How “Overemployed” Programmers Are Earning Multiple FULL TIME Salaries

How “Overemployed” Programmers Are Earning Multiple FULL TIME Salaries

Aaron Jack

1 год назад

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kings lead
kings lead - 11.11.2023 20:20

You putting airbnb as the reason why people can't work 2 jobs... I'd be fine without it. I doubt many others would have much of an issue either.

Tzimisce - 11.11.2023 07:21

How do people even get remote jobs? Every employer I've spoken to immediately shuts down negotiations as soon as you even mention remote.

João Jonhy Nmmgz
João Jonhy Nmmgz - 10.11.2023 16:21

Companies overprice their products on a daily basis, based on conditions like context, demmand and supply, whatever.
Supermarkets, for instance, have algorithms in place to evaluate wheter people in that area are experts in buying stuff; let's take wines, for example.
They overprice those, multiplying by 4x, 6x, 8x, instead of the normally 2.5x, lets say; if people go for that, they will maintain that policy and enjoy that extra profit.
That will be actually celebrated!
If people stop buying, prices will change fast.

Why can't people overprice their services based on context (if that works for them) from time to time?
I mean, working for two jobs would technically be an overprice, since probably not the same amount of tasks will be achieved.

luckerooni - 06.11.2023 13:00

As you said it, the company is merely seeking to extract more value than the amount they're paying. Companies are fundamentally antagonistic by nature. If you don't have equity in the company, there's no actual reason to have any moral obligations. Now lying and being deceptive are different parts of this dynamic that can make you into coming off like a bad person, because maybe that company doesn't want "overemployed people," but in many cases as you cited, having SOMEONE is still worth it; thus the company is still getting more value than they're paying in the end.

The fact that employees can push the margins of value companies get to a thinner point and they easily survive just proves that the companies are not in a place to claim some level of immorality is going on. Some people just love to be used by others though and will justify whatever after the fact. If you want to be honest, after you kill the final interview and you're pretty sure you're in, and it's about pay talk, you should perhaps explore something like requesting an exclusivity bonus on a contract that most likely will result in either you not being offered exclusivity, completely absolving you of any liability, or you might get bonus pay, which will increase the value of the job you're at and if it's enough pay then you will not have to bother looking for an extra job.

D S - 03.11.2023 21:49

In some countries, that would be illegal. Like Switzerland. If they pay you for 100% working time, you have no right to work for someone else or even for yourswlf. Legally . If you do, but you do not get caught, I suppose its good.
I think contracts are the best way. You can work on several projects so why not being paid as such.

Semicolon - 24.10.2023 10:07

Just want a simple software deskjob though, and overcome this unemployment. Even if the pay's not good, I'm all for it.

realnull - 23.10.2023 20:48

In the UK this is not possible with full-time employment. HMRC will notice that you have two jobs and based on that they will adjust your tax code, and inform both your employers about the tax code change. And You are caught within 2 months.

spacedaniel - 20.10.2023 09:23

I stress enough over getting fired with one job, no thanks

Ronnok - 19.10.2023 23:11

Stress? That's you're biggest deterrent?
Stress melts away with competence.

When you're confident about what you're doing and your abilities because you've built up competence doing what you do, stress is barely a factor.

iosubb - 18.10.2023 14:42

Legal implications are pretty real.
In my country having two full time contracts is illegal. So it may raise concern if you propose one of employers part-time.
Secondly - you will need to report your incomes otherwise local analogue of IRS will grip you by the balls.

iosubb - 18.10.2023 14:32

Move to Russia.
There is a demand for good specialists here and you actually can buy a house during your lifetime even in Moscow. :)

Uplink - 12.10.2023 12:54

Finding the ones who don't notice or don't care that you don't do any work is the hardest part.

Joe Hick
Joe Hick - 08.10.2023 10:27

I had a in person physical IT job that was not customer service. I worked nights there before when I had conflicts during the day. I got a full time remote position since my main job was about to do layoffs. I got the remote job and didn't get laid off. so I told my current employer the situation and that I would be working nights. they told me to pack my stuff and leave. the project I was working on was highly important to certifying their product. but they were so offended that they would rather put themselves in financial turmoil even more than keep me around. never tell your employer about a second job, they will always make it their personal goal to screw you over.

