TOEFL Integrated Writing PRACTICE: Question 1

TOEFL Integrated Writing PRACTICE: Question 1


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Justine Massey
Justine Massey - 13.11.2023 20:58

great explanation, it was very helpful

Prakruthi N
Prakruthi N - 18.10.2023 08:49

Hi all please provide a score to my essay below.

The article and the lecture both deal with Deforestation. Whilst the author of the article thinks that Deforestation has many benefits that help improve people's lives for three specific reasons, the lecturer opposes the author's claim. In his opinion, deforestation will prove to be dangerous to the world in long term.

First, the Writer claims that deforestation has provided large areas of farmland. Large fields can be used to grow corps and livestock. Furthermore, it is stated in the article that it's crucial to produce more food as the world population continues to increase. In contrast, the lecturer argues that we should look into the alternatives of farming techniques like hydroponics which do not require soil. Additionally, he maintains that we need to use technology to preserve the rainforest ecosystem.

Second, the author mentions that the global population is raising and there is an increase in the demand of living space which requires development of residential areas. On top of that, he adds that new urban areas benefits the regional economy. However, the lecturer calls this argument into question by saying that economic prosperity is just to make money. Further, he remarks that the animals, insects and other species would be deprived of its living space would slowly result in extinction from the ecosystem.

Finally, the writer asserts that in countries like Brazil, Thailand and Indonesia a large percentage of people rely on deforestation as a source of income. Thousands of jobs have been created in order to meet the world's demand of paper, furniture and lumber. In addition to that, in the article it is mentioned that the workers in this industry would be economically affected incase the industry is shutdown.

Victoria - 27.09.2023 18:46

Thanks for your videos! I have a question: in the integrated writing does the lecturer always refute the author's arguments? Or could it be that he supports them?

Ghadeer Hussam
Ghadeer Hussam - 08.09.2023 14:11

Can I listen to the listening as much as I want while I am writing?

Rida Mushtaq Boblai
Rida Mushtaq Boblai - 07.08.2023 17:20

I have my test in 2 days and i was wondering if i can phrase my essay in a way wherein one paragraphy expresses the views by the author and the other paragraph expresses the contradiction from the lecture ? Or do we have to blend in both the views and siumtaneously express it in the same paragraphs?

afrida hasan
afrida hasan - 02.08.2023 09:25

Can anyone please give me a link to ETS official TOEFL iBT 6th edition audio track?
I really need it.


Leo Zheng
Leo Zheng - 27.07.2023 22:15

In TOEFL it says that an effective response is between 150 and 225 words, but you said it's between 250 and 350, so I would like to ask you if you write more than 225, will they penalize you?

El Football
El Football - 27.07.2023 13:31

Sir can you check upon this.
Also fellow friends in comment section also rate it.
Thanks alot
The author and lecturer both deal with the book by the name of travels of Marco Polo. Whilst the author thinks that Marco Polo lied about events he mentioned in his book, he supports this claim by three specific reasons, the lecturer opposes the author’s claim. In his opinion, he did travel to China and the author’s claims do not hold water.
First, the author claims that Marco polo was a close friend of Kabuli Khan, the grandchild of Genghis Khan. Furthermore, he it is stated that he was the governor of City for 20 years. Author adds that his name was not mentioned in all of government records. In contrast, the lecturer argues that his post was miss translated in English books. Polo was only just an ambassador for Kabuli Khan’s government, and it was not a critical position because there were thousands of other people working in the same post.
Secondly, the author mentions that, Polo did not mention about the great wall of china, which is an interesting creation of humans that attracts anyone. Hence the author claims that he lied about his journey to china. On the other hand, the lecturer maintains that Polo travelled after the Mongolians conquered China, and the wall remained without any guards and of no interest, so that is why it did not attract the attention of Polo.
Finally, the writer asserts from the book of Frances Woods, that Polo actually learned stories and read novels about china and its history. Moreover, he adds that there were no Italian posts during Mongolian empire in China. As opposed to author, the lecturer holds that, Frances Woods own book is disapproved for so many false claims. There is no evidence of Polo’s visits to libraries in Turkey. She highlights there are verified details about his visit to China, for instance he mentions about churches in eastern china, which later were found by archeologist in 2012. Not to forget, no other book has ever mentioned about the churches Polo stated in his book.

