in the plaza, go inside, go down to the lower vault, and unlock it with your key.
-Wait 1 hour at a time until there is no Ordinator inside, then close the door. Try to open every chest so you unlock the ones that the vault key works on, then use your Ondusi's Unhinging scrolls/lockpicks and open up all the 50-lock chests. Loot everything.
-Haul everything out and start spamming repair hammers on all the damaged items, especially the ebony stuff. Fighter's Guild members get 10 free hammers PER GUILD CHEST. Fast travel around and load up, otherwise buy stacks of cheap repair tongs from merchants who sell those. Repair everything. Offload at Creeper/Mudcrab using the sell/rest techniques for the most expensive items.
-You are now filthy rich at level one, doable on basically any character build, with only a small amount of work required to get initial investment funds + possibly assistance in stealing the key without being seen. You will have enough money to dump loads into training up skills and buying spells, or save it so you can buy a constant effect enchantment, which will easily cost you over 100k gold, but can be incredibly powerful, such as restore health/fatigue items.

Armed with knowledge like this, Morrowind becomes FAR too easy, but it's fun to do if you've never done it before. These days I play with immense self-imposed challenges, such as healing is not allowed in any form outside of resting, which can only be done in a town. I don't really like max difficulty on the slider, enemies do so much damage to you that you're back to abusing exploits like constant effect sanctuary suits just to not get immediately killed in any melee battle.

ThePrimith - 09.09.2022 06:16

My recommendation for new players: be mindful of your fatigue. It affects your success chance percentage for various skills, especially attacking.

Walk, instead of run, when you think a fight is around a corner. If your fatigue is low, chug a restore fatigue potion if you get caught off-guard. In this respect, taking alchemy as a starting skill can be a literal life-saver, as it allows you to make a surplus of fatigue potions when you're still trying to find your footing during a run.

When you have spells readied, you can actually see how likely you are to succeed on that spell by the red bar underneath the spell icon. A full red bar means you're set, where an all black bar means you have almost no chance of casting it successfully. Again, as your fatigue refills, you will see your chance for casting improve.

sninjabeast68 - 21.08.2022 23:09

I’ve tried 3 times a few years back to play since ive no lifed skyrim and wanted to see where it came from and I can’t believe how much I’ve been missing out on by not playing Morrowind and Oblivion, they made me realize how watered down skyrim was and made me appreciate the older games so much more, I struggled at first to understand the combat system but slowly I’m learning and it’s been so funny and refreshing doing a blind playthrough of morrowind makes me feel young again

lukas nilsson
lukas nilsson - 20.08.2022 19:10

In syda neen i let myself get a bounty and avoided the guards they're really clunky and slow. I was playing a quite fast Khajiit with the tower mark to open locked door to the warehouse. Then I just got to balmora, joined the thieves guild and got rid of my bounty. It's much faster and I can steal more since I don't have to worry about being seen

The Jibbler
The Jibbler - 19.08.2022 15:26

Finally a video that doesn't scream at me for being a n,wah

Valkol - 15.08.2022 02:38

There are two more stumps around seyda neen with loot, one is down the coast past the Mara ring, the other is east of Tarhiel

IANco - 14.08.2022 05:39

Here's a great tip: enter TGM on the console

Ireallylikeeggs - 12.08.2022 13:43

I've never stopped pining to replay this game but like now i'm pining even harder damn

Wot4n - 07.08.2022 23:07

Id love some mod that will make this game harder. But i don't mean super duper enemies, i mean something that stops us being super wealthy at 7th min in game

Xenon Chameleon
Xenon Chameleon - 06.08.2022 06:17

The boots of blinding speed have improved the game drastically for me. Thanks for the tip. I also learned recently that if you don't want to use the boots to travel you can also open console with the tilde key and type coc "insert city name here, insert location in city here" to fast travel to specific locations. Morrowind does have silt strider & boat travel so it's totally cheating but it's nice to save a couple minutes walking back to Balmora after grabbing flowers or something.
example: coc "balmora, guild of mages"

Darric Dassy
Darric Dassy - 29.07.2022 19:02

God Dang it! I sold the Boots because Im lizard :'(

X - 25.07.2022 11:15

Tip#1 NEVER play Morrowind in 3rd Person and then walk full speed. Absolutely cursed walking animation. Must play in 1st Person only.

Para Jay
Para Jay - 25.07.2022 11:15

are you playing this in 16:9 ? is that possible now ?

JO JO - 22.07.2022 23:25

Great stuff. XD still epic game after all these years.