安然 - 06.10.2023 23:34

I used to have a full time and did like ton of freelance work with different clients, it's literally not worth it, I did nothing in my life besides working

Emu - 03.10.2023 15:03

In my country you have to tell your employers about your other jobs, because of tax regulations. If you don't, you could get into serious trouble.

AerialExplorer - 30.09.2023 22:33

It takes me all my effort to do just one programming job. So doing multiple jobs at the same time is impossible.

Piotr Malewski
Piotr Malewski - 29.09.2023 16:04

Move to a nice place where house is cheap, build your life. Even if you loose the high income job at some point, you will find another, and if you're a nice guy, after a few years being a neighbour to some 'poor country' people, they will support you even if you don't have any job at the moment. Good relations with good people are worth more than any job.

Home Office
Home Office - 27.09.2023 19:19

About ethnic and emotional part it's probably more depends of country and place itself. In UK by default you are number. No one give a shit about you and specifically if you are immigrant. They are ready to suck you on any chance if it's suits them. So ...

Ben Purcell
Ben Purcell - 26.09.2023 23:40

Hilarious that people are getting away with this but i reckon long term it will do you harm as you won't progress due to just being a low performer

YourEyesAreBleeding - 02.09.2023 08:10

I give absolutely 0 f's about acting ethically when it comes to working for a company. They don't give a damn about you, they will lay you off and allow you to starve on the streets if they think they can get 0.01% more profit. So like, why not just make up a resume full of outrageous lies and fake experience and just apply for multiple jobs, cash the paychecks until you get fired (or quit if they never catch on), and take that cash for yourself?

Ken McDavide Fernandez
Ken McDavide Fernandez - 18.08.2023 13:21


Ralgondo - 10.08.2023 04:01

Reality is there are just people who just do the work of 2-3 people easily

Didiplouf - 04.08.2023 14:00

hahah love this, I've been doing it for 3 years now

Tok Roni
Tok Roni - 02.08.2023 11:36

funny that plumbers , electrician and waitress cant be overemployed

To the point
To the point - 29.07.2023 21:15

I am in the process of leaving a job where I get one salary, but felt like i was doing 2-3+ jobs, I could take on 3 jobs and finish all of them before anyone else in the team could finish one job, maybe they are are all doing it, or maybe they are just incompetent, either way, I would say that if my situation exists then why shouldnt the opposite also exist, if it takes me 1/3 of the time to do what others can, why shouldnt I spread my time between multiple companies, the companies get someone competent, and I get paid what I am worth rather than being at the mercy of penny pinching management that are just looking to use their penny pinching ways to big themselves up to upper management and increase their own salaries.

Behr - 26.07.2023 02:18

Wow now I feel better for having 2-3 jobs at once.

Ezekiel Searles
Ezekiel Searles - 24.07.2023 22:10


OS-Advertising - 23.07.2023 18:24

bruv the world is getting crazy

ByteSolver - 21.07.2023 22:32

What financial freedom are yoy talking about? Working 100 hours a week is freedom?
Financial freedom is when you have passive sales/membership income from a software you created. It's money you make while you're sleeping!
Don't work 10 jobs folks, this is bad advice. Create a software and market it on the side over the years!

Owen Peterson
Owen Peterson - 20.07.2023 15:10

and for those overemployed who had a team doing everything - not a bad option, as long as the client is happy. If they were to work through an ad agency or consulting firm, those places have + active clients at any given time, and any given designer or programmer assigned to any project will have to work multiple clients. So companies can do this to their employees, but employees cannot in turn do this for themselves? Yeah, lets figure that one out first.