Sara Saraei
Sara Saraei - 13.07.2023 08:33

I think most of the comments are for students who speak English in their country for me it’s so different. I don’t know how you guys got high score in English.😔

Akshaya Nagarajan
Akshaya Nagarajan - 02.07.2023 01:56

Dear Josh, I have a doubt. I am not sure if a title is required to be mentioned for the integrated writing task. Can you suggest on this?

theory of badr
theory of badr - 29.06.2023 23:21

My problem not English it just I'm pissed off I can remember what they say even if I take notes they don't help a lot

Ana Maria Longo
Ana Maria Longo - 18.06.2023 13:11

Hello! I have a question about the integrated question task template. Do you think I can have a good rate if I use a template where the two first body paragraphs are only about the points made in the lecture and the third resumes the reading?

Prajkta Patil
Prajkta Patil - 15.06.2023 21:53

Thank you, Josh, for all videos. Sometimes I have trouble understanding the lecture clearly. The last time I was observed I understand 2 reasons rather than 3 what can I do that time if I faced this problem again. Also, my 2 reason was correct. can you please tell me how many points could be cut if I wright only 2 reasons rather than 3 in a real TOEFL exam? Do you have any suggestions for this problem definitely it will help me. Again THANK YOU.

Arashjit Singh
Arashjit Singh - 08.06.2023 08:26

Will the paragraph be with us, all the time and we just need to make notes of the listening part? Or, of both parts?

Spread the knowledge
Spread the knowledge - 06.06.2023 07:55

"The reading passage and the lecture explains about the deforestation. From the reading passage author's point of view, deforestation help the people through giving farmland for agriculture, space for living, and build for national economy while the lecture oppose with the statement and explain that the author of the reading passage think only for the short term benefits but not figure out the adverse effect after that for the long term."

---- Introduction portion for integrated writing AND
If there is any error, then please do suggest

Wael Yasaki
Wael Yasaki - 11.05.2023 23:04

Thank you so much ❤

watch and enjoy
watch and enjoy - 09.05.2023 15:36

Thanks sir!

LAK182 - 24.04.2023 02:46

I am confused. TOEFL says an effective "intergrated" essay contains 150-225 words. You claim, that we should write 250 words?
What's correct now?

Abhishek Jha
Abhishek Jha - 16.04.2023 12:23

can someone please review this

The reading and the lecture are about the consequences of deforestation. The author believes deforestation is beneficial for overall human development by providing land, food and residential areas. The lecturer disagrees with the readers claims and critiques each of the authors arguments.

According to the author, there are many benefits to deforestation. The article asserts that the clearing of lands leads to an increase in the area to grow crops and livestock’s which is crucial in order to support this ever growing population. This argument Is challenged by the lecturer. He claims that we shouldn’t rely on deforestation for growing of crops, instead we should focus on the technological advancements like hydroponics in which one doesn’t need soil and land to grow crops. This would also help us to save our rainforests, as they are responsible for 28% of oxygen that we breathe today.

Secondly, the author suggests that deforestation helps to accommodate more space for residential areas and helps boost the economy of people thereby providing them resources to live, work and thrive. The article notes that this helps people and investors to make more money. The lecturer, however, asserts that our focus shouldn’t be the on the short-term goal, instead we should focus on the long-term impacts of this. He continues by stating that animals and plants are severely affected by deforestation where many animals get displaced of the homes and many plants species get endangered.

Finally, the author puts forth the idea that in countries like Brazil many people primarily rely on deforestation for their living. The author contends that these people would severely get affected if we stop deforestation. In contrast, the lecturer’s stance is that deforestation is a treacherous work and many people put their lives in danger in the process. He says that while these people rely on deforestation for survival, they still get a very small chunk of the actual share which goes to the main businessman and investors.
In conclusion, both the author and the speaker are fervent in their beliefs of deforestation and disagree with each other on every point.

