Chinese Fossils Reveal the Evolution of Mammals | SLICE SCIENCE | FULL DOCUMENTARY

Chinese Fossils Reveal the Evolution of Mammals | SLICE SCIENCE | FULL DOCUMENTARY

SLICE Science

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@TRUTHandFACTSwithDISCUSSION - 25.02.2025 09:01

Theory of Evolution 😂
UHH oHH....
We now have a Mammal Fossil with a Dinosaur 🦖 in its Stomach 😂
Its proven there are over 400 FOSSILIZED mammal species found with the only 750 FOSSILIZED dinosaur species🤔
Look it up the infos out there. Just not always here in YT😁

@gilbertlord1701 - 15.02.2025 00:57

Mammals turn into apes and apes into man and yet we still have mammals and apes .
GOD made MAN in his image !

@1joshjosh1 - 11.02.2025 00:48

My ancestors kick a** !!!

@geekyprojects1353 - 18.01.2025 02:18

Mammals feeding on dinosaurs - I see my love for fried chicken is an old habit.

@matthewdolan5831 - 06.11.2024 03:08

Mammals are funny kinds of reptile... and then there is platypus.

@SolarizeYourLife - 04.11.2024 10:56

No doubt those fossils are FAKE or a KNOCKOFF...

@ElphaB - 03.11.2024 22:58

Ma'am Al"s

@stevensibbet5869 - 21.10.2024 15:10

Gliding isn't exactly the same as flying.

@gandolforaimondo3192 - 19.10.2024 16:02

THATS is only theory, the Story is wery Differential.

@nyahanan - 14.10.2024 13:37

Mammals coexists a long time with dinosaurs. But it is interesting that a German zoologist pointed out that there are still more species of reptiles than of mammals! So he doubted that so-called success of mammals above reptiles!

@kryts27 - 08.10.2024 09:48

The synapid mammals appeared probably in the late Triassic from (cyanodont pre-mammal reptiles). This makes them an older class of amneotic vertibrates than birds (Aves), which probably evolved in the Jurassic. They are the only surviving synapids to modern times.

@user-si8zf9hy1b - 03.10.2024 22:41

Gay...totally gay.

@JessicaLynch-pb2lv - 06.09.2024 23:58

I thought all mammals living among dinosaurs were small. I would never have imagined a wolf sized mammals at that time. Wolves are pretty big.

@tristanwilliams4180 - 15.08.2024 23:02

i really Love Mammal like Reptiles, Such Amazing Proto Mammals

@jimgraham6722 - 13.08.2024 09:38

Great doco, thanks.

@billquinn6224 - 09.08.2024 04:28

I think that we started climbing the tree of evolution when we lost our tails.

@andrewmole745 - 07.08.2024 19:41

Generally well narrated, but the pronunciation of the Chinese names has some problems. Yuanqing is not pronounced “Yonking”. Yoo-en ching would be closer.

@robertharris683 - 05.08.2024 18:23

Please no back ground music..very distracting.

@bencamilleri9639 - 04.08.2024 08:27

There is no evolution it's a load of crap nothing's evolved it's the same as as it always was there was no gradual change look it up don't know why this is still being told it's a lie

@elleryweir7863 - 03.08.2024 17:09

They think they were there nobody knows what happen I believe the Bible now their saying these reptile had feathers what joke these people make a lot of things up to keep getting money were are all the giants.

@이이-n4z8y - 03.08.2024 14:00

Xhinese using science is cultural appropriation. Using xhinese to name dinosaurs is cultural colonialism. It must end

@billsmart2532 - 01.08.2024 00:48

Brilliant series! So much new information. Animations are fantastic! One problem with the script: predators are silent when stalking or they would never catch prey. You're portraying them breathing heavy, roaring loudly and making a spectacle of themselves. All too Hollywooden.

@Unit8200-rl8ev - 23.07.2024 08:28

We should all be very proud that our earliest ancestors were rats.