Owen Peterson
Owen Peterson - 20.07.2023 15:08

The flip side of this is whenever I took a lead role and they paid 30-50% higher rates, but made you stick to 40 hours max billable, and gave impossible deadlines that made you work 70-80 hours to achieve it, negating the increased rates. Smarter option is indeed to take roles that are easier, you can do perfectly that are slightly below market rates and meet all milestones, deliverables and objectives and you work 20 hours, but can bill 40 hours.

Owen Peterson
Owen Peterson - 20.07.2023 15:05

First sign of knowing you're being shammed, is the time of meetings / meeting misses / missing deadlines. Worked with one UX designer who admitted she had 9 clients at the same time. She never showed up to any meeting except with the boss, always had an excuse.

Mr Dzha
Mr Dzha - 19.07.2023 15:42

ahaha i newer knew there is such a thing like "Overemployed", but it is totally about me, i use to have 5 jobs, 3 remote, 1 in the office and one in hospital (my 1st education is the medical therapist) ahhahahahah

Channel_4872 - 18.07.2023 16:39

totally justified

MucheruM - 18.07.2023 12:18

amazing story

TheLazy Gamer
TheLazy Gamer - 16.07.2023 06:42

no wonder the entry level market is hard to get into. :p

nath - 14.07.2023 12:31

And here I'm thinking about reducing to 50%, because I have enough money to pay for my flat, car, food and vacation.
Buy less shit, then u have more money, then u need to work less and have more time. for yourself.

Shak Os
Shak Os - 14.07.2023 08:42

Not sure id this is the same thing, but i did something similar when i was working remotely for about 8 months. I was working full-time as a software engineer, and barely had any work to do. My days felt so empty so I started trading crypto. Soon my crypto trading became my main source of income and my remote job became my passive income lol. I was watching videos, getting on discord calls, looking at charts, following new coins, trading memecoins, NFTs, for like 10 hours a day, and was giving like less than an hour a day to my full time job. Some days ofcourse were longer, but man i was so stressed and constantly fearing missing meetings, not responding to coworkers and things like that. I can definitely say though that it was worth it. In those 7-8 months I had more money trading crypto than I make in a whole year with my full time job. They forced me back in office, and because of that my trading slowed down, 2 months later I quit.

MJ - 12.07.2023 23:11

for us Brazilians this would result in some nasty fines

Lyderc91 - 12.07.2023 15:50

Do you get a raise or directly get paid more if you can do more than what they hired you for? Yes -> Stay at one company. No -> Overemployment is the way.

L.Lord - 07.07.2023 08:32

I only do this for the money, nothing else.

Levi Smeets
Levi Smeets - 06.07.2023 00:52

i truly dont see what is unethical about multiple remote jobs, aslong as the job gets done?

The Habsburg
The Habsburg - 05.07.2023 11:10

Why I can't even get a single job and am still homeless.

Antonio Sestar
Antonio Sestar - 04.07.2023 18:11

US is a joke, can't wait for the bubble to burst into pieces

META[313] - 02.07.2023 18:50

This is basically a competitive working

BoomZoom - 02.07.2023 12:13

"100k is not enough for bla bla bla" You just need to quit buying stupid and worthless shit, and you will be amazed how much is 100k :D

Chris M
Chris M - 30.06.2023 18:17

People justifying this saying it's nice to see people exploit the companies that have been exploiting their employees, are disgusting.
Compromising your ethical principles because someone else does it is how we fail as a society.
You should strive to be an example, not operate at the lowest common denominator.
And when you get to a position where it's your turn to hire people, you treat them decently and fairly.
If you don't like the company because they lack integrity, then you leave.

A generalized lack of integrity. That is what you're defending if you think like this. If you only do the right thing when the circumstances seem fair to you, then your moral compass is worth jack shit. You are a morally compromised person, an opportunistic scavenger.

The world is what we make it. If you believe it's okay to be a thief when other people are thieves, then that is the world you'll create.

TreSaidH3y - 29.06.2023 22:19

I work three remote IT jobs right now and make 200,000 per year. I work from 10-2.

LegitBacKd00rNiNJa69 - 28.06.2023 21:02


not friends, not family, ESPECIALLY NOT coworkers even old coworkers/old classmates