Daily Daisy Inspiration
Daily Daisy Inspiration - 02.04.2023 23:11

Can someone tell, do we need to write "we will not" instead of "we won't"? Like do we need to write full forms of I am, you are, etc. Or is it important only in case of word counting 🤔

Blazing647 - 21.03.2023 00:16

Why I get 23 in writing all the times

arnaudgoure - 15.03.2023 01:27

I failed the TOEFL twice because I had to have at least 24 in writing, after discovering your channel and using your templates and methods, I got 29/30 in writing and 111 in total!
A huge thank you for your precious advice!!!

Jacob Kogan
Jacob Kogan - 06.01.2023 01:28

Hi Josh!
Thanks so much for your work, it helps a lot!
If you don't mind, what grade would you give your student for the text about Marco Polo?
I've just began to prepare, that's why I am interested

Kunal Gulati
Kunal Gulati - 31.12.2022 13:04

I am not able to buy basic emergency course on your. Confirmed the payment 3 times but still not redirecting.

Collosus - 18.11.2022 07:37

Question, if the directions state that I should write 150-225 words; is it okay for me to write more that that or do I have to always stay between those numbers?

Samuel Ayodele
Samuel Ayodele - 11.11.2022 10:42

Writing my toefl in 10mins. Wish me luck🥹🥹

wu nankina
wu nankina - 09.11.2022 07:29

Can anyone tell me what's wrong with the sentence of "when he was visiting China,the Great Wall was in a bad situation. "?

wu nankina
wu nankina - 09.11.2022 07:24

what grammaticall error is in'The Great Wall was '? shouldnt it be 'was'?

wienerbiener - 29.10.2022 01:34

i write this in 10 minutes, how much points would I get?

As author mentions that deforestation is needed to build new residential areas as well as industrial circles. It is asserted that as human population grows and new technological tools develop, deforestation has been also grown proportionally along with the these two factors aforementioned. On the other hand, lecturer denies the author's ideas and more specifically considers long term effects of serially cutting rainforests.
Firstly, author implies that governments need to create farmlands which also paves the way to boost crop producing and livestock. Then, author emphasizes magnate population growth in the global scale, causing the demand for more food alarmingly. As for lecturer, these method which is cutting the forest and making deforested fields is too old-fashioned and therefore we have to look for more contemporary and environmental friendly tools such as hydroponic agriculture technic.
Secondly, author states that new residential areas are needed to be built as the global population growth which results in politically and ethically righteous deforestation in some countries. Likewise, building new residents, buildings, urban areas helps for economical growth, the author gives more specific examples such as Brazil, Thailand and Indonesia. In these three countries, forestry industry plays a huge role in their economies, including employing workers by supplying them job opportunities, based on paper, furniture and lumber sectors. Nevertheless, lecturer opposes the reasons given and states two more probable results of exterminating rainforests systematically. To begin with, killing animals and insects are part of deforestation process and as a matter of fact, rainforests cover 20% of the world's oxygen need. Moreover, those three countries mentioned in the reading were developing countries therefore it is not expected to be paid enough and just as a worker rather than spoiling their labor, as business owners make profit from them.

Suraj Adhikari
Suraj Adhikari - 28.10.2022 21:26

The reading and lecture is both about Marco Polo and his book "Travels of Marco Polo". The reading
states that Marco Polo's exploration as merchant in Far East is confusing and questionable. The lecturer, however, disagrees with the statement.
First of all, the writing states that his relationship with Kublai khan is inaccurate. As he was the governor of the city he was not cited I any of the governmental records. The lecturer, however, states that polo was ambassador to the region and the position where he was to represent is unworthy of mentioning in the records then. 'He asserts that his position was not worthy of status to include in the Kublai khan's records.
Next, the author says that Marco Polo lied about visiting to Northern China, It goes on to say that while polo did not mention Great Wall of China. If he was to cross any region of china he would have noticed the great wall stretching almost all of the surrounding region. The lecturer asserts the opposite. He says that Great Wall of China was built to safeguard them from invading Mongols. At this time the wall was under construction or in unready phase of conclusion. The wall itself was not worthy of scene.
Lastly, the author states that all Marco polo did in his book was just the stories he heard in the trading ports of Persia and others. To support, the reading states the fact that there was no trading ports in China or magnolia. The lecturer asserts otherwise. Conversely, he states that Marco polo mentioned the dozen of churches in the Chinese mainland which was recently discovered in Chinese land and was verified by the team of archeologists. Therefore, he asserts that this supports his idea that Marco did travelled to china.
To sum up, the reading argues that Marco polo has lied and confused with his book "Travels of Marco Polo". The lecturer on the other hands counter argues the claim made in the writing.