@Unit8200-rl8ev - 23.07.2024 08:24

The thing I love about Paleontology is, there's no definite answer to the question of when we "became human".

@Unit8200-rl8ev - 23.07.2024 07:50

Perhaps the dinosaurs went extinct because the mammals ate all their eggs.

@Knudjensen54 - 22.07.2024 21:16

Dont beleive the lies,Evolution was made to get the priest off Our back,its only a theory,God put the animals and Us on Earth,dont beleive the lies,You are son and daughters of God...

@JohnKSedor - 21.07.2024 16:15

Another cartoon about evolution. Any word on the fossil record showing a sudden appearance of complex and fully formed life, which is locked in by DNA preventing migration of it's form?

@seanys - 21.07.2024 14:59

Is that Jeremy Irons?

@nigelworters3667 - 19.07.2024 21:34

29 minutes in the landscape is Kerosene Creek. A thermal river and waterfall west of Rotorua in New Zealand. Very popular with backpacking tourists and us locals😅

@Dr.Yalex103 - 18.07.2024 20:00

slice science… why are you making this video political?

American scientists, with Chinese background?????
Really /😂😮

@Dr.Yalex103 - 18.07.2024 19:52

what is absolutely brilliantly exciting to me is that soon these x-ray devices will be taken to the locations of archaeological finds… soon there will be no more digging blindly through millions of years of petrified deposits

@klokangeorge4005 - 18.07.2024 07:26

Best animation of A MAN preceders are the Otters.
Our *1 origin!
Before we were Platypus-like.
We are definitly bound with clear watter!
We are all STONE-past/redy to new alive.
But billions of US were more eaten, each other, then horrible amount of earth crust mass.
The earth alone is only ONE big mammal-egg, yolk with tiny dot: you will be
WILL BE (x-ray manage the shape)

@jonathaneffemey944 - 18.07.2024 05:37

Thanks for posting

@andrewstrongman305 - 17.07.2024 21:01

I found this very interesting, but I was a little disappointed when the otherwise realistic looking therapod was depicted with pronated wrists. We understood that therapods could not turn their wrists well before we found evidence of proto-feathers on them.

@KAZVorpal - 15.07.2024 18:39

The claims of the molecular clock people are fraudulent. Any competent statistician can tell you that these mutations do not happen like precise clockwork. These differences only add up to a vague estimate, that could be wrong by a factor of 2 to 1, easily.

@KAZVorpal - 15.07.2024 18:05

Thrinaxodons were not relatives of the reptile family.
Reptiles are all diapsids. Thrinaxodons were therapsids. They were as logistically separated from reptiles as modern mammals. No therapsids, nor synapsids, were ever even slightly reptile.
The last common ancestor of diapsids and synapsids was not a reptile of nor was any of its ancestors.

@ramiroequipilag1316 - 15.07.2024 10:03

the first mammal? how you going to brain wash people that you know the first mammal? it's while you was walking and founs a penny on the ground and claiming that penny was first created in that local area. geesh

@prschuster - 15.07.2024 04:49

The AI reconstructions really make these vids so much more interesting to watch.

@calamityjane5698 - 15.07.2024 01:17

How on earth can that still be SAND after all that time?!?

@RobertGotschall-y2f - 14.07.2024 19:15

I was told in class that they sifted through ant hills to find the teeth. They were described as either hairy lizards or scaley rats in the 70s. Egg-laying proto mammals.

@brewswillis9783 - 13.07.2024 05:47

Damn, lived in Beijing several years and didn't think to visit the NH Museum. Sad.

@zollen123 - 11.07.2024 21:57

I have eaten enough fried chicken to not feel sorry for dinosaurs.

@drips1030 - 11.07.2024 00:42

For one thing, i do not believe any of the timelines put to us about any prehistory. We just don't know. Nobody can guess how many millions, not even roughly. It's just not possible. It could all be younger than we are told, or older of course.