Chirag Bellara
Chirag Bellara - 10.10.2022 17:46

Hi Josh. I have been referring to your videos for my prep, which has been beneficial. I just have a few questions. In the first example, I noticed that your essay did not give specific details that the lecturer speaks of, like there are no numeric values or names that the lecturer mentions. Is it okay if we skip these details from the lecture? Also, whenever I write an essay, I always cross the 350 words mark. Having about 500 words in your essay affects your score, or is the word count not that significant?

Whitney - 05.10.2022 12:20

Hi Josh

Just a quick question on the writing part.Does the article stays on whilst you writing ?

Or they don’t show both the article and the lecture after listening and reading to them once ?

Lucía Frigerio
Lucía Frigerio - 02.10.2022 03:02

The student who wrote the essay watching this video 🧍

Raghad Atoom
Raghad Atoom - 11.09.2022 01:42

Thank you for this amazing video
Can you give us a list of phrases please ????

Dfe Shah
Dfe Shah - 06.09.2022 10:51

While writing, will the passage be visible?

Mohammad محمد
Mohammad محمد - 04.09.2022 18:54


Ojaswita Paul
Ojaswita Paul - 01.09.2022 14:27

Got my scores an hour back.. 100. Thank You so much!!!! Your videos helped me a lot...

Newsha Molavi
Newsha Molavi - 23.08.2022 18:43

Is this sentence grammatically correct for introduction of this example:
It's one of greatest masterpieces of Marco Polo's books?

Kiran Kumar
Kiran Kumar - 23.08.2022 10:22

Can you send the video/link for strategies of each type in reading section. Plez.

Hrishikesh Shenai
Hrishikesh Shenai - 19.08.2022 23:08

Got my scores today. 110 with 26 in speaking and 27 in writing after just practicing for a couple of days using the guides for these sections. Huge thanks to TST prep and I would highly recommend the speaking and writing question-wise videos available on this channel especially if you are low on time...

Ahmad II Mahalawy
Ahmad II Mahalawy - 19.08.2022 15:07

Hello dr.Josh
I was wondering if using the word ( agree / disagree ) is unformal in writing task 1. I had a friend who told me not to use these two words rather focus on others ?

Davide Pedergnana
Davide Pedergnana - 19.08.2022 13:32

Got my test scheduled in 4 days, not plenty of time to get ready. Thanks for your videos. I need to score 87 points, might be achievable.

tanmay rao
tanmay rao - 19.08.2022 08:58

I scored 111 on my TOEFL exam. Thank you very much TST prep.

Siddharth - 19.08.2022 08:27

Just received my scores and I got a 112 with a 30 in writing. My only source for practice was your videos, so thank you so much.

Maria Utya Traveler
Maria Utya Traveler - 18.08.2022 14:34

Dear Josh, thank you and the team so much for all your hard work! I got 109/120 score on my TOEFL iBT, and the major role in my success certainly belongs to all those materials and videos you unceasingly and generously provide🙌🥹 (Reading 28/30, Listening 29/30, Speaking 25/30, Writing 27/30)
Your support and guidance are priceless🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻

Mohammad Abdollahzadeh
Mohammad Abdollahzadeh - 17.08.2022 19:50

Thanks dear josh
I think i read this article on your channel last year meanwhile dear josh please upload reading and listening practices please i need them a lot
Im looking forward to hearing from you
Sincerely mohammad

Nastawirya - 17.08.2022 07:51

josh my english still bad why should i do firts in this moment? i really wanna pass test TOEFL .. but which toefl test is better ? PBT , IBT or CPT I'm super confused

Mario Thuta
Mario Thuta - 16.08.2022 15:18

How can I practice on ur website as I'm student from Burma which is under military coop?I cannot buy these things by using google services because the google ban us.Our currency value is dropping and the fees will be really expensive for me.
